100 Examples of sentences containing the noun "carboxyl"


Carboxyl is a common noun referring to a functional group in organic chemistry characterized by a carbon atom double-bonded to an oxygen atom and also bonded to a hydroxyl group (-COOH). This group is key in the formation of carboxylic acids, which are important in various biological and chemical processes.


  • Carboxy group
  • Acid group


  • None (as it is a specific chemical term)


  1. Scientists carboxyl different organic compounds to analyze their properties.
  2. The chemist decided to carboxyl the substance to increase its acidity.
  3. To synthesize the compound, we must carboxyl the primary alcohol.
  4. In the laboratory, they will carboxyl the sample using specific reagents.
  5. Researchers often carboxyl amino acids to study their interactions.
  6. The process to carboxyl the fatty acid was carefully monitored.
  7. When you carboxyl a molecule, you can change its reactivity.
  8. The team aimed to carboxyl the compound at a lower temperature.
  9. It is essential to carboxyl the substrate for the reaction to proceed.
  10. They found a way to carboxyl the organic material efficiently.
  11. To enhance the solubility, the scientists decided to carboxyl the molecule.
  12. The experiment required them to carboxyl several intermediates.
  13. In the synthesis route, they had to carboxyl the starting material.
  14. The reaction will not proceed unless you carboxyl the compound first.
  15. To achieve optimal results, it is necessary to carboxyl at the right pH.
  16. The enzymatic pathway involves the ability to carboxyl specific substrates.
  17. To convert the alcohol, you must carboxyl it effectively.
  18. They learned how to carboxyl various aromatic compounds in their course.
  19. The procedure to carboxyl the compound was outlined in the protocol.
  20. Understanding how to carboxyl different molecules is crucial for biochemistry students.
  21. The researchers will carboxyl the solution to observe the reaction dynamics.
  22. To achieve the desired acidity, it is vital to carboxyl the compound accurately.
  23. The scientists aimed to carboxyl the fatty acid derivatives.
  24. It is important to carboxyl under controlled conditions for reproducibility.
  25. They needed to carboxyl the organic molecule before analysis.
  26. To modify the compound’s properties, they decided to carboxyl it.
  27. The laboratory manual explained how to carboxyl effectively.
  28. The students practiced how to carboxyl an alcohol in the lab.
  29. The chemist will carboxyl the reactant to initiate the reaction.
  30. They were able to carboxyl the substrate successfully using a catalyst.
  31. The goal is to carboxyl the compound to enhance its reactivity.
  32. The team conducted an experiment to carboxyl different types of compounds.
  33. To synthesize the acid, you need to carboxyl the alcohol.
  34. The method to carboxyl the molecule was developed over several years.
  35. Understanding how to carboxyl is fundamental in organic chemistry.
  36. They had to carboxyl the compound under specific atmospheric conditions.
  37. The ability to carboxyl efficiently can lead to new discoveries.
  38. To prepare the sample, they needed to carboxyl it correctly.
  39. The chemist taught the students how to carboxyl effectively.
  40. The team will carboxyl the reactants to study their interaction.
  41. They utilized a new technique to carboxyl the organic molecules.
  42. The reaction did not proceed until they managed to carboxyl the compound.
  43. In the experiment, they had to carboxyl several different substrates.
  44. The researchers were excited to carboxyl the new compound.
  45. It is crucial to carboxyl under precise conditions for the best results.
  46. They aimed to carboxyl the compound to investigate its properties.
  47. The experiment aimed to carboxyl the fatty acid in a controlled environment.
  48. The scientists needed to carboxyl the sample for accurate measurement.
  49. To complete the synthesis, they had to carboxyl the intermediate.
  50. The method required them to carboxyl in two steps.
  51. The team wanted to carboxyl the substrate to facilitate the reaction.
  52. Researchers often carboxyl compounds to enhance their functionality.
  53. The reaction was designed to carboxyl the alcohol efficiently.
  54. They were required to carboxyl the compound before proceeding with the analysis.
  55. The chemist shared techniques on how to carboxyl accurately.
  56. To proceed, the lab needed to carboxyl the main reactant.
  57. The goal was to carboxyl the molecule to improve its properties.
  58. They successfully managed to carboxyl the organic compounds in the trial.
  59. The findings showed that they could carboxyl under different conditions.
  60. The team was able to carboxyl the sample within a short timeframe.
  61. The procedure outlined how to carboxyl various substrates.
  62. They planned to carboxyl the reactants for further investigation.
  63. To achieve the desired outcome, it was necessary to carboxyl the compound.
  64. The researchers could carboxyl the organic material efficiently.
  65. The method for how to carboxyl was demonstrated in the lab.
  66. They managed to carboxyl the compound without any complications.
  67. Understanding how to carboxyl effectively is key in organic synthesis.
  68. The chemist will carboxyl the alcohol in the next step of the experiment.
  69. Students learned how to carboxyl as part of their organic chemistry curriculum.
  70. The procedure required them to carboxyl under strict laboratory conditions.
  71. They needed to carboxyl before continuing with the analysis.
  72. To create the desired compound, they had to carboxyl the reactant.
  73. The lab focused on how to carboxyl efficiently and safely.
  74. They were excited to carboxyl the new organic compound.
  75. The team will carboxyl the sample to study its behavior.
  76. It was important to carboxyl the intermediate for the reaction to work.
  77. Researchers will carboxyl using the new methodology developed.
  78. The experiment aimed to carboxyl the organic acids produced.
  79. The lab manual provided details on how to carboxyl compounds.
  80. The students practiced how to carboxyl under supervision.
  81. They would carboxyl the reactants to analyze the outcomes.
  82. The chemist explained the importance of knowing how to carboxyl.
  83. They had to carboxyl the sample before its analysis could begin.
  84. The process aimed to carboxyl the substance without degradation.
  85. The goal was to carboxyl the fatty acids for further research.
  86. They were required to carboxyl the samples meticulously.
  87. The project involved learning how to carboxyl different types of acids.
  88. The laboratory focused on how to carboxyl various organic materials.
  89. They planned to carboxyl a new compound to investigate its properties.
  90. The research team will carboxyl the compounds before conducting tests.
  91. The experiment required them to carboxyl the main substrate.
  92. They could carboxyl under different temperatures and pressures.
  93. Understanding how to carboxyl correctly is essential for chemists.
  94. The method for how to carboxyl was updated to reflect new findings.
  95. They decided to carboxyl the compound to study its reactivity.
  96. The professor instructed the students on how to carboxyl accurately.
  97. They attempted to carboxyl the organic material in a novel way.
  98. The laboratory focused on the ability to carboxyl efficiently.
  99. To proceed, they had to carboxyl the compound thoroughly.
  100. The team was successful in their attempt to carboxyl the samples.