100 Examples of sentences containing the noun "braces"


"Braces" is a common noun that can refer to several different things:

  1. A device used in orthodontics to straighten teeth and correct bite issues.
  2. Supportive devices worn to stabilize or support a part of the body, such as knee braces or back braces.
  3. A pair of straps worn over the shoulders to hold up trousers (also known as suspenders in some regions).
  4. A term used in computing to refer to curly brackets used in programming languages (e.g., {}).


  • For dental braces: orthodontic braces, dental aligners
  • For supportive braces: supports, splints, stabilizers
  • For shoulder straps: suspenders, trouser straps
  • For computing braces: curly brackets, curly braces


  • For dental braces: none (as it is a specific dental treatment)
  • For supportive braces: freedom (in the context of movement)
  • For shoulder straps: none (as they serve a specific purpose)
  • For computing braces: none (as they have a specific function)


  1. The dentist fitted her with braces to correct her overbite.
  2. He wore a knee brace after injuring it during the game.
  3. She adjusted her braces before heading out.
  4. The programmer used braces to define the beginning and end of the function.
  5. After a year of wearing braces, her teeth were finally straight.
  6. He braces himself for the impact of the news.
  7. The athlete braces his ankle before the race.
  8. She braces herself against the cold wind.
  9. The child was excited to get his first set of braces.
  10. The doctor recommended a back brace for her posture.
  11. He braces for a tough workout at the gym.
  12. The construction worker braces the wall with wooden supports.
  13. She braces herself for the upcoming exam.
  14. The jeweler used braces to secure the precious stones.
  15. The football player braces himself for a tackle.
  16. The team braces for the final match of the season.
  17. He tightened the braces on his pants to keep them up.
  18. She braces against the door to hold it shut.
  19. The kid was nervous but braces himself for the roller coaster ride.
  20. He braces for the storm that’s about to hit the town.
  21. The mechanic braces the engine to prevent it from falling.
  22. She braces herself before diving into the freezing water.
  23. The mother braces herself for the chaos of the family reunion.
  24. He braces the ladder against the wall before climbing up.
  25. The teacher braces her students for the pop quiz.
  26. She braces herself for criticism during the presentation.
  27. The runner braces himself for the starting gun.
  28. He braces the sculpture to make sure it stands upright.
  29. The hiker braces for the steep climb ahead.
  30. The athlete braces himself for the final sprint.
  31. She braces her body against the cold chill of the morning air.
  32. He braces himself for the unexpected news.
  33. The artist braces his canvas before starting the painting.
  34. The parent braces for a long night with a sick child.
  35. He braces for the challenge of a new job.
  36. The climber braces himself against the rock face.
  37. The teacher braces the students for the upcoming field trip.
  38. She braces her mind for the tough questions in the interview.
  39. The sailor braces the sail against the strong wind.
  40. He braces for the difficult conversation with his friend.
  41. The worker braces himself for the heavy lifting ahead.
  42. She braces her heart for the emotional roller coaster.
  43. The dancer braces for the final performance.
  44. He braces the door to keep it from swinging open.
  45. The firefighter braces himself before entering the burning building.
  46. The musician braces himself before the big concert.
  47. She braces for the impact of the crash.
  48. The actor braces for the intense scene.
  49. He braces himself for the fallout of his decision.
  50. The doctor braces the patient's arm for the injection.
  51. She braces for the long drive ahead.
  52. The coach braces the team for the final quarter.
  53. He braces the frame of the house before adding the walls.
  54. The child braces himself for the scary movie.
  55. She braces herself for the awkward family gathering.
  56. The student braces for the final exam results.
  57. He braces himself against the wall for support.
  58. The company braces for the upcoming product launch.
  59. She braces herself for the harsh winter.
  60. The athlete braces for the start of the competition.
  61. He braces for the impact of the storm.
  62. The soldiers brace themselves for the mission.
  63. She braces for the cold water before diving in.
  64. The performer braces for the audience’s reaction.
  65. He braces the bike against the fence.
  66. The teacher braces the students for the challenging project.
  67. She braces for the emotional reunion.
  68. The businessman braces for the negotiations ahead.
  69. He braces himself for the tough road ahead.
  70. The mountaineer braces for the treacherous path.
  71. She braces herself for the long wait at the airport.
  72. The cyclist braces against the strong headwind.
  73. He braces for the test results.
  74. The worker braces for the heavy machinery.
  75. She braces for the unexpected turn of events.
  76. The parent braces for the teenage years.
  77. He braces himself for the long journey.
  78. The student braces for the group presentation.
  79. She braces for the deadline approaching.
  80. The couple braces for the discussions about their future.
  81. He braces for the reality of adult life.
  82. The teacher braces the class for a surprise quiz.
  83. She braces for the changes in her life.
  84. The athlete braces himself for the championship game.
  85. He braces for the consequences of his choices.
  86. The family braces for the storm heading their way.
  87. She braces for the tough interview questions.
  88. The musician braces for the soundcheck before the show.
  89. He braces himself for the final moments of the game.
  90. The hiker braces for the altitude change.
  91. She braces her mind for the challenges ahead.
  92. The artist braces for the criticism of his work.
  93. He braces for the final decision from the committee.
  94. The runner braces himself at the starting line.
  95. She braces for the emotional impact of the news.
  96. The teacher braces her students for the upcoming project.
  97. He braces himself against the wind while cycling.
  98. The child braces for the thrill of the amusement park ride.
  99. She braces for the family meeting on the weekend.
  100. The traveler braces for the long flight ahead.