100 Examples of sentences containing the noun "cesspool"


A cesspool is a pit or underground container for the temporary storage of liquid waste and sewage. It can also refer to a situation or place regarded as being foul, corrupt, or morally degraded.


  • Pit
  • Sump
  • Sewage pit
  • Drain
  • Septic tank
  • Morass
  • Quagmire


  • Cleanliness
  • Purity
  • Sanitation
  • Clarity
  • Virtue
  • Integrity


  1. The old house had a cesspool that needed to be cleaned out.
  2. The neighborhood was considered a cesspool of crime and corruption.
  3. They discovered a hidden cesspool behind the garden shed.
  4. The politician's reputation became a cesspool of scandals.
  5. After the heavy rains, the backyard turned into a cesspool of stagnant water.
  6. The factory's waste was dumped into an illegal cesspool.
  7. The social media site turned into a cesspool of negativity and hate.
  8. He felt that the city had become a cesspool of pollution.
  9. The abandoned property had a cesspool that attracted pests.
  10. The documentary exposed the cesspool of exploitation in the industry.
  11. The once-thriving community became a cesspool of despair.
  12. They were warned not to enter the area, as it was a cesspool of toxic waste.
  13. The novel depicted a cesspool of moral decay in society.
  14. She described her coworkers as a cesspool of gossip and backstabbing.
  15. The cesspool of emotions overwhelmed him during the difficult times.
  16. The environmentalists campaigned against the cesspool of industrial waste.
  17. The abandoned cesspool emitted a foul odor.
  18. His actions turned the club into a cesspool of unethical behavior.
  19. The cesspool of despair was evident in the faces of the residents.
  20. The investigation revealed a cesspool of fraud within the organization.
  21. Their relationship became a cesspool of misunderstandings.
  22. The once clean lake had become a cesspool due to runoff.
  23. The cesspool of corruption in the government was alarming.
  24. She felt trapped in a cesspool of negativity at her job.
  25. The report highlighted the cesspool of issues plaguing the community.
  26. A cesspool of stagnant water can be a breeding ground for mosquitoes.
  27. The cesspool of emotions bubbled to the surface during the argument.
  28. His reputation was dragged down into a cesspool of rumors.
  29. The city council addressed the cesspool of waste management issues.
  30. The haunted house had a cesspool that added to the eerie atmosphere.
  31. The cesspool of despair was palpable during the tough economic times.
  32. The artist painted a cesspool of colors that reflected chaos.
  33. Their once happy home became a cesspool of arguing and resentment.
  34. The cesspool of misinformation spread rapidly online.
  35. He referred to the political debates as a cesspool of insults.
  36. The cesspool of secrets within the family was troubling.
  37. The old cesspool in the backyard was filled with debris.
  38. The corporate world can sometimes resemble a cesspool of greed.
  39. The cesspool beneath the city streets was a health hazard.
  40. They worked to clean up the cesspool of toxic waste left behind.
  41. The cesspool of despair in the community led to calls for action.
  42. She felt like she was wading through a cesspool of negativity.
  43. The cesspool of corruption was finally uncovered by journalists.
  44. They discovered a cesspool of illegal activities in the basement.
  45. The cesspool of bad habits was hard to escape from.
  46. The neighborhood had turned into a cesspool of crime.
  47. The cesspool of lies led to a breakdown in trust.
  48. The school's environment became a cesspool of bullying.
  49. The abandoned cesspool posed a danger to local children.
  50. The documentary revealed a cesspool of exploitation in the industry.
  51. The cesspool of filth in the alleyway was a health hazard.
  52. She described the political climate as a cesspool of division.
  53. The cesspool of emotional turmoil left him feeling drained.
  54. The report exposed the cesspool of unethical practices in the company.
  55. The cesspool of waste was cleaned up by environmental volunteers.
  56. The cesspool of despair was difficult for her to navigate.
  57. Their friendship turned into a cesspool of jealousy.
  58. The cesspool of misinformation influenced public opinion.
  59. The abandoned lot became a cesspool of danger and neglect.
  60. He feared the cesspool of negative thoughts would consume him.
  61. The cesspool of despair in the town was heartbreaking.
  62. The investigation revealed a cesspool of fraud and deceit.
  63. The cesspool of stagnant water attracted unwanted pests.
  64. She described the online comments section as a cesspool of hate.
  65. The cesspool of broken dreams was evident in the abandoned buildings.
  66. The cesspool of gossip led to misunderstandings among friends.
  67. The cesspool of anger boiled over during the argument.
  68. They worked to clean the cesspool of waste in the local river.
  69. The old cesspool was hidden under layers of dirt and debris.
  70. The cesspool of rumors surrounded the celebrity scandal.
  71. The cesspool of unethical behavior in the workplace was alarming.
  72. She felt like she was drowning in a cesspool of responsibilities.
  73. The town's reputation was a cesspool of negativity.
  74. The cesspool of emotional baggage weighed heavily on him.
  75. The cesspool of lies created a toxic atmosphere.
  76. His career had become a cesspool of bad decisions.
  77. The cesspool of despair in the community prompted action.
  78. The abandoned cesspool was a breeding ground for danger.
  79. The cesspool of anger was hard to manage.
  80. The investigation revealed a cesspool of misconduct.
  81. The cesspool of negativity made it hard to be positive.
  82. The cesspool of moral decay was evident in the city.
  83. She described her workplace as a cesspool of toxicity.
  84. The cesspool of rumors kept spreading despite denials.
  85. The cesspool of waste needed immediate attention from authorities.
  86. Their friendship became a cesspool of resentment and jealousy.
  87. The cesspool of issues within the organization was overwhelming.
  88. The cesspool of complaints led to management changes.
  89. The cesspool of negativity online can be overwhelming.
  90. The cesspool of despair led to a community crisis.
  91. She felt trapped in a cesspool of her own making.
  92. The cesspool of secrets threatened to tear the family apart.
  93. The investigation uncovered a cesspool of illegal activities.
  94. The cesspool of despair was hard to escape from.
  95. The cesspool of emotional turmoil took its toll on her health.
  96. They found a cesspool of waste during the cleanup effort.
  97. The cesspool of gossip caused rifts in relationships.
  98. The cesspool of despair around him was suffocating.
  99. The cesspool of negativity permeated the atmosphere.
  100. The cesspool of secrets was finally exposed to the public.