100 Examples of sentences containing the noun "catalyst"
A catalyst is a substance that increases the rate of a chemical reaction without undergoing any permanent change itself. In a broader context, it refers to an agent that provokes or speeds significant change or action in a particular situation or environment.
- Accelerator
- Stimulus
- Impetus
- Trigger
- Activator
- Promoter
- Enabler
- Inhibitor
- Restraint
- Obstacle
- Deterrent
- Blocker
- The new policy will catalyst positive changes in employee productivity.
- Her speech served as a catalyst for community action against climate change.
- A good teacher can catalyst a student’s interest in science.
- The merger acted as a catalyst for growth in the technology sector.
- The discovery of penicillin was a catalyst for modern medicine.
- His enthusiasm will catalyst the team to achieve their goals.
- The documentary was a catalyst for public discussion on mental health.
- A crisis can often catalyst necessary reforms in government.
- The artist's new exhibit served as a catalyst for local cultural rejuvenation.
- This new evidence could catalyst a re-examination of the case.
- The introduction of new technology will catalyst advancements in various industries.
- Their collaboration will catalyst innovative solutions to old problems.
- The workshop is designed to catalyst creativity among participants.
- A supportive environment can catalyst personal growth and development.
- The launch of the initiative will catalyst change in community attitudes.
- This event could catalyst a movement towards sustainability.
- The partnership aims to catalyst economic development in the region.
- His research findings will likely catalyst further investigations.
- The funding will catalyst the development of new educational programs.
- The meeting was intended to catalyst discussion on urgent issues.
- A well-placed question can catalyst deeper thinking.
- The festival will catalyst tourism in the area.
- The training session is meant to catalyst team building.
- The unexpected news can catalyst a range of emotions.
- Her innovative ideas will catalyst improvements in the project.
- The collaboration will catalyst significant changes in policy.
- The challenge can catalyst growth in personal resilience.
- A mentor can catalyst one’s career development.
- The new law is expected to catalyst a shift in public opinion.
- The research aims to catalyst breakthroughs in renewable energy.
- This discovery may catalyst changes in our understanding of the disease.
- The seminar could catalyst networking opportunities for attendees.
- The new advertising campaign will catalyst interest in the product.
- His leadership will catalyst the team to reach their full potential.
- The initiative is designed to catalyst collaboration among local businesses.
- New insights can catalyst changes in strategy.
- The festival is meant to catalyst community engagement.
- A strong vision can catalyst collective action.
- The artist's work is often a catalyst for social change.
- The pilot program will catalyst further research into the issue.
- The news conference was a catalyst for further inquiries.
- A crisis can often catalyst necessary dialogue.
- The introduction of the app will catalyst improvements in efficiency.
- The discussion served to catalyst new ideas for the project.
- The new product launch will catalyst a wave of consumer interest.
- His actions might catalyst a broader movement for justice.
- The conference aimed to catalyst international cooperation.
- This investment could catalyst a new phase of growth for the company.
- The book has the potential to catalyst a new understanding of history.
- Her feedback can catalyst significant revisions to the proposal.
- The event was intended to catalyst a dialogue on important issues.
- The new training program will catalyst skills development.
- The changes in policy may catalyst a shift in public perception.
- The partnership aims to catalyst innovative approaches to education.
- His research is likely to catalyst advancements in technology.
- The workshop will catalyst collaboration among participants.
- The new initiative could catalyst significant improvements in health care.
- A compelling cause can catalyst widespread support.
- The project is designed to catalyst engagement with students.
- The team's success will catalyst further funding for the initiative.
- A good discussion can catalyst critical thinking.
- The discovery may catalyst changes in the industry.
- The new strategy aims to catalyst growth in the marketplace.
- The campaign will catalyst awareness for the issue.
- His presentation is designed to catalyst interest in the topic.
- This innovation could catalyst a paradigm shift in the field.
- The merger will catalyst new opportunities for both companies.
- The challenge will catalyst the team to innovate.
- The feedback session is meant to catalyst constructive criticism.
- The new regulations will catalyst improvements in safety standards.
- Her passion for the cause can catalyst others to get involved.
- The changes are expected to catalyst a new era for the organization.
- The initiative is designed to catalyst dialogue between communities.
- His insights could catalyst a rethinking of traditional methods.
- The festival aims to catalyst cultural exchange among different groups.
- The partnership will likely catalyst advancements in research.
- The new leadership will catalyst a fresh perspective on the issues.
- A well-crafted strategy can catalyst success.
- The event served to catalyst community involvement.
- The campaign is intended to catalyst public interest.
- The new approach may catalyst improvements in productivity.
- The meeting aimed to catalyst collaboration on key initiatives.
- His approach could catalyst a change in company culture.
- The innovation is expected to catalyst new business models.
- The new regulations will catalyst a safer working environment.
- A compelling story can catalyst empathy and understanding.
- The project aims to catalyst change in local policies.
- Their joint efforts may catalyst significant progress.
- The workshop is designed to catalyst professional development.
- This research could catalyst a new understanding of the topic.
- The new initiative will catalyst community engagement.
- His findings could catalyst changes in practices across the industry.
- The discovery should catalyst further studies in the field.
- The plan aims to catalyst economic revitalization.
- The new policy will catalyst improvements in public services.
- This collaboration could catalyst innovation in the sector.
- The project is intended to catalyst awareness on social issues.
- The discussion could catalyst changes in community relations.
- The new app is designed to catalyst user engagement.
- The initiative is meant to catalyst change in educational practices.