100 Examples of sentences containing the noun "bombast"


Bombast (noun) refers to speech or writing that is pompous or pretentious, often characterized by inflated vocabulary and grandiose statements that lack substantive content. It can also refer to empty rhetoric designed to impress rather than inform.


  • Grandiloquence
  • Bluster
  • Swagger
  • Pomp
  • Boastfulness
  • Hyperbole
  • Inflated language


  • Simplicity
  • Plainness
  • Directness
  • Humility
  • Modesty
  • Understatement


  1. The politician's speech was filled with bombast, leaving the audience confused rather than enlightened.
  2. Critics often accuse the author of using bombast to mask the lack of solid arguments in his essays.
  3. Instead of clarity, the presentation was riddled with bombast that only served to confuse the attendees.
  4. Her bombast was entertaining, but it didn’t provide any real insight into the issue at hand.
  5. The director's comments were criticized for their bombast, overshadowing the actual content of the film.
  6. Many people prefer straightforward communication over bombast, which can feel disingenuous.
  7. The bombast in his speech made it hard to take him seriously.
  8. She dismissed his arguments as mere bombast, lacking any factual basis.
  9. The editorial was full of bombast, rather than the thoughtful analysis readers expected.
  10. During the debate, he relied on bombast instead of presenting solid evidence.
  11. The poet was known for his bombast, which often alienated more serious readers.
  12. The professor warned against using bombast in academic writing, advocating for clarity instead.
  13. His reputation for bombast preceded him, making people skeptical of his claims.
  14. The speechwriters were told to avoid bombast and keep the message clear.
  15. While the bombast was entertaining, it detracted from the seriousness of the topic.
  16. She often found herself lost in his bombast, struggling to find the main point.
  17. The company's advertisement was criticized for its bombast, lacking genuine information.
  18. He was known for his bombast, but few took him seriously in professional circles.
  19. The meeting was filled with bombast, but little was accomplished.
  20. Instead of engaging in bombast, she chose to communicate her thoughts plainly.
  21. The author's bombast made the novel feel more like a lecture than a story.
  22. His bombast alienated potential supporters who valued sincerity.
  23. The film's promotional material was packed with bombast, yet it delivered a lackluster experience.
  24. During the conference, the keynote speaker's bombast captivated the audience for a moment.
  25. He often used bombast to mask his insecurities in discussions.
  26. The article was criticized for its bombast, lacking useful information for readers.
  27. The bombast in the report overshadowed the critical findings it was supposed to present.
  28. While some enjoy his bombast, others find it tiresome and excessive.
  29. The teacher encouraged students to avoid bombast in their papers for a more honest approach.
  30. His bombast was amusing, but it ultimately failed to address the real issues.
  31. In politics, bombast can often sway public opinion despite lacking substance.
  32. The bombast in her presentation made it hard to discern her actual viewpoint.
  33. His bombast was a defense mechanism, hiding his true feelings of inadequacy.
  34. The debate devolved into bombast, losing sight of the original question.
  35. She appreciated clarity over bombast, which often obscured the truth.
  36. The bombast of the marketing campaign attracted attention but led to disappointment.
  37. He relied on bombast rather than facts to make his case.
  38. The excessive bombast in the speech turned off many listeners.
  39. She felt that the bombast in his rhetoric was unnecessary for the topic.
  40. The literary critique was full of bombast, detracting from its intended message.
  41. His bombast often made him the center of attention, though not always positively.
  42. The bombast surrounding the event was not matched by the reality of the experience.
  43. The speaker's bombast was met with eye rolls from the more discerning audience members.
  44. She struggled to understand the bombast in his writing, preferring straightforward language.
  45. The bombast of the presentation was entertaining, yet ultimately uninformative.
  46. Many felt that his bombast was a shield against criticism of his work.
  47. The article's bombast failed to impress the seasoned critics.
  48. His style was characterized by bombast, which some loved while others despised.
  49. The bombast of her language did little to enhance her argument.
  50. The novelist's use of bombast created a barrier between her and the readers.
  51. His bombast was seen as a sign of insecurity by those who knew him well.
  52. The bombast in the marketing pitch left customers wanting more substance.
  53. The bombast of the speech did little to address the pressing issues at hand.
  54. His tendency for bombast often led to misunderstandings in conversation.
  55. The bombast surrounding the release was not indicative of the product's quality.
  56. Many in the audience found his bombast tiresome and unconvincing.
  57. The bombast of his claims raised skepticism among the audience.
  58. The professor advised against bombast, advocating for a more straightforward approach.
  59. The bombast of the campaign was designed to distract from its flaws.
  60. Her bombast during the discussion alienated potential allies.
  61. The bombast in the article was meant to attract attention but fell flat.
  62. He often resorted to bombast when he lacked a solid argument.
  63. The bombast in his speech did not resonate with the audience.
  64. Critics panned the film for its bombast, which overshadowed its narrative.
  65. The bombast of politicians can sometimes overshadow the real issues.
  66. She preferred discussions without bombast, focusing instead on solutions.
  67. The bombast in his writing served to inflate his ego rather than inform the reader.
  68. His bombast was often a cover for his lack of knowledge on the topic.
  69. The bombast of the event's promotion did not match the actual experience.
  70. While he loved the bombast, others preferred a more subdued approach.
  71. The use of bombast in her argument only served to confuse her listeners.
  72. His bombast was a poor substitute for meaningful dialogue.
  73. The bombast of the announcement created a buzz, but little substance followed.
  74. She found his bombast amusing, but also a bit concerning.
  75. The bombast surrounding the project made it seem far more important than it was.
  76. He often used bombast to hide his lack of preparation.
  77. The bombast in the speech felt forced and unnatural.
  78. Many were turned off by his bombast, preferring authenticity.
  79. The bombast in marketing often oversells the product's actual benefits.
  80. She felt that his bombast was a distraction from the real issues.
  81. The bombast of the speaker did little to persuade the audience.
  82. His bombast often led to misunderstandings in team discussions.
  83. The bombast of the rally did not translate into real action.
  84. She was tired of the bombast in his emails, longing for simplicity.
  85. The bombast in the presentation was meant to impress but failed to resonate.
  86. He could be charming, but his bombast was often off-putting.
  87. The bombast of the campaign seemed to ignore the concerns of the community.
  88. Despite the bombast, the initiative lacked genuine support.
  89. The bombast in his voice did not match the seriousness of the situation.
  90. She often found herself lost in his bombast, unable to grasp the core message.
  91. The bombast of the event’s theme did not resonate with the audience.
  92. The bombast in his writing was a clear attempt to impress rather than inform.
  93. Many criticized the bombast of the presentation as unnecessary.
  94. The bombast of his claims did not hold up under scrutiny.
  95. Her bombast was met with skepticism from the audience.
  96. The bombast surrounding the award ceremony overshadowed the winners.
  97. The bombast in political speeches can often obscure the truth.
  98. His bombast was a barrier to effective communication.
  99. The bombast in the documentary was criticized for lacking depth.
  100. She preferred discussions with substance over bombast, valuing genuine dialogue.