100 Examples of sentences containing the noun "belly"
The term "Belly" as a common noun refers to the front part of a person's body between the chest and the hips, often associated with the stomach area. It can also denote the stomach itself or be used informally to refer to one's appetite. Additionally, "belly" can describe the curved or rounded part of something, such as the belly of a ship.
- Abdomen
- Stomach
- Tummy
- Gut
- Midsection
- Bellyache (when referring to a pain)
- Paunch (when referring to a protruding belly)
- Back
- Spine
- Chest
- Head
- Limb
- The baby bellied out after eating too much.
- She bellied up to the bar for a drink.
- The dog bellyed down on the cool tile floor to escape the heat.
- He bellyed in laughter at the joke.
- They bellyed the boat over to check for leaks.
- The athlete bellyed his way through the crowd.
- The cat bellyed up to the food bowl eagerly.
- She bellyed out her complaints to her friends.
- The hiker bellyed down the slope to get a better view.
- The child bellyed with delight upon opening the gift.
- He bellyed in surprise when he heard the news.
- The old man bellyed about his younger days.
- The balloon bellyed with air when it was inflated.
- They bellyed their way through the narrow passage.
- The horse bellyed under the weight of the rider.
- She bellyed over with laughter during the comedy show.
- The fish bellyed up when it was caught.
- The team bellyed their opponents in the game.
- He bellyed out his frustrations in the meeting.
- The toddler bellyed forward when he stumbled.
- The chef bellyed the dough to make it flat.
- The waves bellyed against the shore.
- She bellyed the fabric to make it easier to sew.
- The comedian bellyed the audience with his antics.
- He bellyed in front of his friends, showing off his new shirt.
- The puppy bellyed down to play with the ball.
- The athlete bellyed out during the final stretch of the race.
- The crowd bellyed to the front of the stage for a better view.
- The car bellyed when it hit the pothole.
- She bellyed her way into the conversation.
- The magician bellyed the rabbit from the hat.
- The father bellyed to his kids to get their attention.
- The furniture bellyed under the weight of the books.
- The singer bellyed the lyrics with great passion.
- They bellyed up to the counter to place their orders.
- The deer bellyed away from the approaching hunter.
- The toddler bellyed onto the grass, enjoying the fresh air.
- He bellyed forward to tie his shoelaces.
- The waves bellyed high during the storm.
- She bellyed the contents of her bag onto the table.
- The old tree bellyed outward with age.
- The dancer bellyed gracefully across the stage.
- The athlete bellyed out a cheer for his team.
- The child bellyed when he saw the ice cream truck.
- The storm bellyed over the horizon.
- He bellyed his way through the difficult task.
- The bear bellyed up to the river for a drink.
- The explorer bellyed into the cave to investigate.
- The singer bellyed out the high notes effortlessly.
- The crowd bellyed with excitement as the concert began.
- The wave bellyed over the rocks.
- The athlete bellyed through the finish line.
- She bellyed in frustration when things didn't go as planned.
- The child bellyed into the pile of leaves.
- The chef bellyed the sauce to thicken it.
- The old man bellyed his stories to anyone who would listen.
- The kitten bellyed onto the soft carpet.
- The crowd bellyed with laughter at the funny skit.
- The river bellyed wide after the heavy rain.
- The player bellyed out a warning to his teammates.
- The balloon bellyed with helium.
- He bellyed under the blankets to warm up.
- The actor bellyed into the role with enthusiasm.
- They bellyed into the theater just before the show started.
- The child bellyed back to his mother after getting scared.
- The volunteer bellyed their way through the donations.
- The cat bellyed out on the sunny windowsill.
- The cook bellyed the chicken to get it ready for grilling.
- The audience bellyed with applause after the performance.
- The toddler bellyed into the soft pillows.
- The artist bellyed the colors on the canvas.
- The hikers bellyed down the hill.
- The horse bellyed when it felt the saddle.
- She bellyed at the thought of her favorite meal.
- The explorer bellyed into the dense forest.
- The team bellyed their way to victory.
- The man bellyed in disbelief at the news.
- The storm bellyed over the ocean.
- The children bellyed with excitement on Christmas morning.
- The dog bellyed on the grass, enjoying the sun.
- The actor bellyed the script to memorize his lines.
- He bellyed with joy when he received the award.
- The waves bellyed high against the rocks.
- The comedian bellyed out jokes to make the crowd laugh.
- The baby bellyed on the floor, reaching for a toy.
- The teacher bellyed out the instructions clearly.
- The runner bellyed to the finish line, exhausted.
- The crowd bellyed forward to catch a glimpse of the parade.
- The ship bellyed in the rough seas.
- She bellyed over to pick up the fallen item.
- The toddler bellyed down the slide at the playground.
- The coach bellyed the team to stay focused.
- The artist bellyed the paint on the canvas vividly.
- The audience bellyed to their feet in applause.
- The child bellyed with laughter at the funny clown.
- The balloon bellyed out when it was blown up.
- The cat bellyed up to the warm heater.
- The team bellyed their way to the championship.
- The mother bellyed with pride at her child's accomplishments.
- The storm clouds bellyed in the distance, signaling rain.