100 Examples of sentences containing the noun "blunt"
Blunt as a noun can refer to:
- A type of weapon or tool that has a dull edge or point, making it less effective for cutting.
- A term used to describe a type of marijuana cigarette that is rolled in the leaves of a cigar.
- A person who speaks in a straightforward or frank manner, often perceived as rude or insensitive.
- Dull (for the first definition)
- Cigar (for the second definition)
- Frank (for the third definition)
- Direct
- Abrupt
- Unvarnished
- Sharp (for the first definition)
- Cigarillo (for the second definition)
- Diplomatic (for the third definition)
- Polite
- Tactful
- Subtle
- She decided to blunt the edge of the knife for safety.
- His comments seemed to blunt the enthusiasm in the room.
- The soldier was trained to blunt the enemy's attacks.
- The teacher chose to blunt her criticism to avoid hurting feelings.
- They used a blunt instrument to break the glass.
- He preferred to blunt his emotions rather than show vulnerability.
- The debate was getting heated, but she managed to blunt the tension with humor.
- He found a way to blunt the impact of the bad news.
- She liked to blunt the edges of her art projects for a softer look.
- The manager tried to blunt the criticism directed at the team.
- The blunt object left a mark on the surface.
- To protect himself, he decided to blunt his feelings about the situation.
- The athlete's strategy was to blunt the opponent's advantage.
- He used a blunt knife for the task.
- Her honesty can often blunt the conversation.
- He tried to blunt the pain with medication.
- The blunt force trauma was evident from the injuries.
- She felt it was better to blunt the truth than to lie.
- The critic's blunt review surprised the artist.
- He needed to blunt the criticism with some positive feedback.
- The blunt edge of the sword was not effective in battle.
- She chose to blunt the edges of her presentation for clarity.
- His blunt remarks about the project caused tension in the team.
- To soften the blow, she tried to blunt the message.
- The police used a blunt weapon to subdue the suspect.
- The writer's blunt style was refreshing in a world of euphemisms.
- It is wise to blunt your criticisms with constructive suggestions.
- The blunt instrument was not what they expected for the job.
- Her blunt personality made her both loved and disliked.
- He needed to blunt the harshness of his delivery.
- The blunt sound of the drum echoed through the hall.
- The team worked hard to blunt the rival's tactics.
- She wanted to blunt the shock of the news as best as she could.
- The blunt knife was useless for cutting the steak.
- He didn't mean to blunt the excitement with his negativity.
- The toddler used a blunt crayon to color the picture.
- Her blunt honesty was sometimes hard to handle.
- They tried to blunt the criticism with a public statement.
- The blunt edges of the sculpture added to its charm.
- He sought to blunt the criticism before it escalated.
- The blunt sword was a relic of a past battle.
- She used a blunt approach to get her point across.
- The comedian's blunt humor was not for everyone.
- He attempted to blunt the pain with distractions.
- The blunt knife required more effort to cut through the material.
- Her blunt comments often caught people off guard.
- They needed to blunt the effects of the storm on their plans.
- The blunt object made a loud noise when it hit the floor.
- He found it difficult to blunt her enthusiasm for the project.
- The blunt sounds of nature filled the air.
- She aimed to blunt the criticism with a positive report.
- The blunt end of the tool was perfect for the job.
- He had to blunt his feelings to protect himself.
- The team's goal was to blunt the opposition's strategy.
- The blunt knife was better suited for spreading butter.
- He tried to blunt the criticism with humor.
- The blunt truth can sometimes be hard to digest.
- She decided to blunt the edges for a smoother design.
- His blunt remarks often led to misunderstandings.
- They worked together to blunt the impact of the layoffs.
- The blunt tool was ideal for the craft project.
- He wanted to blunt the harsh realities of life for his children.
- The blunt instrument was used for non-lethal force.
- Her blunt personality was both her strength and weakness.
- He had to blunt his feelings to keep the peace.
- The blunt sound of the drum was captivating.
- She attempted to blunt the criticism with humor.
- The blunt knife was not suitable for the task at hand.
- His blunt approach often surprised people.
- They sought to blunt the negative effects of the situation.
- The blunt edges of the design were intentional.
- He tried to blunt the impact of the criticism with facts.
- The blunt object was heavy and cumbersome.
- Her blunt honesty was refreshing in a world of politeness.
- He felt the need to blunt his responses to avoid conflict.
- The blunt end of the stick was perfect for the game.
- She used a blunt pencil to outline the drawing.
- The comedian's blunt humor was polarizing.
- They aimed to blunt the criticism from the stakeholders.
- He preferred to blunt the edges of his arguments with examples.
- The blunt object caused a loud thud when it hit the ground.
- Her blunt comments were often misconstrued.
- They worked to blunt the effects of the harsh winter.
- The blunt knife was ideal for the soft bread.
- He had to blunt his enthusiasm to fit in.
- The blunt truth was revealed during the meeting.
- He used a blunt object to defend himself.
- She decided to blunt the edges to make it safer for children.
- His blunt remarks often led to awkward silences.
- They worked diligently to blunt the financial loss.
- The blunt knife was a poor choice for the kitchen.
- She tried to blunt the blow with a positive spin.
- The blunt sounds of the city were a comforting background.
- He often used blunt language to make his point.
- The blunt object was surprisingly effective.
- She felt it necessary to blunt her criticism with empathy.
- The blunt knife could only spread butter.
- His blunt comments often revealed his true feelings.
- They needed to blunt the competition with innovative ideas.
- The blunt end of the stick was perfect for the activity.