100 Examples of sentences containing the noun "chickenpox"


Chickenpox is a highly contagious viral infection caused by the varicella-zoster virus, characterized by an itchy rash, red spots, and blisters. It primarily affects children but can occur in unvaccinated adults. Vaccination can prevent the disease or lessen its severity.


  • Varicella
  • VZV (varicella-zoster virus)
  • Chicken pox (alternative spelling)


  • Immunity (to chickenpox)
  • Vaccination (against chickenpox)


  1. I chickenpox every summer when I was a child.
  2. The doctor said that if I don't get vaccinated, I might chickenpox later in life.
  3. My sister chickenpox last year, and it was quite severe.
  4. After being exposed to the virus, I might chickenpox soon.
  5. They decided to have a chickenpox party so their kids could chickenpox together.
  6. He was excited to finally chickenpox after years of avoiding it.
  7. The symptoms can last for weeks if you chickenpox.
  8. She told me her friend did not want to chickenpox again.
  9. I remember the time I chickenpox and missed school for a week.
  10. The nurse advised that if I chickenpox, I should stay home.
  11. My neighbors were worried that their kids might chickenpox from the new student.
  12. I had to cancel my plans because I might chickenpox soon.
  13. When I was young, I did not want to chickenpox.
  14. They said it was better to chickenpox as a child.
  15. If you don't get the vaccine, you might chickenpox as an adult.
  16. The rash is a clear sign when you chickenpox.
  17. After my brother chickenpox, he had to stay in quarantine.
  18. The school sent a notice informing parents about the outbreak of chickenpox.
  19. My friend felt miserable when he chickenpox last month.
  20. She was relieved to find out she had already chickenpox as a child.
  21. The doctor told me that even if I chickenpox, it isn't usually serious.
  22. If you have had chickenpox, you are generally immune for life.
  23. The rash becomes noticeable three weeks after you chickenpox.
  24. I had a friend who never chickenpox and was worried about it.
  25. Our parents used to tell us stories of how they chickenpox.
  26. When I chickenpox, I had to miss my best friend's birthday party.
  27. She was advised to avoid contact with anyone who might chickenpox.
  28. They were surprised to learn that I had already chickenpox.
  29. It is common for children to chickenpox before their teenage years.
  30. They monitored the kids closely when one of them started to chickenpox.
  31. The teacher explained how the virus spreads when you chickenpox.
  32. I remember a time when I thought I might chickenpox but didn't.
  33. It can be quite itchy when you chickenpox.
  34. Many parents hope their children will chickenpox early.
  35. The vaccine dramatically reduces the chances that you will chickenpox.
  36. After I chickenpox, I had marks on my skin for months.
  37. They were relieved to find out their child would not chickenpox this season.
  38. I was told that the best way to avoid complications is to chickenpox young.
  39. The doctor warned me that I should not chickenpox again if I’ve had it.
  40. It's important to recognize the symptoms early if you might chickenpox.
  41. I had a mild case when I chickenpox.
  42. The pediatrician assured us that most kids will chickenpox.
  43. My cousin's kids were told they could chickenpox after spring break.
  44. The rash appeared just days after he started to chickenpox.
  45. They were relieved when their youngest finally chickenpox.
  46. The health department issued a warning about an outbreak of chickenpox.
  47. I used to think it was fun to chickenpox with friends.
  48. She was worried she'd never chickenpox since she was older.
  49. The doctor explained that once you chickenpox, you can't catch it again.
  50. We all knew someone who had to chickenpox during school.
  51. I felt lucky to have already chickenpox before starting high school.
  52. The symptoms of chickenpox can vary from person to person.
  53. My neighbor mentioned that her daughter might chickenpox soon.
  54. They arranged a playdate so the kids could chickenpox together.
  55. Often, when kids chickenpox, they have to stay home from school.
  56. I was surprised to learn that I had already chickenpox as a baby.
  57. The itchy spots were unbearable when I chickenpox.
  58. She said it was better to chickenpox than to deal with shingles later.
  59. He was glad he had the vaccine and didn't ever need to chickenpox.
  60. Parents often fear their children will chickenpox during flu season.
  61. Once you chickenpox, you usually become immune.
  62. I remember the stories of how my grandparents chickenpox.
  63. The school nurse said it was common for kids to chickenpox early.
  64. They tried to isolate the child who may chickenpox.
  65. It was a relief when my doctor confirmed I had already chickenpox.
  66. The rash was a clear sign that she would soon chickenpox.
  67. I was nervous about my son potentially needing to chickenpox.
  68. The symptoms started to appear a week after he was exposed to chickenpox.
  69. It was amazing how quickly the kids could chickenpox once one got it.
  70. The doctor recommended that I not worry if I happen to chickenpox.
  71. Many kids experience fever before they chickenpox.
  72. She had a tough time when she chickenpox as an adult.
  73. I was fortunate not to have to chickenpox after getting vaccinated.
  74. My aunt told stories about how she chickenpox when she was young.
  75. The health authorities advised that we should check for signs of chickenpox.
  76. I had to take care of my brother when he chickenpox.
  77. It is unusual for adults to chickenpox, but it does happen.
  78. I didn't know that you could still chickenpox even after vaccination.
  79. The rash from chickenpox can be very uncomfortable.
  80. Many children will chickenpox by the time they reach school age.
  81. The doctor explained that those who chickenpox can still spread the virus.
  82. I had a friend who was terrified of chickenpox outbreaks.
  83. When she chickenpox, she had to stay in bed for several days.
  84. Parents were notified that a child had chickenpox in their class.
  85. The symptoms are usually mild, but some can have severe chickenpox.
  86. He joked about how he would rather chickenpox than get the flu.
  87. They organized an event to help kids who needed to chickenpox.
  88. I felt sympathy for anyone who had to chickenpox during winter.
  89. The rash is often the first sign that you will chickenpox.
  90. My friend was relieved to know she had already chickenpox as a child.
  91. The teacher explained that if one child chickenpox, it could spread quickly.
  92. I was nervous to see if my child would chickenpox this year.
  93. The doctor reassured me that most kids will eventually chickenpox.
  94. It was a relief when my son didn’t chickenpox after the outbreak.
  95. She expressed her concern that her daughter might chickenpox.
  96. When they found out they could all chickenpox together, they were excited.
  97. My neighbor’s kids had to chickenpox during summer vacation.
  98. I was always told that it was better to chickenpox young.
  99. The school nurse was busy checking for signs of chickenpox among students.
  100. I couldn't believe how quickly everyone seemed to chickenpox that year.