100 Examples of sentences containing the noun "attunement"


Attunement refers to the state of being in harmony or alignment with something, often used in contexts relating to emotional, psychological, or spiritual connections. It can also refer to the process of adjusting or adapting to a particular environment, situation, or relationship.


  • Harmony
  • Alignment
  • Synchronization
  • Accord
  • Resonance
  • Connection
  • Rapport
  • Adaptation


  • Discord
  • Disconnection
  • Misalignment
  • Estrangement
  • Disharmony
  • Incompatibility


  1. She felt a deep sense of attunement with her surroundings in nature.
  2. The therapist emphasized the importance of emotional attunement in relationships.
  3. His attunement to the needs of his clients made him an exceptional leader.
  4. The musician's attunement to the rhythm of the piece impressed the audience.
  5. They worked on their attunement to each other’s feelings during the counseling sessions.
  6. The teacher's attunement to the students' learning styles enhanced their educational experience.
  7. Practicing mindfulness can lead to a greater attunement with oneself.
  8. The couple's attunement improved after attending a workshop on communication.
  9. Attunement to cultural differences is essential in a globalized workplace.
  10. The artist's attunement to the nuances of color brought the painting to life.
  11. His attunement to the local community helped him win the election.
  12. The attunement of the orchestra was flawless during the performance.
  13. She sought attunement with her inner self through meditation.
  14. The dog's attunement to its owner's emotions was remarkable.
  15. Their attunement to the changing dynamics of the project allowed for quick adjustments.
  16. The attunement between the two dancers created a captivating performance.
  17. His attunement to the market trends led to significant business growth.
  18. Attunement in therapy can help clients feel understood and supported.
  19. The teacher’s attunement to the classroom dynamics helped manage conflicts effectively.
  20. Their attunement to the music was evident in their synchronized movements.
  21. Attunement to feedback is crucial for personal development.
  22. The attunement of the guitar was slightly off, affecting the overall sound.
  23. Her attunement to the subtleties of the conversation made her an excellent mediator.
  24. The project's attunement with environmental standards was a priority for the team.
  25. Attunement to the needs of others fosters stronger relationships.
  26. His attunement to the emotional climate of the office improved team morale.
  27. They found their attunement through shared experiences and values.
  28. The attunement of the speakers enhanced the audio experience at the event.
  29. Her attunement to the historical context enriched her research.
  30. The attunement between the two friends was palpable during their discussion.
  31. Attunement to the rhythm of life can lead to greater fulfillment.
  32. The attunement of the choir was breathtaking during the concert.
  33. Attunement with nature can have profound effects on one’s well-being.
  34. The parent’s attunement to their child's development was crucial for their growth.
  35. Their attunement to the community’s needs led to successful outreach programs.
  36. The attunement of the dancers was mesmerizing to the audience.
  37. Attunement to one’s emotions is a key aspect of emotional intelligence.
  38. The attunement in their voices created a harmonious blend.
  39. She developed a sense of attunement with the spiritual aspects of her life.
  40. The attunement of the team was vital for the success of the project.
  41. His attunement to the complexities of the situation helped resolve the issue.
  42. The actor's attunement to the character made the performance believable.
  43. Attunement in music can create a deeply moving experience.
  44. Their attunement to the project goals ensured a smooth workflow.
  45. Attunement to the cultural context is important for effective communication.
  46. The attunement of the musical instruments was crucial for the concert.
  47. Her attunement to the changes in his mood showed her deep care.
  48. The attunement of the technology with user needs was a key factor for success.
  49. Attunement in parenting can lead to healthier family dynamics.
  50. The attunement of the team members facilitated better collaboration.
  51. Their attunement to each other’s thoughts was almost telepathic.
  52. The attunement of flavors in the dish made it exquisite.
  53. Attunement to one’s surroundings can enhance creativity.
  54. His attunement to the challenges of the industry made him a sought-after consultant.
  55. The attunement between the two cultures led to a rich exchange of ideas.
  56. Attunement to the client’s needs is essential for great service.
  57. The attunement of the ballet dancers was a sight to behold.
  58. Attunement to one’s instincts can guide important life decisions.
  59. Their attunement to the shared goals strengthened their partnership.
  60. The attunement of the choir to the conductor’s cues was remarkable.
  61. Attunement with one’s body can lead to improved health and wellness.
  62. The attunement of the project with community values was commendable.
  63. He felt a profound attunement with the rhythm of the ocean waves.
  64. The attunement of the discussion topics to current events made it engaging.
  65. Attunement in therapy sessions can create a safe space for clients.
  66. The attunement of colors in the artwork drew many admirers.
  67. Her attunement to the nuances of negotiation led to successful deals.
  68. The attunement of their schedules allowed for better teamwork.
  69. Attunement with nature can foster a sense of peace and tranquility.
  70. The attunement of the orchestra required hours of practice and dedication.
  71. His attunement to the emotional needs of his friends made him a reliable support.
  72. Attunement in communication can prevent misunderstandings.
  73. The attunement of the dancers to the music was flawless.
  74. Attunement with the community is essential for effective leadership.
  75. She found attunement with her true self through journaling.
  76. The attunement of the lighting to the mood of the event was perfect.
  77. Attunement to the audience's reactions helped the speaker adjust their delivery.
  78. Their attunement to the shared mission inspired the entire team.
  79. The attunement of flavors in the meal was a testament to the chef’s skill.
  80. Attunement to the local customs can enhance travel experiences.
  81. The attunement of the actors created a believable story on stage.
  82. Attunement with one’s feelings is a sign of emotional maturity.
  83. The attunement of the band during the live performance was outstanding.
  84. His attunement to the details made him an excellent editor.
  85. Attunement in relationships can lead to deeper connections.
  86. The attunement of the team to the project requirements was crucial for success.
  87. She felt a strong attunement with the mission of the organization.
  88. The attunement of the instruments was done meticulously before the show.
  89. Attunement to the needs of the organization can lead to effective leadership.
  90. The attunement of their thoughts during meditation brought them peace.
  91. Attunement with the natural world can improve mental health.
  92. The attunement of the choir’s voices filled the church with beautiful sound.
  93. His attunement to the cultural differences made him a successful diplomat.
  94. Attunement in friendships often develops over shared experiences.
  95. The attunement of the lighting to the theme of the party created a great ambiance.
  96. Attunement to the emotional landscape of others is a valuable skill.
  97. Their attunement to the project deadlines ensured timely delivery.
  98. The attunement of the visuals with the music created an immersive experience.
  99. Attunement with one’s goals can lead to a more fulfilling life.
  100. The attunement of the partnership allowed for innovative solutions.