100 Examples of sentences containing the noun "absolute"


Absolute (noun): A concept or principle that is universally valid, unconditional, or not dependent on anything else. It often refers to a state of perfection or an ultimate standard in various contexts, such as philosophy, mathematics, or ethics.


  • Entirety
  • Totality
  • Completeness
  • Perfection
  • Unconditionality
  • Certainty
  • Ultimate
  • Principle


  • Relative
  • Conditional
  • Incomplete
  • Imperfection
  • Uncertainty
  • Ambiguity


  1. The concept of an absolute truth is often debated among philosophers.
  2. She believed in the absolute necessity of honesty in relationships.
  3. The absolute** power of the ruler was challenged by the people.
  4. To achieve an absolute state of tranquility is rare.
  5. The artist sought to capture the absolute beauty of nature.
  6. In mathematics, an absolute value indicates the distance from zero.
  7. The absolute silence in the library was comforting.
  8. There is an absolute difference between right and wrong.
  9. The absolute temperature scale starts at absolute zero.
  10. His claim to an absolute knowledge of the subject was questioned.
  11. She demanded an absolute guarantee for her investment.
  12. The absolute darkness of the cave made it hard to see.
  13. The theory proposed an absolute framework for understanding physics.
  14. The need for an absolute answer can sometimes hinder progress.
  15. The absolute nature of the law must be respected.
  16. Critics argue against the absolute interpretation of the text.
  17. Can there be an absolute standard for beauty?
  18. The absolute joy of the moment was overwhelming.
  19. In ethics, the idea of an absolute moral code is contentious.
  20. The absolute reliability of this machine is crucial for the project.
  21. They reached an absolute consensus on the issue.
  22. The absolute magnitude of the star was calculated by astronomers.
  23. He experienced an absolute sense of freedom while traveling.
  24. The absolute magnitude of the situation was not lost on her.
  25. They sought absolute clarity in their communication.
  26. The absolute finality of the decision left no room for debate.
  27. Her absolute confidence inspired those around her.
  28. The absolute minimum required for the project is five hours.
  29. He enjoyed the absolute thrill of the roller coaster ride.
  30. The absolute best way to learn is through practice.
  31. The absolute limit of the budget was exceeded.
  32. The absolute necessity of the task was clear to everyone.
  33. The absolute calm of the lake was mesmerizing.
  34. There is an absolute need for safety regulations in the workplace.
  35. Their absolute commitment to the cause impressed many.
  36. The absolute truth can sometimes be subjective.
  37. The absolute beauty of the landscape took her breath away.
  38. The team reached an absolute conclusion after much deliberation.
  39. The absolute essence of her art was in its authenticity.
  40. He felt an absolute connection to the music.
  41. The absolute frequency of the wave was measured accurately.
  42. The absolute correctness of the formula was confirmed.
  43. Her absolute determination to succeed was inspiring.
  44. They were searching for an absolute solution to the problem.
  45. The absolute power of nature can be both beautiful and terrifying.
  46. The absolute joy of the holiday season brings people together.
  47. The absolute authority of the judge was unquestioned.
  48. Each participant had an absolute right to voice their opinion.
  49. The absolute requirement for the job is a degree.
  50. The absolute clarity of the instructions helped everyone understand.
  51. He demanded absolute loyalty from his team.
  52. The absolute maximum capacity of the venue was reached.
  53. The absolute truth of the statement was hard to accept.
  54. The absolute necessity of the meeting was emphasized.
  55. The absolute efficiency of the process was remarkable.
  56. The absolute beauty of the sunset was breathtaking.
  57. They sought an absolute resolution to the conflict.
  58. The absolute absence of noise was unsettling.
  59. The absolute focus on the task at hand improved productivity.
  60. She valued absolute integrity in her colleagues.
  61. The absolute magnitude of the earthquake was measured at 7.0.
  62. He expressed his absolute certainty about the outcome.
  63. The absolute nature of the law can sometimes lead to injustice.
  64. The absolute delight in her child's achievements was evident.
  65. The absolute silence during the performance was captivating.
  66. The absolute importance of the study cannot be overstated.
  67. They required absolute adherence to the guidelines.
  68. The absolute rarity of the artifact made it valuable.
  69. The absolute necessity for change was clear to everyone.
  70. The absolute essence of the culture was reflected in the art.
  71. The absolute purity of the water was a selling point.
  72. His absolute conviction in his beliefs was admirable.
  73. The absolute requirement for the course is prior experience.
  74. The absolute thrill of the competition fueled their motivation.
  75. The absolute commitment to sustainability was evident in their practices.
  76. The absolute darkness of the night sky revealed countless stars.
  77. The absolute importance of teamwork was highlighted in the project.
  78. The absolute necessity of the law was clear to the citizens.
  79. The absolute understanding of the material led to high scores.
  80. The absolute beauty of the flower garden was stunning.
  81. The absolute control over the situation gave him confidence.
  82. They sought absolute transparency in the negotiations.
  83. The absolute strength of the argument was compelling.
  84. The absolute focus on results drove the team forward.
  85. The absolute nature of time is a philosophical question.
  86. The absolute joy of childhood is often fleeting.
  87. The absolute limits of the contract were clearly defined.
  88. The absolute value of the investment was significant.
  89. The absolute necessity of education cannot be ignored.
  90. The absolute nature of the challenge was daunting.
  91. His absolute belief in her abilities encouraged her.
  92. The absolute stillness of the forest was peaceful.
  93. The absolute nature of the evidence was compelling.
  94. They demanded absolute fairness in the competition.
  95. The absolute brilliance of the performance left everyone in awe.
  96. The absolute dedication of the volunteers was commendable.
  97. The absolute beauty of the artwork took center stage.
  98. The absolute requirement for success is hard work.
  99. The absolute trust in their partnership was important.
  100. The absolute level of expertise required for the job was high.