100 Examples of sentences containing the noun "blowtorch"


A blowtorch is a tool that produces a hot flame using a fuel source, typically for tasks such as welding, metal cutting, or heating. It consists of a gas tank, a nozzle, and a igniter. It can also refer to a situation where intense heat or pressure is applied in various contexts.


  • Torch
  • Flame torch
  • Welding torch
  • Heat source
  • Gas torch


  • Ice
  • Cool
  • Freeze
  • Refrigerate
  • Chill


  1. The technician used a blowtorch to blowtorch the metal joint for better adhesion.
  2. He needed to blowtorch the rusted bolts to loosen them.
  3. The artist decided to blowtorch the glass to create a unique sculpture.
  4. She was careful not to blowtorch any nearby flammable materials.
  5. The welding team had to blowtorch the steel beams for the construction project.
  6. A blowtorch can easily blowtorch through thick metal if used correctly.
  7. He watched the expert blowtorch the pipes with precision.
  8. The mechanic would blowtorch the exhaust to repair the damage.
  9. They planned to blowtorch the old paint off the furniture.
  10. In the workshop, they often blowtorch metals for custom fittings.
  11. The demonstration showed how to blowtorch various materials safely.
  12. She learned to blowtorch without damaging the surrounding area.
  13. The chef used a blowtorch to blowtorch the top of the crème brûlée.
  14. The firefighters had to blowtorch through the wreckage to rescue the trapped victims.
  15. He decided to blowtorch the metal frame for his new project.
  16. The heat from the blowtorch could easily blowtorch the surrounding paint.
  17. To fix the leak, they needed to blowtorch the joint carefully.
  18. The technician would blowtorch the wires to make a secure connection.
  19. Using a blowtorch, he managed to blowtorch the stubborn adhesive off.
  20. The artist loved to blowtorch glass for his colorful installations.
  21. You have to blowtorch the area evenly for a consistent result.
  22. The welder skillfully blowtorched the metal to create a strong bond.
  23. They instructed her to blowtorch lightly to avoid damaging the surface.
  24. The construction team had to blowtorch the rebar into place.
  25. The metalworker learned how to blowtorch various alloys.
  26. It was essential to blowtorch the seams securely.
  27. He accidentally blowtorched his workbench while experimenting.
  28. The craftsman would blowtorch the metal rods to shape them.
  29. She was nervous to blowtorch for the first time.
  30. The technician needed to blowtorch the pipes to connect them properly.
  31. A skilled artisan can blowtorch with great control.
  32. They had to blowtorch the parts before fitting them together.
  33. The team was instructed to blowtorch the joints for maximum strength.
  34. He practiced how to blowtorch the metal without causing warping.
  35. Using a blowtorch, he would blowtorch the edges for a perfect finish.
  36. They would often blowtorch during the metal fabrication process.
  37. The instructional video showed how to blowtorch safely.
  38. She learned to blowtorch under the guidance of an expert.
  39. After the lesson, he felt confident to blowtorch on his own.
  40. The heat was intense as they began to blowtorch the steel.
  41. The artist would blowtorch the glass to achieve the desired effect.
  42. He had to blowtorch carefully to avoid igniting anything nearby.
  43. The mechanic decided to blowtorch the frame for a better fit.
  44. It was crucial to blowtorch evenly to avoid weak spots.
  45. The demonstration illustrated how to blowtorch metal safely.
  46. She watched as he expertly blowtorched the piece into shape.
  47. The project required them to blowtorch several components together.
  48. He needed to blowtorch the metal to free it from rust.
  49. The welder could blowtorch in tight spaces with ease.
  50. They warned him to be cautious while he blowtorched.
  51. The instructor showed how to blowtorch without damaging the material.
  52. He had to blowtorch the seams to make them airtight.
  53. The craftsperson could blowtorch glass effortlessly.
  54. They had to blowtorch through several layers to reach the underlying material.
  55. She practiced how to blowtorch in different angles.
  56. The technician would blowtorch the metal to prepare it for assembly.
  57. The key to success was learning how to blowtorch effectively.
  58. He was told to blowtorch the edges for better sealing.
  59. The workshop often had demonstrations where they would blowtorch live.
  60. He felt a sense of accomplishment after he successfully blowtorched.
  61. The artist's technique involved learning how to blowtorch delicately.
  62. The team had to blowtorch the metal for the sculpture's base.
  63. He was excited to blowtorch during the workshop session.
  64. The instructor reminded them to blowtorch with caution.
  65. She learned to blowtorch with precision and care.
  66. They practiced how to blowtorch without leaving scorch marks.
  67. He had to blowtorch the edges to create a smooth finish.
  68. The demonstration highlighted the importance of knowing how to blowtorch.
  69. She would often blowtorch to achieve intricate designs.
  70. The workshop provided resources to learn how to blowtorch safely.
  71. He was determined to blowtorch his way through the project.
  72. They had to blowtorch the metal for the seamless fit.
  73. The artist knew how to blowtorch glass into beautiful shapes.
  74. He had to blowtorch carefully around the delicate components.
  75. The team was excited to blowtorch as part of their training.
  76. She was fascinated by how to blowtorch various materials.
  77. The skill to blowtorch was essential in metalwork.
  78. He managed to blowtorch the components together seamlessly.
  79. The artist loved to blowtorch for creative expression.
  80. They had to blowtorch the metal to get the right angle.
  81. He learned to blowtorch with a steady hand.
  82. The workshop focused on how to blowtorch safely and effectively.
  83. She was proud to blowtorch her first project.
  84. The technician was confident he could blowtorch the pieces together.
  85. The instructor encouraged them to blowtorch creatively.
  86. He was eager to blowtorch during the next session.
  87. The process required them to blowtorch the metal thoroughly.
  88. She felt empowered to blowtorch after her training.
  89. They had to blowtorch the joints for structural integrity.
  90. He practiced how to blowtorch without causing damage.
  91. The artist would often blowtorch to achieve unique effects.
  92. The instructor demonstrated how to blowtorch safely.
  93. She learned to blowtorch with both skill and artistry.
  94. The technique to blowtorch required patience and practice.
  95. He felt accomplished after he successfully blowtorched his first piece.
  96. The workshop emphasized the need to blowtorch with caution.
  97. They had to blowtorch the metal for the installation.
  98. She loved to blowtorch as a form of creative expression.
  99. He was excited to blowtorch during the demonstration.
  100. The ability to blowtorch effectively was crucial in their field.