100 Examples of sentences containing the noun "acclamations"
Acclamations refers to enthusiastic and public expressions of approval, praise, or applause. It can also denote a loud and enthusiastic shout of approval or joy, often used in formal contexts such as ceremonies or public gatherings.
- Applause
- Cheers
- Shouts
- Ovation
- Approval
- Praise
- Commendation
- Acclaim
- Celebration
- Exultation
- Disapproval
- Criticism
- Condemnation
- Denunciation
- Reproach
- Censure
- Discontent
- Dissatisfaction
- Silence
- Muteness
- The crowd acclamations were deafening after the performance.
- He received many acclamations for his outstanding work in the community.
- The award ceremony was filled with joyful acclamations.
- The politician was met with loud acclamations from the audience.
- After the announcement, the room erupted in acclamations of joy.
- The artist basked in the acclamations of his fans.
- Her speech was followed by enthusiastic acclamations from the audience.
- The team celebrated their victory with great acclamations.
- The festival was marked by joyful acclamations from the participants.
- His achievements were met with widespread acclamations across social media.
- The students showed their acclamations for the teacher's efforts.
- The concert ended with thunderous acclamations from the crowd.
- The king was greeted with royal acclamations upon his return.
- The film’s premiere was filled with acclamations from the critics.
- The athletes were honored with loud acclamations for their hard work.
- During the parade, the crowd offered continuous acclamations to the floats.
- The graduation ceremony was a time for proud acclamations.
- The community gathered to give their acclamations to the local heroes.
- Even the critics had to admit the performance deserved acclamations.
- The event concluded with heartfelt acclamations for the organizers.
- He was overwhelmed by the acclamations that followed his presentation.
- The audience's acclamations echoed through the hall.
- The award winner stood in awe of the acclamations from the crowd.
- His innovative ideas were met with enthusiastic acclamations.
- The gala was filled with acclamations for the charity's efforts.
- The crowd's acclamations motivated the performers to give their best.
- After the debate, the candidates received acclamations from their supporters.
- The unveiling of the statue was met with widespread acclamations.
- The poet was celebrated with acclamations at the literary festival.
- The audience gave a standing ovation and loud acclamations.
- The community came together for a night of acclamations and celebration.
- The historic speech was followed by enthusiastic acclamations.
- She smiled at the acclamations of her fans.
- The team’s victory sparked joyous acclamations throughout the city.
- The festival featured music, dancing, and lots of acclamations.
- The launch event was a success, filled with positive acclamations.
- The journalist reported on the acclamations of the rally attendees.
- The anniversary celebration was filled with heartfelt acclamations.
- The new product release received significant acclamations from consumers.
- His groundbreaking research drew acclamations from the scientific community.
- The charity event was marked by generous acclamations from attendees.
- The team was honored with acclamations for their dedication.
- The play concluded with loud acclamations from the audience.
- The launch of the new initiative was met with community acclamations.
- The awards night was filled with emotional acclamations.
- The artist's work was celebrated with great acclamations at the gallery.
- The public's acclamations were a testament to her hard work.
- The crowd's acclamations filled the air with excitement.
- The athlete basked in the acclamations of the enthusiastic fans.
- Each performance was met with loud acclamations and cheers.
- The coach praised the players for their effort, resulting in loud acclamations.
- The event was a night of joy, laughter, and acclamations.
- The city celebrated its heritage with parades and acclamations.
- He was honored with acclamations from his peers during the ceremony.
- The audience erupted in acclamations at the end of the concert.
- Her contributions to the project were met with enthusiastic acclamations.
- The dignitaries received acclamations for their service to the community.
- The film’s director was overwhelmed by the acclamations from fans.
- The historic event was punctuated by loud acclamations.
- The unveiling of the mural was celebrated with community acclamations.
- The festival was a night filled with music, dance, and acclamations.
- The new policy was met with mixed acclamations from the public.
- Her bravery earned her acclamations from her fellow soldiers.
- The competition ended with the winner receiving loud acclamations.
- The crowd joined together in acclamations of support.
- The charity auction was filled with enthusiastic acclamations.
- The community's acclamations were a source of pride for the organizers.
- The athlete's record-breaking performance drew significant acclamations.
- The historical reenactment ended with hearty acclamations from spectators.
- The conference highlighted important issues, earning acclamations from attendees.
- The team celebrated their hard work with joyous acclamations.
- The event was a resounding success, marked by continuous acclamations.
- The volunteers were met with acclamations for their dedication.
- The performance was so moving that it drew tears and acclamations.
- The community gathered to give their heartfelt acclamations.
- The artist's exhibit was a hit, bringing forth loud acclamations.
- The victory parade included cheers and acclamations from fans.
- The graduation ceremony ended with joyful acclamations for the graduates.
- The festival featured many activities, all met with acclamations.
- The speaker's words resonated, leading to resounding acclamations.
- The charity's mission was met with public acclamations.
- The rally concluded with overwhelming acclamations for change.
- The veterans were honored with loud acclamations during the ceremony.
- The concert's final number was met with thunderous acclamations.
- The keynote address earned the speaker strong acclamations.
- The organization was recognized with acclamations for its service.
- The students' performance was celebrated with enthusiastic acclamations.
- The new policy proposal received mixed acclamations from stakeholders.
- The crowd showed their appreciation with loud acclamations.
- The unveiling of the new monument was met with respectful acclamations.
- The teacher received acclamations from students for her dedication.
- The event was marked by emotional acclamations from the audience.
- The local band was greeted with acclamations at the festival.
- The public's acclamations were a testament to the event's success.
- The scientist's discovery drew acclamations from her peers.
- The celebration ended with a night of music and acclamations.
- The parade featured floats that earned continuous acclamations.
- The athlete's comeback was met with loud acclamations from fans.
- The theater production concluded with rapturous acclamations.
- The award ceremony was a night of joy and heartfelt acclamations.