100 Examples of sentences containing the noun "badger"
A "badger" is a medium-sized, burrowing mammal belonging to the family Mustelidae, characterized by its sturdy body, short legs, and distinctive facial markings. The term can also refer to the act of persistently pestering or harassing someone until they comply or respond.
- Mammal: European badger, American badger
- Verb: Pester, harass, annoy, bother, nag
- Support
- Aid
- Assist
- Help
- She would always badger him about finishing his homework.
- The children would badger their parents for a new toy every time they went to the store.
- Don’t badger me while I’m trying to concentrate on this project.
- He felt like he was being badgered by his colleagues to join the committee.
- They tried to badger the manager into giving them a discount.
- It can be exhausting to badger someone repeatedly for an answer.
- The reporter continued to badger the politician during the press conference.
- I had to badger him for weeks before he finally agreed to help.
- The kids badgered their grandparents for stories about their childhood.
- She would badger her friends until they agreed to go out with her.
- He didn’t mean to badger her; he just wanted to know the details.
- If you keep badgering me, I might just change my mind.
- I tried to avoid badgering my coworker about the project deadline.
- The puppy would badger its owner for attention and playtime.
- She was constantly badgered by her friends about her dating life.
- It’s not polite to badger someone for their personal information.
- They badgered the coach until he decided to let them play.
- I could hear the children badgering their father from the other room.
- He tends to badger people until they give in to his requests.
- Trying to badger your way into a conversation rarely works.
- The telemarketer continued to badger her despite her disinterest.
- She felt like she was being badgered into making a decision too quickly.
- If you badger the staff too much, they might start avoiding you.
- The teacher had to badger the students to submit their assignments on time.
- He would always badger his friends to join him on adventures.
- They badgered the neighbors for their opinions on the new development.
- The child could badger anyone into buying candy for them.
- It’s best not to badger customers while they’re browsing.
- She tried to badger her brother into lending her his video game.
- He didn’t want to badger his boss about the promotion.
- The committee members began to badger the speaker with questions.
- They wouldn’t stop badgering him until he finally relented.
- I often badger my friends to try new restaurants with me.
- Don’t badger the volunteers; they are doing their best.
- She felt guilty for badgering her partner about the chores.
- The students would badger the teacher for extra credit opportunities.
- He found it annoying when people would badger him for favors.
- You shouldn’t badger her if she doesn’t want to talk.
- I had to badger my parents for a few extra dollars for lunch.
- The dog would badger its owner until it got a treat.
- They badgered their friend into going to the concert with them.
- He doesn’t like to badger people for help; he prefers to be independent.
- The constant badgering made him feel overwhelmed.
- She would often badger her classmates for their notes.
- I didn’t mean to badger her; I just wanted to help.
- The children would badger their mother for ice cream after dinner.
- You can’t badger someone into changing their beliefs.
- It’s frustrating to badger someone who is not interested.
- He tried to badger his way into the exclusive club.
- The manager threatened to fire anyone who continued to badger coworkers.
- She felt the need to badger her sister about her health.
- The politician was badgered by the media during the interview.
- I won’t badger you about your plans, but I’m curious.
- He always finds a way to badger his friends into participating in sports.
- The salesperson began to badger the customer as soon as they entered.
- I had to badger my dog to come inside during the storm.
- They would badger the teacher until she granted them a field trip.
- I tried not to badger her too much, knowing she was busy.
- The kids badgered their parents for a pet.
- Don’t badger your coworkers; they have their own tasks to complete.
- The relentless badgering made him reconsider his decision.
- She would badger her friends until they agreed to go on vacation.
- The actor was badgered by fans for autographs after the show.
- I tried to badger my way into their circle of friends.
- It’s not effective to badger someone for their opinion.
- The dog would badger its owner until it got a response.
- You shouldn’t badger someone who is clearly upset.
- She felt it was wrong to badger her colleague for information.
- The children badgered their parents for a trip to the amusement park.
- He didn’t want to badger his friend, but he was genuinely concerned.
- It’s exhausting to badger someone who keeps changing their mind.
- The persistent badgering led to a heated discussion.
- He had to badger his friends to help him move.
- I felt like I was badgered by everyone about my career choices.
- They would always badger their parents about going to the beach.
- Don’t badger your neighbor for help; they might not be available.
- She tried to avoid badgering her partner for decisions.
- It’s best not to badger the new employee; they need time to adjust.
- The kids were relentless in their badgering for a puppy.
- He felt guilty for constantly badgering his coworkers.
- I didn’t want to badger her, but I was concerned.
- The reporter continued to badger the celebrity for comments.
- There’s no need to badger someone for an answer; they will respond in time.
- He wouldn’t stop badgering her about the project until she agreed to work with him.
- The constant badgering made her feel uncomfortable.
- I had to badger my friend to join me for the hike.
- The parents were badgered by their kids to buy a new game console.
- It’s frustrating to badger someone who is unwilling to change.
- She would badger her husband about fixing the leaky faucet.
- The relentless badgering from fans was overwhelming for the celebrity.
- I don’t want to badger anyone about their decisions.
- The children badgered their mother for a trip to the zoo.
- He felt the need to badger his friends into attending the meeting.
- The teacher had to badger the students to stay on task.
- Don’t badger your friends; they need to make their own choices.
- She often had to badger her colleagues for updates on projects.
- I didn’t mean to badger him; I was just curious.
- The dog would badger its owner for food whenever it got the chance.
- They badgered their parents until they finally agreed to take them to the park.
- I wish he wouldn’t badger me about my plans for the weekend.