100 Examples of sentences containing the noun "aye"


"Aye" is a common noun that refers to an affirmative vote or expression of agreement, particularly in formal settings such as meetings or legislative assemblies. It can also denote a yes response in general conversation.


  • Yes
  • Affirmative
  • Indeed
  • Certainly
  • Agreed


  • No
  • Nay
  • Disagreement
  • Refusal
  • Denial


  1. During the vote, the members all said aye.
  2. The committee chair asked if anyone was against the proposal, and the room fell silent except for a few ayes.
  3. "Do we support the new policy?" "Aye, let's move forward with it."
  4. All those in favor, say aye.
  5. The crowd erupted with aye after the announcement.
  6. "Will you join us for the project?" "Aye, count me in!"
  7. The captain called for an aye from the crew before setting sail.
  8. "Is the motion passed?" "Aye, it's officially accepted."
  9. The students responded with a loud aye when asked if they were ready for the test.
  10. The council voted, and the ayes had it.
  11. "Should we proceed with the event?" "Aye, let's do it."
  12. During the debate, several representatives voiced their ayes.
  13. The team leader asked for an aye to move to the next phase of the project.
  14. "Who agrees with this decision?" "Aye, I agree."
  15. The judge asked for an aye from the jury to confirm the verdict.
  16. "Can we count on your support?" "Aye, you can."
  17. The bill passed with a majority of aye votes.
  18. "Is everyone on board?" "Aye, we're all in."
  19. After much discussion, the assembly finally voted aye.
  20. "Do you believe this is the right path?" "Aye, I do."
  21. The board meeting concluded with several ayes.
  22. "Will you help with the planning?" "Aye, I'm here to assist."
  23. All members who agreed raised their hands and shouted aye.
  24. The general asked for an aye from his troops before advancing.
  25. "Are you ready to celebrate?" "Aye, let's get started!"
  26. The facilitator prompted the audience to respond with an aye if they agreed.
  27. "Should we implement these changes?" "Aye, absolutely."
  28. The mayor called for an aye on the new city proposal.
  29. "Can I count on your vote?" "Aye, you can!"
  30. The decision was unanimous, with all saying aye.
  31. "Is this the final decision?" "Aye, it is."
  32. The crowd cheered aye during the rally.
  33. "Should we allocate more funds?" "Aye, that's necessary."
  34. The poll indicated a strong aye from the community.
  35. "Are we ready for the challenge?" "Aye, let's do this."
  36. The motion was accepted after a resounding round of ayes.
  37. "Do we have your agreement?" "Aye, you do."
  38. The teacher asked if everyone understood, and the students replied with aye.
  39. "Are we in agreement?" "Aye, fully."
  40. The team leader was pleased with the aye from the majority.
  41. "Will you attend the meeting?" "Aye, I will be there."
  42. The vote was clear, with the ayes winning decisively.
  43. "Can we trust this plan?" "Aye, it's well thought out."
  44. The citizens rallied together, voicing their aye for the initiative.
  45. "Do we continue with this strategy?" "Aye, let's carry on."
  46. The response to the proposal was overwhelmingly aye.
  47. "Are you with us?" "Aye, always."
  48. The committee chair noted down each aye for the record.
  49. "Shall we proceed?" "Aye, let's move ahead."
  50. The discussion ended with a clear aye from all parties involved.
  51. "Is this the right decision?" "Aye, I believe it is."
  52. The team voted, and the ayes prevailed.
  53. "Should we invite more guests?" "Aye, that would be great."
  54. The audience responded with a thunderous aye.
  55. "Do you support the change?" "Aye, I do."
  56. The council agreed to the new rules with an aye.
  57. "Will you commit to this goal?" "Aye, I will."
  58. The debate concluded with a majority of aye votes.
  59. "Can we finalize this?" "Aye, let's wrap it up."
  60. The assembly called for an aye to show support.
  61. "Are we aligned on this issue?" "Aye, completely."
  62. The proposal was accepted with a loud aye.
  63. "Do we have consensus?" "Aye, we do."
  64. The general asked for an aye from his soldiers before proceeding.
  65. "Will you stand by this decision?" "Aye, I will."
  66. The group voted, and the ayes had it.
  67. "Is there any opposition?" "Only ayes in this room."
  68. The meeting ended with a strong aye for the new guidelines.
  69. "Shall we move forward?" "Aye, let's proceed."
  70. The audience showed their support with enthusiastic ayes.
  71. "Can you support this initiative?" "Aye, I can."
  72. The board agreed to the merger with a unanimous aye.
  73. "Is this the final agreement?" "Aye, it is settled."
  74. The crowd shouted aye to show their approval.
  75. "Are you on board with the plan?" "Aye, I am."
  76. The leadership team voted aye for the budget increase.
  77. "Do we have your backing?" "Aye, you have my support."
  78. The committee chair noted every aye in the minutes.
  79. "Is this the right course of action?" "Aye, it is."
  80. The result of the vote was overwhelmingly aye.
  81. "Will you be joining us?" "Aye, I wouldn't miss it."
  82. The proposal was met with a chorus of ayes.
  83. "Shall we agree on this?" "Aye, let's do it."
  84. The team leader requested an aye from everyone present.
  85. "Is everyone ready?" "Aye, we are."
  86. The assembly called for a vote, and the ayes won.
  87. "Will you follow through on this plan?" "Aye, I will."
  88. The crowd's response was a resounding aye.
  89. "Do we need to discuss further?" "Aye, if necessary."
  90. The decision was made with a clear aye from the majority.
  91. "Are you in favor?" "Aye, I support it."
  92. The council voted, and the ayes carried the motion.
  93. "Shall we continue this discussion?" "Aye, let's keep going."
  94. "Is this acceptable?" "Aye, it is."
  95. The meeting concluded with a series of aye responses.
  96. "Will you endorse this?" "Aye, I will."
  97. The vote showed a strong preference for aye.
  98. "Can we count on your cooperation?" "Aye, you can count on me."
  99. The assembly wrapped up after a successful round of ayes.
  100. "Do we agree to these terms?" "Aye, we do."