100 Examples of sentences containing the noun "abbreviation"
An abbreviation is a shortened form of a word or phrase. It consists of a group of letters or sounds that represent a longer term, often used to simplify communication and save time. For example, "Dr." is an abbreviation for "Doctor," and "USA" is an abbreviation for "United States of America."
- Shortening
- Contraction
- Acronym
- Initialism
- Abridgment
- Expansion
- Lengthening
- Full form
- The abbreviation for "Doctor" is "Dr."
- She often uses the abbreviation "etc." in her notes.
- The abbreviation "NATO" stands for the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
- In texting, "LOL" has become a popular abbreviation.
- The abbreviation for "Saint" can be written as "St."
- An abbreviation can help to save space in written documents.
- The abbreviation "FYI" means "For Your Information."
- Some people prefer to use the abbreviation "ASAP" for "As Soon As Possible."
- The abbreviation "CEO" is commonly used in business contexts.
- You should always define an abbreviation at least once in a report.
- The abbreviation "ATM" stands for Automated Teller Machine.
- Can you explain the abbreviation "RSVP" to me?
- The abbreviation "BFF" is often used among friends.
- The abbreviation for "miles per hour" is "mph."
- Many scientific terms have a standard abbreviation for ease of use.
- The abbreviation "i.e." is used to clarify a statement.
- The abbreviation "e.g." is often used in lists.
- In formal writing, avoid using too many abbreviations.
- An abbreviation can change based on regional language usage.
- The abbreviation for "etcetera" is "etc."
- An abbreviation like "TV" is widely recognized.
- The abbreviation "FAQ" stands for Frequently Asked Questions.
- In chemistry, H2O is the abbreviation for water.
- The abbreviation "P.S." is used to add a postscript to letters.
- Understanding the abbreviation "HTML" is essential for web design.
- The abbreviation "PhD" refers to a Doctor of Philosophy degree.
- An abbreviation can be a single letter or a combination of letters.
- The abbreviation "GPA" is used in academic settings.
- The abbreviation "R&D" stands for Research and Development.
- The abbreviation "UV" is commonly used in discussions about sunlight.
- It’s crucial to check the meaning of an abbreviation before using it.
- The abbreviation "C.E.O." can be used in professional profiles.
- The abbreviation "E.U." refers to the European Union.
- The abbreviation "P.O." stands for Post Office.
- The abbreviation "S.O.S." is recognized as a distress signal.
- Many tech companies use the abbreviation "IT" for Information Technology.
- The abbreviation "B.C." refers to "Before Christ."
- The abbreviation "A.D." means "Anno Domini."
- An abbreviation can sometimes lead to confusion.
- The abbreviation "R.S.V.P." is frequently seen in invitations.
- The abbreviation "M.D." stands for Doctor of Medicine.
- The abbreviation "Jr." denotes a junior version of a name.
- The abbreviation "Sr." indicates a senior version of a name.
- The abbreviation "LTD" is commonly used in business names.
- The abbreviation "Q&A" stands for Questions and Answers.
- The abbreviation "TBD" means To Be Determined.
- There are various forms of abbreviation in technical writing.
- The abbreviation "D.I.Y." means Do It Yourself.
- The abbreviation "B.S." refers to Bachelor of Science.
- The abbreviation "M.A." is for Master of Arts.
- The abbreviation "C.O.D." stands for Cash On Delivery.
- The abbreviation "U.S." refers to the United States.
- The abbreviation "R.S.V.P." is derived from French.
- In the medical field, "Rx" is a common abbreviation for prescription.
- The abbreviation "A.S.A.P." is often used in urgent requests.
- The abbreviation "K.O." is used in sports to mean Knock Out.
- The abbreviation "C.V." stands for Curriculum Vitae.
- The abbreviation "B.A." refers to Bachelor of Arts.
- The abbreviation "N/A" means Not Applicable.
- The abbreviation "XOXO" represents hugs and kisses.
- The abbreviation "L.O.L." is used in texting to mean Laughing Out Loud.
- The abbreviation "ETA" stands for Estimated Time of Arrival.
- The abbreviation "D.O." denotes Doctor of Osteopathy.
- The abbreviation "V.I.P." refers to Very Important Person.
- The abbreviation "U.K." stands for the United Kingdom.
- The abbreviation "F.A.Q." is a commonly found section on websites.
- The abbreviation "P.A." stands for Public Address or Physician Assistant.
- Using the correct abbreviation can enhance clarity in writing.
- The abbreviation "S.W.A.T." stands for Special Weapons and Tactics.
- The abbreviation "C.E." refers to Common Era.
- The abbreviation "S.O." is used to refer to Significant Other.
- The abbreviation "A/C" refers to Air Conditioning.
- The abbreviation "R.O.I." stands for Return on Investment.
- The abbreviation "T.B.D." is often used in project planning.
- The abbreviation "I.D." stands for Identification.
- The abbreviation "F.B.I." is the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
- The abbreviation "K.G." stands for kindergarten.
- The abbreviation "N.B." means Nota Bene, or "note well."
- The abbreviation "S.O.P." stands for Standard Operating Procedure.
- The abbreviation "M.O." indicates Method of Operation.
- The abbreviation "L.T.D." stands for Limited.
- The abbreviation "Q.E.D." is used in mathematics to mean "quod erat demonstrandum."
- The abbreviation "T.M." refers to Trademark.
- The abbreviation "B.O." stands for Body Odor.
- The abbreviation "A.M." means Ante Meridiem, or before noon.
- The abbreviation "P.M." means Post Meridiem, or after noon.
- The abbreviation "C.O." stands for Commanding Officer.
- The abbreviation "D.N.A." refers to Deoxyribonucleic Acid.
- The abbreviation "S.A.E." stands for Society of Automotive Engineers.
- The abbreviation "P.T." means Physical Therapy or Physical Therapist.
- The abbreviation "C.P.A." stands for Certified Public Accountant.
- The abbreviation "I.Q." is a measure of Intelligence Quotient.
- The abbreviation "H.R." stands for Human Resources.
- The abbreviation "R.O.T.C." is Reserve Officers' Training Corps.
- The abbreviation "A.C.T." refers to a standardized test for college admissions.
- The abbreviation "T.H.C." stands for Tetrahydrocannabinol.
- The abbreviation "E.S.P." means Extra Sensory Perception.
- The abbreviation "M.B.A." refers to Master of Business Administration.
- The abbreviation "N.P." stands for Nurse Practitioner.
- The abbreviation "C.E.O." is often seen in job titles.