100 Examples of sentences containing the noun "boolean"
Boolean (noun): A term derived from the name of mathematician George Boole, it refers to a data type that can hold one of two possible values, typically represented as true or false. In computing and logic, Boolean variables are used in Boolean algebra, which involves operations like AND, OR, and NOT to manipulate logical statements.
- Binary
- Logical value
- Truth value
- Undefined
- Indeterminate
- The program will Boolean the results of the calculations to determine if they are correct.
- You can Boolean the input values to filter out false statements.
- The algorithm will Boolean the conditions to execute the next step.
- Make sure to Boolean the flags before proceeding with the operation.
- The function will Boolean the user inputs to ensure validity.
- Can you Boolean these two expressions to see if they are equivalent?
- The database query will Boolean the search parameters for efficiency.
- It’s essential to Boolean the logic gates correctly for the circuit to function.
- The conditional statements will Boolean based on user permissions.
- We need to Boolean the criteria before finalizing the results.
- The system will Boolean the data entries to identify duplicates.
- You should Boolean your assumptions before making conclusions.
- The code will Boolean the outputs to return true or false.
- To simplify the logic, we can Boolean the redundant conditions.
- The programming language allows you to Boolean values using operators.
- Let’s Boolean the scenarios to see which one is more feasible.
- The simulation will Boolean the variables to test different outcomes.
- This function will Boolean whether the input is valid or not.
- You can Boolean the responses to analyze the survey results.
- The logic circuit will Boolean the inputs to produce the desired output.
- It is crucial to Boolean the functions accurately during testing.
- The software will Boolean the user actions to provide feedback.
- We can Boolean the states of the objects in the game.
- The logic model will Boolean the alternatives to find the best solution.
- To optimize performance, we will Boolean the repetitive tasks.
- The compiler will Boolean the code to check for errors.
- The experiment will Boolean the results to ensure consistency.
- Please Boolean the relevant data for the report.
- The database will Boolean the entries based on the search criteria.
- We need to Boolean these functions to improve efficiency.
- The system is designed to Boolean user permissions automatically.
- The app will Boolean the notifications based on user preferences.
- You can Boolean the options to find the best configuration.
- It is important to Boolean the settings before running the program.
- We should Boolean the results to verify their accuracy.
- The analysis will Boolean the trends to identify patterns.
- The model will Boolean the different variables in the experiment.
- You can Boolean the outputs to generate a report.
- Make sure to Boolean the calculations before submission.
- The tool will Boolean the inputs to generate the required outputs.
- You must Boolean the conditions for the if statement to work.
- The function will Boolean the values to determine the outcome.
- We will Boolean the inputs to assess the performance.
- The program allows you to Boolean various settings.
- The script will Boolean the data to find discrepancies.
- You can Boolean the arrays for better performance.
- The logic will Boolean based on the parameters set by the user.
- We need to Boolean these elements to ensure they function together.
- The application will Boolean the user data for security purposes.
- The algorithm will Boolean through the options to find the solution.
- Let’s Boolean the variables to see how they interact.
- The software will Boolean the conditions before executing the command.
- It is necessary to Boolean the results for accuracy.
- The framework will Boolean the responses for validation.
- The method can Boolean the inputs in various ways.
- The results will Boolean the expected outcomes against the actual results.
- You can Boolean the flags to see which features are enabled.
- The computation will Boolean the values to return a true or false result.
- This function will Boolean the comparisons made in the program.
- We can Boolean the outcomes to analyze the effectiveness of the changes.
- The diagnostic tool will Boolean the settings to ensure compatibility.
- Make sure to Boolean the results to avoid errors in the report.
- The logic system will Boolean the inputs based on the defined rules.
- It’s essential to Boolean the data correctly to prevent issues later.
- The application is designed to Boolean the user interactions seamlessly.
- We will Boolean the parameters to refine the search results.
- The model will Boolean the different scenarios for analysis.
- The program will Boolean the data entries for accuracy.
- Please Boolean the configurations before launching the application.
- The framework allows you to Boolean the various components easily.
- The analysis will Boolean the results to derive insights.
- The system will Boolean the settings to ensure optimal performance.
- You can Boolean the values to clarify the results.
- Make sure to Boolean the elements for compatibility.
- The function will Boolean the statements for logical consistency.
- We will Boolean the inputs to improve the user experience.
- The tool allows you to Boolean different parameters for testing.
- It is necessary to Boolean the variables to understand their dependencies.
- The algorithm will Boolean the conditions based on user input.
- We need to Boolean the calculations before drawing conclusions.
- The program will Boolean the data for errors and inconsistencies.
- Please Boolean the flags to enable or disable features.
- The logic will Boolean the inputs based on defined criteria.
- The analysis will Boolean the previous results for reliability.
- You can Boolean the settings to customize your experience.
- The function will Boolean the data to extract useful information.
- We should Boolean the outcomes for better understanding.
- The tool will Boolean the responses to identify trends.
- The program allows you to Boolean multiple conditions simultaneously.
- Make sure to Boolean the parameters for the test case.
- The function will Boolean the values to provide feedback.
- We will Boolean the inputs to assess the overall performance.
- The algorithm will Boolean the data to optimize the results.
- You can Boolean the results to identify discrepancies.
- The analysis will Boolean the variables to understand their impact.
- The application will Boolean the settings automatically based on preferences.
- Please Boolean the entries to maintain data integrity.
- The logic will Boolean the statements to ensure correctness.
- We need to Boolean the conditions before proceeding further.
- The software can Boolean the values to generate a final report.