100 Examples of sentences containing the noun "buffalo"


The term "Buffalo" as a common noun can refer to:

  1. A large, heavy animal with thick skin, commonly found in North America (American Bison) or Asia (Water Buffalo).
  2. The city of Buffalo in New York, USA, known for its historical significance and architecture.
  3. Used in a verb form, "to buffalo" means to confuse, intimidate, or bully someone.


  1. For the animal:
    • Bison
    • Water Buffalo
    • Cape Buffalo
  2. For the city:
    • N/A (proper noun, not synonymous)
  3. For the verb:
    • Intimidate
    • Bully
    • Confuse


  1. For the animal:
    • N/A (specific animal type)
  2. For the city:
    • N/A (proper noun, not antonymous)
  3. For the verb:
    • Assist
    • Clarify
    • Encourage


  1. The hunter tried to buffalo the wild animal into the trap.
  2. She felt the need to buffalo her competitors to stand out in the market.
  3. The teacher didn't want to buffalo the students with too much homework.
  4. The loud noise seemed to buffalo the unsuspecting tourists.
  5. He attempted to buffalo his friend with a complicated riddle.
  6. It was easy to buffalo him with a few tricky questions.
  7. The magician's tricks never failed to buffalo the audience.
  8. They tried to buffalo the opponent into making a mistake.
  9. The sudden change in plans seemed to buffalo everyone involved.
  10. She thought he was trying to buffalo her with his exaggerated stories.
  11. The unexpected results will buffalo the researchers.
  12. He managed to buffalo his way through the negotiation.
  13. The loud crowd seemed to buffalo the players on the field.
  14. It’s hard to buffalo someone who is well-prepared.
  15. The fast-talking salesman tried to buffalo the customers.
  16. She was determined not to let anyone buffalo her.
  17. The argument seemed to buffalo them into silence.
  18. The intricate plan was designed to buffalo their enemies.
  19. His confidence helped him to buffalo the skeptics.
  20. They decided to buffalo their opponents with sheer numbers.
  21. The sudden announcement would likely buffalo the voters.
  22. His stories never failed to buffalo the listeners.
  23. The unexpected twist in the plot will buffalo the audience.
  24. She always found a way to buffalo her doubts.
  25. The team worked hard to buffalo the competition.
  26. His attempts to buffalo her with facts backfired.
  27. The surprise meeting seemed to buffalo everyone.
  28. The unexpected challenge will buffalo even the best players.
  29. They were determined to buffalo the other team into submission.
  30. The intricate puzzle was designed to buffalo even the smartest minds.
  31. I refuse to be buffalo by your smooth talk.
  32. The wild animal could easily buffalo a person if threatened.
  33. The complex rules were meant to buffalo the newcomers.
  34. The unexpected turn of events served to buffalo the management.
  35. She knew he was trying to buffalo her with his charm.
  36. The sudden change in weather could easily buffalo travelers.
  37. They wanted to buffalo the audience with a spectacular show.
  38. His strategies aimed to buffalo any potential threats.
  39. The sudden announcement was meant to buffalo the critics.
  40. She didn't want to be buffalo into making a decision too quickly.
  41. The loud music seemed to buffalo the conversation.
  42. The complex jargon will buffalo anyone not in the field.
  43. The unexpected twist in the story was meant to buffalo readers.
  44. He managed to buffalo his way through the interview.
  45. The intricate details of the project would likely buffalo the clients.
  46. The mysterious stranger seemed to buffalo everyone at the party.
  47. The unexpected delay served to buffalo the entire schedule.
  48. The sudden influx of information can often buffalo employees.
  49. The teacher designed an exam to buffalo the unprepared students.
  50. The elaborate scheme was meant to buffalo their rivals.
  51. The loud argument seemed to buffalo the nearby patrons.
  52. They tried to buffalo the police with false information.
  53. The sudden change in leadership will likely buffalo the organization.
  54. His overconfidence was meant to buffalo his competitors.
  55. The complex plot twist was intended to buffalo the viewers.
  56. The unexpected news would surely buffalo the community.
  57. She managed to buffalo him into revealing his secrets.
  58. The confusing instructions will likely buffalo new users.
  59. The crowded event seemed to buffalo the attendees.
  60. His attempt to buffalo her with flattery fell flat.
  61. The sudden influx of work can easily buffalo employees.
  62. The unexpected twist seemed to buffalo everyone involved.
  63. The complex rules were designed to buffalo the players.
  64. She refused to let anyone buffalo her into a corner.
  65. The quick change in plans could buffalo even the most organized.
  66. The unexpected announcement was meant to buffalo the competition.
  67. His elaborate story was clearly meant to buffalo the audience.
  68. The loud noise seemed to buffalo the guests at the event.
  69. She was determined not to be buffalo by his charm.
  70. The sudden change in weather could buffalo travelers.
  71. The unexpected twist in the game was designed to buffalo the players.
  72. They tried to buffalo the decision-makers with false data.
  73. The intricate details of the project were likely to buffalo anyone not involved.
  74. His attempts to buffalo her with fancy words were transparent.
  75. The sudden influx of tourists would likely buffalo local businesses.
  76. The loud argument seemed to buffalo the onlookers.
  77. He managed to buffalo his way into the VIP section.
  78. The complex rules were meant to buffalo the new players.
  79. The unexpected twist in the story was meant to buffalo the audience.
  80. The sudden announcement would likely buffalo the community.
  81. She managed to buffalo him with her quick thinking.
  82. The intricate plot twist was designed to buffalo the readers.
  83. They tried to buffalo their rivals with clever tactics.
  84. The sudden change in plans would surely buffalo everyone.
  85. The unexpected twist seemed to buffalo the critics.
  86. He was determined to buffalo the competition at all costs.
  87. The loud noise could easily buffalo anyone nearby.
  88. The unexpected challenges will likely buffalo the team.
  89. The intricate details were intended to buffalo the audience.
  90. The sudden shift in strategy was meant to buffalo the opponents.
  91. She was not going to let anyone buffalo her into a decision.
  92. The loud argument seemed to buffalo patrons at the café.
  93. The complex narrative was designed to buffalo the viewers.
  94. The unexpected news could easily buffalo the community.
  95. He attempted to buffalo her with his charm but failed.
  96. The sudden twist in the game was meant to buffalo the players.
  97. They were determined to buffalo the competition at every turn.
  98. The loud music seemed to buffalo conversations in the room.
  99. The sudden change of events would likely buffalo the audience.
  100. She was careful not to let anyone buffalo her with their words.