100 Examples of sentences containing the noun "accuracies"


"Accuracies" is the plural form of the noun "accuracy." It refers to the state or quality of being correct, precise, or true in terms of measurement, information, or performance. In various contexts, it can denote the degree of correctness in data, results, or action.


  • Precision
  • Correctness
  • Exactness
  • Truthfulness
  • Fidelity
  • Validity
  • Authenticity


  • Inaccuracy
  • Error
  • Mistake
  • Falsehood
  • Deviation
  • Impracticality
  • Uncertainty


  1. The scientist measured the accuracies of the experimental data.
  2. We need to assess the accuracies of the new software program.
  3. The report highlighted the accuracies found during the analysis.
  4. Different instruments can yield varying accuracies in measurement.
  5. Maintaining high accuracies is crucial in scientific research.
  6. The accuracies of the survey results were questioned by experts.
  7. It is essential to verify the accuracies of the financial statements.
  8. The accuracies of the weather predictions have improved over the years.
  9. The engineer emphasized the importance of accuracies in the design process.
  10. Discrepancies in the accuracies of the data raised red flags.
  11. The accuracies of the GPS technology have revolutionized navigation.
  12. We strive for high accuracies in our testing protocols.
  13. The study compared the accuracies of different measurement techniques.
  14. The committee discussed the accuracies required for the project.
  15. The accuracies of the machine's readings were found to be reliable.
  16. Our goal is to improve the accuracies of our predictive models.
  17. The article critiqued the accuracies of previous research findings.
  18. The accuracies in the report were supported by extensive data.
  19. Evaluating the accuracies of various methodologies is vital.
  20. The accuracies needed for this task are quite stringent.
  21. We will analyze the accuracies of all submitted papers.
  22. The team focused on achieving higher accuracies in their tests.
  23. Variations in accuracies can lead to significant consequences.
  24. The researchers published their findings on the accuracies of the tests.
  25. The accuracies of the claims made by the company were disputed.
  26. We must ensure the accuracies of our calculations before proceeding.
  27. The accuracies in the study were validated through peer review.
  28. Improving the accuracies of our results is an ongoing challenge.
  29. The accuracies of the models were tested against real-world data.
  30. The accuracies of the historical documents were verified by experts.
  31. The accuracies of the translations were put to the test.
  32. We are committed to maintaining high accuracies in our reporting.
  33. The accuracies of the trial outcomes were closely monitored.
  34. Diverse factors can affect the accuracies in laboratory results.
  35. The accuracies of different sources were cross-referenced.
  36. The emphasis on accuracies in engineering is paramount.
  37. The accuracies of the data entries were audited regularly.
  38. The study highlighted the need for improved accuracies in measurements.
  39. The accuracies achieved in this project surpassed expectations.
  40. We conducted a review of the accuracies in our data collection methods.
  41. The accuracies of the satellite imagery were impressive.
  42. Variations in accuracies can complicate the interpretation of results.
  43. The accuracies of the information presented were critical to the case.
  44. The focus on high accuracies can sometimes lead to over-engineering.
  45. The accuracies of the automated systems were continuously evaluated.
  46. The accuracies in the algorithm were essential for its effectiveness.
  47. We discussed the accuracies of different research approaches.
  48. The accuracies of historical accounts can often be misleading.
  49. The new software improved the accuracies of data analysis significantly.
  50. The report examined the accuracies of various statistical methods.
  51. The accuracies of the diagnostic tests were a key concern.
  52. Discrepancies in accuracies can lead to misinterpretations.
  53. We aim to enhance the accuracies of our forecasting models.
  54. The accuracies in the experiment were meticulously recorded.
  55. The accuracies of the clinical trials were published in a journal.
  56. The accuracies in reporting can influence public perception.
  57. The accuracies of the measurements were confirmed by a second party.
  58. We are evaluating the accuracies of the new method against the old.
  59. The accuracies achieved in the project set a new standard.
  60. The accuracies of the financial projections were scrutinized.
  61. The accuracies of the inventory counts were verified weekly.
  62. The accuracies of the environmental assessments were crucial.
  63. We need to ensure the accuracies of our safety protocols.
  64. The accuracies in the data were compromised by human error.
  65. The accuracies of the signals were enhanced through calibration.
  66. The accuracies of the historical data are often debated.
  67. The research highlighted the accuracies of different testing methods.
  68. We must prioritize the accuracies of our product specifications.
  69. The accuracies of the demographic data were analyzed for trends.
  70. The accuracies in the research findings were well-documented.
  71. The accuracies of the survey were affected by question bias.
  72. The accuracies of the results were presented at the conference.
  73. We are striving to improve the accuracies of our online tools.
  74. The accuracies of the input data can significantly impact results.
  75. The accuracies achieved in the last quarter were commendable.
  76. The accuracies of the reports were challenged by stakeholders.
  77. The accuracies in the predictions were closely monitored.
  78. The accuracies of the test results were reported in detail.
  79. We are committed to enhancing the accuracies of our systems.
  80. The accuracies of the results were consistent across trials.
  81. The accuracies of various studies were compared in the review.
  82. We must consider the accuracies of all available data.
  83. The accuracies in the project documentation were critical for success.
  84. The accuracies of the data collection process were evaluated.
  85. The accuracies of the software algorithms were tested thoroughly.
  86. The accuracies in the model predictions were impressive.
  87. The accuracies of the findings were corroborated by additional research.
  88. The accuracies of the health assessments were carefully documented.
  89. The accuracies of the financial models were validated by experts.
  90. The accuracies of the operational procedures were reviewed regularly.
  91. The accuracies in the project timeline were a point of discussion.
  92. The accuracies in the construction measurements were critical.
  93. The accuracies of the metrics were improved through recalibration.
  94. The accuracies of the environmental data were reported annually.
  95. The accuracies of the educational assessments were analyzed.
  96. The accuracies in the research methodology were transparent.
  97. The accuracies of the new techniques were proven effective.
  98. We are focused on maximizing the accuracies in our analysis.
  99. The accuracies of the reported outcomes were scrutinized.
  100. Our team is dedicated to ensuring high accuracies in all projects.