100 Examples of sentences containing the noun "brain"


  • The "brain" is the organ located in the head of humans and animals, responsible for processing sensory information, controlling motor functions, and facilitating cognition, thoughts, emotions, and memory.
  • It can also refer to the intellectual capacity or mental faculties of a person (e.g., "She has a brilliant brain.").


  • Mind
  • Intellect
  • Head
  • Cerebrum
  • Cortex
  • Grey matter
  • Psyche


  • Ignorance
  • Stupidity
  • Insanity
  • Idiocy
  • Unintelligence


  1. He had to brain hard to solve the complex puzzle.
  2. She will brain the solution to the problem during the meeting.
  3. I often brainstorm new ideas for my projects.
  4. They need to brain about how to improve their marketing strategy.
  5. The teacher asked the students to brain for a few minutes before answering.
  6. He can easily brain his way through difficult math problems.
  7. After a long day, she felt too tired to brain any further.
  8. Let's brain together and come up with a plan.
  9. The scientist had to brain about the implications of his research.
  10. She loves to brain about philosophical questions.
  11. It’s important to brain effectively to achieve your goals.
  12. He tried to brain a way to fix the broken machine.
  13. Can you brain how to approach this task?
  14. They often brain over coffee at their favorite café.
  15. The committee will brain about the upcoming event.
  16. She needed to brain for a moment before responding.
  17. He’s always ready to brain new techniques for his art.
  18. The group decided to brain at the local library.
  19. When in doubt, just brain the facts.
  20. Don’t forget to brain the pros and cons before making a decision.
  21. It took hours to brain the concept before presenting it.
  22. Sometimes, I just need to brain alone to gather my thoughts.
  23. They’ll brain the risks involved in the project.
  24. I'm going to brain a list of questions for the interview.
  25. She often brain during her morning walks.
  26. It’s fascinating to brain about how the brain works.
  27. He loves to brain with his friends on weekends.
  28. We should brain the possibilities before moving forward.
  29. The team will brain in the conference room.
  30. She often brain while listening to music.
  31. They need to brain about their next steps carefully.
  32. Can you brain about the last time you felt truly happy?
  33. Let’s brain the different approaches we could take.
  34. He tends to brain better when he’s alone.
  35. We can brain on the bus ride to the conference.
  36. It’s essential to brain the implications of your choices.
  37. She likes to brain in a quiet environment.
  38. He always tries to brain outside the box.
  39. When faced with a challenge, she will brain through it.
  40. The discovery made scientists brain about the universe differently.
  41. They will brain the new software updates next week.
  42. I often brain about my future plans.
  43. To succeed, you must brain thoroughly.
  44. He had to brain for the test on short notice.
  45. The researchers will brain their findings at the conference.
  46. She managed to brain a few ideas before the deadline.
  47. It’s not easy to brain with distractions around.
  48. Let’s brain what we learned from last year’s project.
  49. They’ll brain together to tackle the issue.
  50. He needs to brain out loud to clarify his thoughts.
  51. Sometimes, it helps to brain with a partner.
  52. You can always brain me for advice.
  53. She likes to brain under pressure.
  54. The seminar encouraged participants to brain for solutions.
  55. They gathered to brain about the charity event.
  56. He had to brain quickly to come up with a response.
  57. When they brain, ideas start flowing effortlessly.
  58. I often brain ideas while cooking.
  59. The students will brain for their group project.
  60. She prefers to brain in the morning when she’s fresh.
  61. You should brain all possible outcomes before deciding.
  62. They love to brain together for their creative writing class.
  63. He’ll brain a strategy during the next meeting.
  64. They need to brain before making any commitments.
  65. Can you brain about the last time you were proud of yourself?
  66. She always tries to brain in different perspectives.
  67. Let’s brain a few solutions before presenting.
  68. He likes to brain while taking long walks.
  69. They will brain their new product launch tomorrow.
  70. It’s essential to brain for a successful partnership.
  71. She had to brain a lot before the final exam.
  72. The team will brain about their performance review.
  73. Let’s brain on how to attract more customers.
  74. He doesn’t like to brain under pressure.
  75. They often brain in the park during lunch breaks.
  76. She needs to brain to come up with a solution.
  77. Can we brain about this more tomorrow?
  78. He loves to brain with his colleagues after work.
  79. It helps to brain in a relaxed setting.
  80. They will brain their strategies next week.
  81. She always feels inspired when she brain.
  82. He tends to brain better with music in the background.
  83. Let’s brain the details before finalizing the project.
  84. They had to brain all night to finish the report.
  85. She can easily brain her thoughts into coherent ideas.
  86. The workshop encouraged everyone to brain creatively.
  87. He will brain a list of pros and cons before deciding.
  88. Let’s brain about the benefits of this approach.
  89. She finds it easier to brain when she’s relaxed.
  90. They will brain the project scope in the next meeting.
  91. Can you brain about ways to improve efficiency?
  92. He likes to brain with a cup of coffee in hand.
  93. The meeting will allow us to brain about future goals.
  94. She often brain during her yoga sessions.
  95. They will brain the key messages for the presentation.
  96. It’s important to brain together to find a solution.
  97. He loves to brain with his mentor.
  98. They need to brain before the deadline approaches.
  99. She had to brain a lot of information for the exam.
  100. When brainstorming, it’s essential to brain without judgment.