100 Examples of sentences containing the noun "attachment"


The term "attachment" as a common noun refers to a strong emotional bond or connection to a person, object, or idea. It can also denote the act of fastening or joining one thing to another, as well as a supplementary document or file sent with an email.

  1. Emotional Bond: A feeling of affection or loyalty towards someone or something.
  2. Physical Connection: The act of connecting or joining one object to another.
  3. Supplementary Document: An additional file or document included with a primary document, often in electronic communication.


  • Connection
  • Bond
  • Link
  • Affection
  • Fastening
  • Addition
  • Appendage
  • Supplement


  • Detachment
  • Separation
  • Disconnection
  • Estrangement
  • Disassociation


  1. I felt a strong attachment to my childhood home.
  2. The attachment of the safety harness was crucial for the climb.
  3. Please find the attachment included with my email.
  4. She had a deep emotional attachment to her grandmother.
  5. His attachment to his favorite book was evident.
  6. The attachment of the new software will enhance performance.
  7. There was a noticeable attachment between the mother and her baby.
  8. The attachment of the report is necessary for review.
  9. They formed a close attachment over the years.
  10. The attachment of the document failed to send.
  11. His attachment to the project motivated him to work late.
  12. The attachment of the two pieces created a sturdy structure.
  13. She expressed her attachment to the community through her volunteer work.
  14. The attachment to her old toys was hard to break.
  15. The email included an attachment with the details.
  16. The attachment of the new wheels improved the car’s performance.
  17. He felt a sense of attachment when he visited his old school.
  18. The attachment of the leash to the collar was secure.
  19. I found an old attachment in my inbox.
  20. Their emotional attachment grew stronger with time.
  21. The attachment of the new feature improved user experience.
  22. She struggled with the attachment she had to her past.
  23. The attachment of the fabric was seamless.
  24. The attachment of the two organizations created a powerful alliance.
  25. His attachment to the team was evident in his loyalty.
  26. The attachment of the file was corrupted.
  27. The couple's attachment was evident in their interactions.
  28. The attachment of the clip was loose.
  29. She couldn't let go of her emotional attachment to the place.
  30. The attachment included several important files.
  31. His attachment to the cause drove him to activism.
  32. The attachment of the new policy will take effect next month.
  33. They discussed the attachment they felt for their hometown.
  34. The attachment was missing from the application.
  35. Her attachment to the dog was heartwarming.
  36. The attachment of the new module made the system more efficient.
  37. His emotional attachment to the project was clear.
  38. The attachment of the picture to the wall was crooked.
  39. She felt a deep attachment to her roots.
  40. The attachment in the email was too large to download.
  41. The attachment of the sign to the building was perfect.
  42. The attachment to family traditions was important to him.
  43. The attachment of the backup drive was quick and easy.
  44. Their attachment to each other grew stronger with shared experiences.
  45. The attachment of the new gear improved their performance.
  46. He spoke about his attachment to his cultural heritage.
  47. The attachment of the file was incomplete.
  48. A strong emotional attachment can influence decisions.
  49. The attachment of the new handle made it easier to use.
  50. Her attachment to the project was evident in her dedication.
  51. The attachment of the new software allowed for better analytics.
  52. Their attachment to the environment motivated them to advocate for change.
  53. The attachment of the new panel was necessary for the upgrade.
  54. She had an unhealthy attachment to her phone.
  55. The attachment on the email was mislabeled.
  56. His emotional attachment to the issue was apparent.
  57. The attachment of the student to the mentor was inspiring.
  58. The attachment of the new window improved energy efficiency.
  59. Their attachment to their childhood memories was strong.
  60. The attachment was not properly formatted for printing.
  61. The attachment of the new filter improved air quality.
  62. Her attachment to her work was admirable.
  63. The attachment of the images was successful.
  64. The couple's attachment to each other was heartwarming.
  65. The attachment of the new software was seamless.
  66. His attachment to the team was evident in his effort.
  67. The attachment of the new equipment increased productivity.
  68. She felt a strong attachment to her friends.
  69. The attachment in the email was missing.
  70. The attachment of the new component was tricky.
  71. Their emotional attachment to the project drove them to success.
  72. The attachment was too large to send via email.
  73. Her attachment to the memories kept her grounded.
  74. The attachment of the new blade made cutting easier.
  75. He struggled with his attachment to old habits.
  76. The attachment of the device was simple to understand.
  77. The attachment to the mission kept the team focused.
  78. The attachment of the accessories enhanced the experience.
  79. She expressed her attachment through her artwork.
  80. The attachment was crucial for the presentation.
  81. Their attachment to the cause inspired others.
  82. The attachment of the extension cord was secure.
  83. He felt a profound attachment to the landscape.
  84. The attachment of the new system optimized performance.
  85. Her attachment to her family was unwavering.
  86. The attachment of the new feature was well-received.
  87. The attachment in the message was corrupted.
  88. The attachment of the new app made life easier.
  89. He had a strong emotional attachment to his childhood toys.
  90. The attachment of the new label improved organization.
  91. Their attachment to each other was inspiring.
  92. The attachment was sent successfully.
  93. Her attachment to the past made it hard to move forward.
  94. The attachment of the new handle improved usability.
  95. He acknowledged his attachment to the team.
  96. The attachment in the email was helpful.
  97. Their attachment to the community was evident.
  98. The attachment of the new device was easy to install.
  99. She discussed her emotional attachment to her work.
  100. The attachment of the new feature exceeded expectations.