100 Examples of sentences containing the noun "break"


A "break" is a common noun that refers to a pause or interruption in an activity, a fracture or separation of an object, or a momentary opportunity for rest or relaxation. It can also denote a change in routine or a chance occurrence that provides a new opportunity.


  • Pause
  • Interruption
  • Interval
  • Respite
  • Recess
  • Fracture
  • Crack
  • Gap
  • Breach
  • Opportunity


  • Continuation
  • Stability
  • Maintenance
  • Connection
  • Persistence
  • Strength


  1. She decided to break for lunch after the morning meeting.
  2. The loud noise caused him to break his concentration.
  3. If you break a stick, it can splinter.
  4. They plan to break for vacation next month.
  5. The child was told not to break his toys.
  6. He didn’t mean to break the silence in the room.
  7. I need to break this bad habit of procrastination.
  8. She was excited to break the news about her promotion.
  9. The athlete suffered a serious break in his leg.
  10. This project will break new ground in research.
  11. The teacher allowed the students to break for ten minutes.
  12. He tried to break the world record in running.
  13. The storm caused many branches to break off the trees.
  14. Let’s break this task into smaller parts.
  15. The children love to break open piñatas at parties.
  16. She doesn’t want to break the trust of her friends.
  17. It’s important to break the ice when meeting new people.
  18. The company had to break the contract due to unforeseen circumstances.
  19. He was careful not to break any rules during the game.
  20. The glass was so fragile that it could easily break.
  21. They hope to break even by the end of the year.
  22. The team managed to break through the defense.
  23. She felt a break in her routine was necessary for her well-being.
  24. The news of their engagement caused a break in the family.
  25. He tried to break free from his old lifestyle.
  26. The kids wanted to break the record for the longest jump.
  27. They had to break the bad news to their parents.
  28. The sudden rain caused them to break from their hike.
  29. The company experienced a break in production due to machinery failure.
  30. She found it hard to break the cycle of bad decisions.
  31. The artist decided to break from traditional styles.
  32. He hoped to break the monotony of his daily routine.
  33. It's essential to break the work into manageable tasks.
  34. They were thrilled to break the news of their engagement.
  35. He tried to break the record for the fastest time.
  36. She felt a break in her heart when she heard the news.
  37. Can we break for a moment to discuss this?
  38. The manager wanted to break the project into phases.
  39. The children were eager to break the pinata.
  40. The team worked hard to break the cycle of losses.
  41. They had to break the glass to get to the trapped cat.
  42. Let's break for coffee before continuing the discussion.
  43. The earthquake caused a serious break in the road.
  44. He was determined to break his previous record.
  45. She felt a break in the tension after the joke was told.
  46. The company aims to break into the international market.
  47. I need to break my old habits and start fresh.
  48. The dog managed to break free from its leash.
  49. She had to break down her feelings to understand them better.
  50. We should break the news gently to avoid upsetting them.
  51. The project faced a break in funding due to budget cuts.
  52. They needed to break the ice before the meeting started.
  53. The child accidentally broke his favorite toy.
  54. After working for hours, he needed a break.
  55. The coach encouraged the players to break their limits.
  56. She had to break the news about the layoffs.
  57. Let's break for a few minutes before we start again.
  58. The break in the fence allowed the animals to escape.
  59. He managed to break his habit of smoking.
  60. The artist had a break in inspiration and couldn’t create new work.
  61. They decided to break the routine and try something new.
  62. It’s important to break your fast before exercising.
  63. He tried to break the ice with a funny story.
  64. The teacher suggested they break into groups for the project.
  65. She didn’t want to break her promise.
  66. The company had to break the news about the merger.
  67. He was excited to break into the music scene.
  68. The break in the line caused the water to leak.
  69. She had to break the rules to save her friend.
  70. They wanted to break away from traditional marketing techniques.
  71. The doctor advised him not to break his diet.
  72. He felt a break in his concentration during the lecture.
  73. The team hoped to break the losing streak.
  74. She had to break up with him for her own sake.
  75. The break in the wall allowed light to come through.
  76. The kids were eager to break open the presents.
  77. The athlete trained hard to break his record.
  78. The sudden noise caused him to break his focus.
  79. She wanted to break free from the constraints of her job.
  80. The two friends had a break in their friendship after the argument.
  81. They decided to break their trip into two parts.
  82. The break in the clouds revealed a beautiful sunset.
  83. He had to break the news to his family about the move.
  84. The teacher allowed them to break for lunch.
  85. The break in the pattern was noticeable.
  86. We need to break this cycle of negativity.
  87. The storm caused a break in communication.
  88. She wanted to break the record for the longest swim.
  89. He tried to break the habit of biting his nails.
  90. The break in the conversation felt awkward.
  91. They were excited to break the story first.
  92. The cat managed to break out of the house.
  93. She realized she needed to break from her old ways.
  94. The break in the routine was refreshing.
  95. He wanted to break the news in person.
  96. The break in the chain caused the bike to stop.
  97. She felt a break in her heart upon hearing the news.
  98. They were eager to break the silence after the long wait.
  99. The manager had to break the team into smaller groups.
  100. He was determined to break the cycle of failure.