100 Examples of sentences containing the noun "brood"
"Brood" as a common noun refers to a group of young animals, especially birds, that are born at the same time and are cared for by the same parents. It can also refer to the act of thinking deeply about something that makes one unhappy or worried, though in this case, it is more commonly used as a verb.
- Clutch
- Offspring
- Young
- Progeny
- Litter
- Individual
- Lone
- Solitary
- She tends to brood over her mistakes for too long.
- After the argument, he couldn't help but brood in silence.
- The mother hen watched her brood closely.
- Instead of moving on, he continued to brood about the past.
- The brood of ducklings followed their mother into the water.
- It’s hard not to brood when everything seems to go wrong.
- The farmer was proud of his brood of chicks.
- She would often brood over her future choices.
- The brood of puppies played in the yard.
- He sat alone, brooding over his lost opportunities.
- A new brood of birds hatched in the spring.
- She preferred to brood quietly rather than discuss her feelings.
- The brood of kittens curled up together in a basket.
- He couldn't shake off the thoughts that made him brood.
- The brood of frogs hopped around the pond.
- She often broods about her childhood memories.
- The brood of goslings waddled across the path.
- Instead of acting, he chose to brood over his decisions.
- The brood of cygnets swam gracefully behind their mother.
- It’s important to not brood too long over failures.
- The mother bird was protective of her brood.
- He found it hard to brood when surrounded by friends.
- The brood of rabbits nibbled on the grass.
- She would often brood on her regrets late at night.
- The brood of chicks chirped incessantly.
- He would brood over how life could have been different.
- The brood of lambs frolicked in the field.
- It's unhealthy to brood on things you cannot change.
- The brood of squirrels gathered nuts for winter.
- Sometimes it’s better to act than to brood.
- The brood of ducklings was adorable.
- He tends to brood when faced with criticism.
- The brood of fish swam together in the tank.
- She didn't realize she was starting to brood until it was too late.
- The brood of turkeys strutted around the yard.
- It’s easy to brood when you’re alone.
- The brood of chicks was sheltered from the rain.
- He prefers to brood in solitude.
- The brood of owls hooted softly in the tree.
- She found it difficult to brood when she practiced mindfulness.
- The brood of puppies yipped playfully.
- He would often brood over unfulfilled dreams.
- The brood of deer grazed in the meadow.
- Sometimes she would brood over the simplest things.
- The brood of canaries sang sweetly.
- He didn’t mean to brood, but thoughts kept coming back.
- The brood of piglets followed their mother closely.
- It's important not to brood over what others think of you.
- The brood of chicks pecked at the ground.
- Whenever he feels down, he tends to brood.
- The brood of quail scurried into the bushes.
- She realized it was pointless to brood about the past.
- The brood of lambs bleated softly.
- He would rather brood than talk to someone.
- The brood of eaglets awaited their mother’s return.
- She tried to avoid brooding over her mistakes.
- The brood of piglets played in the mud.
- He often finds himself brooding late at night.
- The brood of chicks was on display at the fair.
- It’s easy to brood after a breakup.
- The brood of goslings was a sight to behold.
- He tried to shake off the urge to brood.
- The brood of kittens mewed for attention.
- She wouldn’t let herself brood after the setback.
- The brood of ducklings was waddling behind their mother.
- He felt the need to brood when he was confronted with failure.
- The brood of chicks needed to be fed.
- It’s not healthy to brood over things you can’t control.
- The brood of puppies was given away to loving homes.
- She often brooded about her family’s expectations.
- The brood of rabbits was hidden in the bushes.
- He couldn't help but brood during the rainy days.
- The brood of chicks chirped loudly when they were hungry.
- She decided to stop brooding and take action.
- The brood of squirrel kits played on the branches.
- He felt a need to brood after the conversation.
- The brood of ducklings learned to swim.
- She would often brood about her relationships.
- The brood of baby birds was learning to fly.
- He tried not to brood over his mistakes.
- The brood of goats grazed peacefully.
- She felt the desire to brood after reading an old letter.
- The brood of chicks snuggled under their mother's wing.
- He would often brood in silence instead of speaking up.
- The brood of lambs leaped around the field.
- Sometimes it's better to let go than to brood.
- The brood of fish darted around the tank.
- She had a tendency to brood over things that didn't matter.
- The brood of ducklings was a charming sight.
- He couldn't shake the urge to brood after the loss.
- The brood of kittens was full of energy.
- She made an effort not to brood after the setback.
- The brood of goslings was exploring their surroundings.
- He often found himself brooding over old regrets.
- The brood of chicks was pecking at the ground.
- It's easy to brood when you're feeling isolated.
- The brood of puppies was adorable and playful.
- He recognized when it was time to stop brooding and move on.
- The brood of baby birds chirped for food.
- She realized that constant brooding wouldn't change the outcome.