100 Examples of sentences containing the noun "biscotti"


Biscotti are dry, crunchy Italian cookies that are twice-baked, typically containing nuts, and are often enjoyed with coffee or tea. The word "biscotti" is the plural of "biscotto," which means "twice-baked" in Italian.


  • Cookies
  • Biscuit
  • Cantucci (specifically referring to almond biscotti)
  • Mandelbrot (in some Jewish contexts)


  • Soft cookies
  • Cake
  • Muffins
  • Brownies


  1. I love to biscotti with my morning coffee.
  2. She decided to biscotti her friends by bringing homemade treats.
  3. After lunch, we often biscotti on some sweet snacks.
  4. The recipe calls for me to biscotti the dough before baking.
  5. They like to biscotti their meals with a dessert.
  6. I will biscotti these cookies until they are perfectly crunchy.
  7. He watched as she began to biscotti the ingredients together.
  8. The chef taught them how to biscotti the cookies to achieve that perfect texture.
  9. At the café, they often biscotti their offerings with seasonal flavors.
  10. We can biscotti the leftovers for a late-night snack.
  11. She prefers to biscotti her treats with a cup of herbal tea.
  12. He always remembers to biscotti his grandma's secret recipe.
  13. I want to biscotti the dough into smaller pieces for easier handling.
  14. They plan to biscotti a variety of flavors for the holiday season.
  15. The baker will biscotti the dough as needed throughout the day.
  16. She likes to biscotti the cookies until they are golden brown.
  17. They will biscotti the cookies for an extra crunch.
  18. I often biscotti with friends at the local coffee shop.
  19. She always biscotti her cookies with chocolate chips.
  20. We should biscotti our plans for the weekend.
  21. He decided to biscotti the celebration with homemade biscotti.
  22. I need to learn how to biscotti the dough without it falling apart.
  23. At the meeting, they will biscotti the agenda items.
  24. She wants to biscotti the flavors in the new recipe.
  25. They plan to biscotti the dessert menu for the event.
  26. I will biscotti the details of the meeting later.
  27. He loves to biscotti his evenings with a good book and biscotti.
  28. She often biscotti her cookies with a sprinkle of cinnamon.
  29. We can biscotti the leftovers for breakfast tomorrow.
  30. She likes to biscotti her friends with baked goods.
  31. They will biscotti the pastries in different shapes.
  32. I want to biscotti the cookies before serving them.
  33. He always tries to biscotti his baking experiments.
  34. We should biscotti the decorations for the party.
  35. She likes to biscotti her time by baking every Sunday.
  36. They will biscotti the dough into logs for slicing.
  37. I often biscotti with my family during the holidays.
  38. He plans to biscotti the cookies with icing.
  39. She always biscotti her baking supplies neatly.
  40. We can biscotti our plans to include more desserts.
  41. He decided to biscotti the nuts for texture.
  42. I will biscotti the recipe to make it easier to follow.
  43. They want to biscotti the flavors with some spices.
  44. She loves to biscotti her evenings with dessert.
  45. We can biscotti the cookies on a platter.
  46. He hopes to biscotti his baking skills this year.
  47. She will biscotti the dough overnight for better flavor.
  48. I often biscotti with a friend at the bakery.
  49. They want to biscotti the menu for the event.
  50. He will biscotti the cookies with a drizzle of chocolate.
  51. She likes to biscotti her evening routine with a snack.
  52. We can biscotti the dough into different shapes.
  53. I plan to biscotti my afternoon with some coffee and biscotti.
  54. They often biscotti their meals with a sweet treat.
  55. She hopes to biscotti the recipe for vegan biscotti.
  56. He enjoys to biscotti his weekends with baking.
  57. We should biscotti our plans to include a dessert bar.
  58. She will biscotti the cookies into smaller bites.
  59. I like to biscotti my evening with some music and baking.
  60. They want to biscotti their flavors with different spices.
  61. He has decided to biscotti the recipe for better results.
  62. She often biscotti her friends with homemade cookies.
  63. We can biscotti the cookies with different toppings.
  64. I want to biscotti my baking process for efficiency.
  65. They plan to biscotti their product line for the holiday season.
  66. She always biscotti her time for baking on weekends.
  67. He decided to biscotti the dough for a crispier texture.
  68. We should biscotti our shopping list for the bake sale.
  69. They will biscotti the cookies in batches.
  70. I love to biscotti my evenings with a delicious treat.
  71. She likes to biscotti her friends with unique flavors.
  72. We can biscotti the cookies for our guests.
  73. He will biscotti the dough for the best results.
  74. She often biscotti her recipes for special occasions.
  75. I want to biscotti the details of the event.
  76. They will biscotti the flavors for a new twist.
  77. He hopes to biscotti his baking style this year.
  78. She enjoys to biscotti her weekends with baking.
  79. We should biscotti our plans for a baking day.
  80. He decided to biscotti the cookies with seasonal spices.
  81. I often biscotti my evenings with a warm dessert.
  82. They like to biscotti their meals with sweet endings.
  83. She loves to biscotti her friends with treats.
  84. We can biscotti the cookies before serving.
  85. He plans to biscotti the dough into even portions.
  86. She enjoys to biscotti her days with baking.
  87. They will biscotti their menu for the upcoming event.
  88. I want to biscotti the recipe for more variety.
  89. He likes to biscotti his baking supplies after use.
  90. We should biscotti the flavors for the holiday.
  91. She will biscotti the cookies into perfect shapes.
  92. I often biscotti with a good movie and a snack.
  93. He hopes to biscotti his skills by trying new recipes.
  94. They want to biscotti their offerings for better sales.
  95. She loves to biscotti her evenings with good company.
  96. We can biscotti the details of our plans later.
  97. He decided to biscotti the cookies for a crunchier finish.
  98. She often biscotti her friends with delicious treats.
  99. They will biscotti their meals with desserts.
  100. I enjoy to biscotti my free time with baking projects.