100 Examples of sentences containing the noun "astrolabe"


An astrolabe is an ancient astronomical instrument used for solving problems related to time and the position of the stars, planets, and other celestial bodies. It allows users to measure the altitude of celestial objects, determine latitude and longitude, and assist in navigation.


  • Celestial sphere
  • Navigational device
  • Astronomical instrument
  • Sun compass


  • None (as "astrolabe" refers to a specific instrument)


  1. The sailor astrolabe to navigate the open sea.
  2. Ancient astronomers astrolabe to chart the stars.
  3. He will astrolabe the position of the sun at noon.
  4. The explorer used his astrolabe to astrolabe the latitude of the new territory.
  5. During the lecture, the professor emphasized how to astrolabe celestial movements.
  6. She learned to astrolabe the night sky with her astrolabe.
  7. The students had to astrolabe the angles in their astronomy project.
  8. In ancient times, navigators would astrolabe before embarking on their journeys.
  9. The astrolabe allows astronomers to astrolabe the stars accurately.
  10. He decided to astrolabe the historical significance of the astrolabe in navigation.
  11. The historian astrolabe how sailors relied on this instrument.
  12. To determine the time, you would astrolabe the sun's position.
  13. The archaeologist discovered an ancient astrolabe and decided to astrolabe its use.
  14. She was trained to astrolabe celestial events during her course.
  15. The workshop taught participants how to astrolabe using traditional methods.
  16. He would often astrolabe the stars while camping in the mountains.
  17. The astrolabe provided him with the tools to astrolabe the sky.
  18. They needed to astrolabe the coordinates for their expedition.
  19. The book explains how to astrolabe various celestial phenomena.
  20. The scientific community was excited to astrolabe the findings related to the astrolabe.
  21. During the night, she would astrolabe the constellations.
  22. The lecture included a demonstration on how to astrolabe with an ancient device.
  23. He tried to astrolabe the height of the mountain using the astrolabe.
  24. The team decided to astrolabe their data before presenting it.
  25. She learned to astrolabe the position of planets in her astronomy class.
  26. The old astrolabe in the museum sparked his interest to astrolabe more about history.
  27. It is crucial to astrolabe accurately for successful navigation.
  28. They wanted to astrolabe the ancient texts that referenced the astrolabe.
  29. The students were excited to astrolabe the night sky during the field trip.
  30. He would often astrolabe the stars from his backyard.
  31. The ancient mariners had to astrolabe each night to find their way.
  32. The museum exhibit showcased how the astrolabe was used to astrolabe time.
  33. She learned to astrolabe the stars using a smartphone app.
  34. The professor demonstrated how to astrolabe with just a few simple tools.
  35. He felt compelled to astrolabe the historical significance of navigation.
  36. The expedition required them to astrolabe the southern hemisphere's stars.
  37. They used the astrolabe to astrolabe the time of sunset.
  38. His goal was to astrolabe the celestial navigation techniques of ancient cultures.
  39. She aimed to astrolabe the constellations for her astronomy project.
  40. The team had to astrolabe their route before setting out.
  41. The ancient texts explained how to astrolabe celestial bodies.
  42. He loved to astrolabe the skies during the summer nights.
  43. The students were eager to astrolabe the astrolabe during their field trip.
  44. It took years to astrolabe the astrolabe's design and use.
  45. They would often astrolabe the moon's phases for their study.
  46. The workshop focused on how to astrolabe using both modern and ancient techniques.
  47. He learned to astrolabe the sun's position to tell time.
  48. The astronomer wanted to astrolabe the distance to the stars.
  49. It was essential to astrolabe the altitude during the expedition.
  50. She decided to astrolabe the technique used by the ancient Greeks.
  51. They planned to astrolabe their findings for the presentation.
  52. The ancient navigators would astrolabe every night to ensure their path.
  53. He was fascinated by how the astrolabe could accurately astrolabe celestial positions.
  54. The research team was tasked to astrolabe the historical context of the astrolabe.
  55. The students practiced how to astrolabe using a replica.
  56. The astrolabe allowed him to astrolabe the stars with precision.
  57. They needed to astrolabe the list of constellations for their project.
  58. The historian could astrolabe the significance of navigation in ancient times.
  59. The workshop required participants to astrolabe various celestial events.
  60. He wanted to astrolabe the myths surrounding the astrolabe's invention.
  61. To understand the astrolabe, one must first astrolabe its components.
  62. The students were asked to astrolabe the stars using their astrolabes.
  63. They could astrolabe the height of the building using the instrument.
  64. She learned to astrolabe using various ancient tools.
  65. The discussion focused on how to astrolabe astronomical distances.
  66. He attempted to astrolabe the altitudes of different celestial bodies.
  67. The ancient Greeks were among the first to astrolabe the stars systematically.
  68. He was excited to astrolabe the constellations during the summer camp.
  69. The lecture encouraged students to astrolabe various celestial observations.
  70. They wanted to astrolabe the cultural impacts of astrolabe use.
  71. She decided to astrolabe the changes in celestial navigation over time.
  72. The workshop on the astrolabe taught them how to astrolabe the night sky.
  73. They often astrolabe the sun's position to understand timekeeping.
  74. The astrolabe was essential to astrolabe accurately in navigation.
  75. He hoped to astrolabe the principles of celestial mechanics.
  76. The team aimed to astrolabe their findings with the community.
  77. He would frequently astrolabe the stars while hiking.
  78. The community gathered to learn how to astrolabe the night sky.
  79. She decided to astrolabe the history of navigation for her thesis.
  80. They used the astrolabe to astrolabe the horizon at dawn.
  81. The lecture series included how to astrolabe the seasonal changes in the sky.
  82. He found joy in astrolabe the beauty of the universe.
  83. The students were eager to astrolabe the concepts behind the astrolabe.
  84. They had to astrolabe their research before the deadline.
  85. The ancient astrolabe allowed mariners to astrolabe their position at sea.
  86. He expressed a desire to astrolabe the navigation techniques of the past.
  87. The team decided to astrolabe their discoveries at the conference.
  88. He could astrolabe the stars better than anyone he knew.
  89. The guide explained how to astrolabe the night sky effectively.
  90. She was determined to astrolabe the ancient navigational methods.
  91. The museum exhibit showcased how to astrolabe using ancient tools.
  92. They used the astrolabe to astrolabe their position during the storm.
  93. He planned to astrolabe the significance of the astrolabe in modern times.
  94. The students learned to astrolabe the stars during their summer camp.
  95. She would often astrolabe her surroundings to enhance her navigation skills.
  96. He was thrilled to astrolabe the stars for the first time.
  97. The research required them to astrolabe various historical texts.
  98. They were taught to astrolabe the celestial coordinate system.
  99. She chose to astrolabe the mathematical principles behind the astrolabe.
  100. They needed to astrolabe their route before heading out on the expedition.