100 Examples of sentences containing the noun "abbreviation"


An abbreviation is a shortened form of a word or phrase. It consists of a group of letters or sounds that represent a longer term, often used to simplify communication and save time. For example, "Dr." is an abbreviation for "Doctor," and "USA" is an abbreviation for "United States of America."


  • Shortening
  • Contraction
  • Acronym
  • Initialism
  • Abridgment


  • Expansion
  • Lengthening
  • Full form


  1. The abbreviation for "Doctor" is "Dr."
  2. She often uses the abbreviation "etc." in her notes.
  3. The abbreviation "NATO" stands for the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
  4. In texting, "LOL" has become a popular abbreviation.
  5. The abbreviation for "Saint" can be written as "St."
  6. An abbreviation can help to save space in written documents.
  7. The abbreviation "FYI" means "For Your Information."
  8. Some people prefer to use the abbreviation "ASAP" for "As Soon As Possible."
  9. The abbreviation "CEO" is commonly used in business contexts.
  10. You should always define an abbreviation at least once in a report.
  11. The abbreviation "ATM" stands for Automated Teller Machine.
  12. Can you explain the abbreviation "RSVP" to me?
  13. The abbreviation "BFF" is often used among friends.
  14. The abbreviation for "miles per hour" is "mph."
  15. Many scientific terms have a standard abbreviation for ease of use.
  16. The abbreviation "i.e." is used to clarify a statement.
  17. The abbreviation "e.g." is often used in lists.
  18. In formal writing, avoid using too many abbreviations.
  19. An abbreviation can change based on regional language usage.
  20. The abbreviation for "etcetera" is "etc."
  21. An abbreviation like "TV" is widely recognized.
  22. The abbreviation "FAQ" stands for Frequently Asked Questions.
  23. In chemistry, H2O is the abbreviation for water.
  24. The abbreviation "P.S." is used to add a postscript to letters.
  25. Understanding the abbreviation "HTML" is essential for web design.
  26. The abbreviation "PhD" refers to a Doctor of Philosophy degree.
  27. An abbreviation can be a single letter or a combination of letters.
  28. The abbreviation "GPA" is used in academic settings.
  29. The abbreviation "R&D" stands for Research and Development.
  30. The abbreviation "UV" is commonly used in discussions about sunlight.
  31. It’s crucial to check the meaning of an abbreviation before using it.
  32. The abbreviation "C.E.O." can be used in professional profiles.
  33. The abbreviation "E.U." refers to the European Union.
  34. The abbreviation "P.O." stands for Post Office.
  35. The abbreviation "S.O.S." is recognized as a distress signal.
  36. Many tech companies use the abbreviation "IT" for Information Technology.
  37. The abbreviation "B.C." refers to "Before Christ."
  38. The abbreviation "A.D." means "Anno Domini."
  39. An abbreviation can sometimes lead to confusion.
  40. The abbreviation "R.S.V.P." is frequently seen in invitations.
  41. The abbreviation "M.D." stands for Doctor of Medicine.
  42. The abbreviation "Jr." denotes a junior version of a name.
  43. The abbreviation "Sr." indicates a senior version of a name.
  44. The abbreviation "LTD" is commonly used in business names.
  45. The abbreviation "Q&A" stands for Questions and Answers.
  46. The abbreviation "TBD" means To Be Determined.
  47. There are various forms of abbreviation in technical writing.
  48. The abbreviation "D.I.Y." means Do It Yourself.
  49. The abbreviation "B.S." refers to Bachelor of Science.
  50. The abbreviation "M.A." is for Master of Arts.
  51. The abbreviation "C.O.D." stands for Cash On Delivery.
  52. The abbreviation "U.S." refers to the United States.
  53. The abbreviation "R.S.V.P." is derived from French.
  54. In the medical field, "Rx" is a common abbreviation for prescription.
  55. The abbreviation "A.S.A.P." is often used in urgent requests.
  56. The abbreviation "K.O." is used in sports to mean Knock Out.
  57. The abbreviation "C.V." stands for Curriculum Vitae.
  58. The abbreviation "B.A." refers to Bachelor of Arts.
  59. The abbreviation "N/A" means Not Applicable.
  60. The abbreviation "XOXO" represents hugs and kisses.
  61. The abbreviation "L.O.L." is used in texting to mean Laughing Out Loud.
  62. The abbreviation "ETA" stands for Estimated Time of Arrival.
  63. The abbreviation "D.O." denotes Doctor of Osteopathy.
  64. The abbreviation "V.I.P." refers to Very Important Person.
  65. The abbreviation "U.K." stands for the United Kingdom.
  66. The abbreviation "F.A.Q." is a commonly found section on websites.
  67. The abbreviation "P.A." stands for Public Address or Physician Assistant.
  68. Using the correct abbreviation can enhance clarity in writing.
  69. The abbreviation "S.W.A.T." stands for Special Weapons and Tactics.
  70. The abbreviation "C.E." refers to Common Era.
  71. The abbreviation "S.O." is used to refer to Significant Other.
  72. The abbreviation "A/C" refers to Air Conditioning.
  73. The abbreviation "R.O.I." stands for Return on Investment.
  74. The abbreviation "T.B.D." is often used in project planning.
  75. The abbreviation "I.D." stands for Identification.
  76. The abbreviation "F.B.I." is the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
  77. The abbreviation "K.G." stands for kindergarten.
  78. The abbreviation "N.B." means Nota Bene, or "note well."
  79. The abbreviation "S.O.P." stands for Standard Operating Procedure.
  80. The abbreviation "M.O." indicates Method of Operation.
  81. The abbreviation "L.T.D." stands for Limited.
  82. The abbreviation "Q.E.D." is used in mathematics to mean "quod erat demonstrandum."
  83. The abbreviation "T.M." refers to Trademark.
  84. The abbreviation "B.O." stands for Body Odor.
  85. The abbreviation "A.M." means Ante Meridiem, or before noon.
  86. The abbreviation "P.M." means Post Meridiem, or after noon.
  87. The abbreviation "C.O." stands for Commanding Officer.
  88. The abbreviation "D.N.A." refers to Deoxyribonucleic Acid.
  89. The abbreviation "S.A.E." stands for Society of Automotive Engineers.
  90. The abbreviation "P.T." means Physical Therapy or Physical Therapist.
  91. The abbreviation "C.P.A." stands for Certified Public Accountant.
  92. The abbreviation "I.Q." is a measure of Intelligence Quotient.
  93. The abbreviation "H.R." stands for Human Resources.
  94. The abbreviation "R.O.T.C." is Reserve Officers' Training Corps.
  95. The abbreviation "A.C.T." refers to a standardized test for college admissions.
  96. The abbreviation "T.H.C." stands for Tetrahydrocannabinol.
  97. The abbreviation "E.S.P." means Extra Sensory Perception.
  98. The abbreviation "M.B.A." refers to Master of Business Administration.
  99. The abbreviation "N.P." stands for Nurse Practitioner.
  100. The abbreviation "C.E.O." is often seen in job titles.