100 Examples of sentences containing the noun "beak"


A "beak" is a noun that refers to the hard, pointed structure that forms the mouth of birds, reptiles, and some mammals. It is used for various purposes such as eating, grooming, and defense. Additionally, "beak" can also refer to the projecting part of a tool, specifically in certain types of machinery or equipment.


  • Bill
  • Snout
  • Muzzle
  • Mandible
  • Proboscis


  • None (as "beak" is a specific anatomical term with no direct opposite)


  1. The eagle beaked at the fish swimming below.
  2. The parrot beaked its toy repeatedly.
  3. She watched the bird beak at the seeds scattered on the ground.
  4. The crow beaked the shiny object it found.
  5. He beaked into the nest to check for eggs.
  6. The duck beaked at the water to catch insects.
  7. The falcon beaked its prey with precision.
  8. The woodpecker beaked against the tree trunk to find insects.
  9. The penguin beaked its partner affectionately.
  10. The heron beaked gracefully through the shallow water.
  11. They found a feather with a small beak imprint on it.
  12. The owl beaked silently as it hunted at night.
  13. The chick beaked at its mother, asking for food.
  14. The swan beaked at the surface of the pond.
  15. The raven beaked the sandwich left on the picnic table.
  16. The seagull beaked at the leftover fries on the beach.
  17. The finch beaked at the feeder, enjoying the seeds.
  18. The toucan beaked brightly colored fruit.
  19. The starling beaked noisily as it gathered in a flock.
  20. The turkey beaked at the ground for grains.
  21. The hawk beaked down swiftly from its perch.
  22. The bird beaked at the window, attracted by its reflection.
  23. The chickadee beaked at the pine cones looking for seeds.
  24. The pelican beaked wide to catch its meal.
  25. The vulture beaked at a carcass it found.
  26. The canary beaked sweetly, filling the air with song.
  27. The quail beaked through the underbrush for food.
  28. The cockatoo beaked at the cage bars, wanting attention.
  29. The sparrow beaked at the breadcrumbs on the sidewalk.
  30. The ostrich beaked at the ground, searching for roots.
  31. The woodpecker beaked incessantly, creating a rhythm.
  32. The flamingo beaked while wading through the shallow waters.
  33. The goldfinch beaked at the thistle seeds in the garden.
  34. The blue jay beaked loudly, warning others of danger.
  35. The nightingale beaked melodiously in the evening.
  36. The kingfisher beaked with speed to catch fish.
  37. The albatross beaked the air currents effortlessly.
  38. The emu beaked at the grass, grazing peacefully.
  39. The peacock beaked proudly, showing off its feathers.
  40. The magpie beaked around for shiny objects.
  41. The hummingbird beaked rapidly at the nectar.
  42. The gull beaked at the water, searching for small fish.
  43. The albatross beaked while gliding over the ocean.
  44. The parakeet beaked at its reflection in the mirror.
  45. The raven beaked loudly, cawing to its friends.
  46. The heron beaked quietly, trying not to disturb the water.
  47. The canary beaked its bell toy, having fun.
  48. The goose beaked at the grass along the path.
  49. The owl beaked as it surveyed its territory.
  50. The peahen beaked its chicks, showing them where to find food.
  51. The dodo beaked its environment for potential mates.
  52. The finch beaked at the tiny insects on the leaves.
  53. The cockatoo beaked at the bottle cap, curious.
  54. The shrike beaked at its catch, securing its meal.
  55. The toucan beaked at other birds to assert dominance.
  56. The sparrow beaked at the ground, foraging for worms.
  57. The pelican beaked open, catching fish mid-air.
  58. The barn owl beaked through the dark for small rodents.
  59. The woodpecker beaked rhythmically, echoing in the forest.
  60. The parrot beaked at the colorful toys in its cage.
  61. The hornbill beaked as it flew through the trees.
  62. The stork beaked gracefully while searching for frogs.
  63. The kiwi beaked at the soft earth, looking for insects.
  64. The heron beaked silently as night fell.
  65. The warbler beaked cheerfully in the early morning.
  66. The ibis beaked through the mud for food.
  67. The crow beaked at the shiny wrapper left on the ground.
  68. The blue jay beaked at the feeder, claiming its spot.
  69. The finch beaked at the flower, enjoying the nectar.
  70. The duck beaked at the pond's edge, searching for algae.
  71. The gull beaked loudly, demanding food from tourists.
  72. The eider beaked while floating on the calm water.
  73. The sparrow beaked at the tree bark to find insects.
  74. The parakeet beaked at its owner, seeking attention.
  75. The hawk beaked fiercely, defending its nest.
  76. The vulture beaked at the remains of a meal.
  77. The flamingo beaked elegantly, showcasing its long neck.
  78. The chickadee beaked happily, communicating with its flock.
  79. The ostrich beaked at the ground, foraging for sustenance.
  80. The magpie beaked at the colorful stones it collected.
  81. The parrot beaked at the grapes, enjoying the sweetness.
  82. The teal beaked at the lily pads, looking for insects.
  83. The pelican beaked on the dock, waiting for fish.
  84. The eagle beaked at the sky, searching for prey.
  85. The stork beaked at the riverbank, looking for fish.
  86. The woodpecker beaked at the tree with vigor.
  87. The heron beaked at dusk, hunting for dinner.
  88. The magpie beaked in the garden, looking for shiny objects.
  89. The sparrow beaked at the picnic, enjoying crumbs.
  90. The crow beaked at the camera, curious about the lens.
  91. The horned owl beaked through the night, observing.
  92. The robin beaked at the grass, searching for worms.
  93. The canary beaked and sang sweetly in its cage.
  94. The blackbird beaked at the berries in the bush.
  95. The owl beaked softly, its eyes wide open.
  96. The kiwi beaked amidst the foliage, blending in.
  97. The dove beaked softly, seeking peace in the garden.
  98. The swan beaked at the water's surface, curious.
  99. The albatross beaked through the waves, soaring high.
  100. The pelican beaked at the horizon, searching for its next meal.