100 Examples of sentences containing the noun "chorus"


A "chorus" is a common noun that refers to:

  1. A group of singers who perform together, typically in a musical context, often in harmony.
  2. A part of a song that is repeated after each verse, usually containing the main message or theme.
  3. A simultaneous utterance or expression of a group, often used metaphorically in literature or speech.


  • Choir
  • Ensemble
  • Group
  • Company
  • Refrain
  • Choral group


  • Solo
  • Individual
  • Monologue


  1. The choir will chorus beautifully at the concert tonight.
  2. Everyone began to chorus the familiar tune.
  3. The children chorus in unison, creating a joyful noise.
  4. As the music played, the audience couldn’t help but chorus along.
  5. The actors will chorus their lines during the performance.
  6. They decided to chorus their favorite song during the road trip.
  7. The crowd began to chorus the national anthem.
  8. During the rehearsal, the dancers would often chorus their steps.
  9. The students were asked to chorus the responses to the teacher's questions.
  10. At the campfire, everyone started to chorus classic camp songs.
  11. The backup singers will chorus behind the lead vocalist.
  12. As the band played, the fans began to chorus the lyrics.
  13. The choir will chorus a beautiful arrangement for the holiday.
  14. The children chorus their favorite rhyme during storytime.
  15. At the end of the play, the ensemble will chorus the final message.
  16. They all agreed to chorus their support for the new initiative.
  17. The audience started to chorus their appreciation after the performance.
  18. The students will chorus the answers in the final exam review.
  19. As the rain fell, the frogs began to chorus in the evening.
  20. The group will chorus together to create a harmonious sound.
  21. The team members will chorus their cheers for the player.
  22. The children love to chorus the catchy jingles on TV.
  23. The singers will chorus the refrain during the final act.
  24. At the festival, everyone would chorus their favorite songs.
  25. The choir director instructed them to chorus more loudly.
  26. The audience couldn't resist chorusing their favorite song back to the band.
  27. The students were excited to chorus the new song they had learned.
  28. The dogs seemed to chorus their barks in the park.
  29. The crowd began to chorus in support of the local team.
  30. The actors will chorus their lines to create a dramatic effect.
  31. They decided to chorus the famous line from the movie.
  32. At the rally, supporters began to chorus slogans for change.
  33. The choir will chorus beautifully at the church service.
  34. The little kids chorused their favorite nursery rhyme together.
  35. The audience will chorus their approval after the show.
  36. As the concert ended, fans began to chorus for an encore.
  37. The participants were asked to chorus their responses during the discussion.
  38. The street performers had the crowd chorus along with their music.
  39. The villagers would often chorus traditional songs during festivals.
  40. The students were told to chorus the main points of the lesson.
  41. The chorus of voices filled the hall as they began to chorus.
  42. The football fans would chorus their team’s anthem during matches.
  43. The singers will chorus their harmony beautifully.
  44. The children excitedly chorused their answers in class.
  45. The audience was encouraged to chorus the lyrics during the show.
  46. The pets seemed to chorus their sounds when they were excited.
  47. The community came together to chorus their hopes for peace.
  48. The actors will chorus their lines to enhance the performance.
  49. The band invited the audience to chorus along with them.
  50. The choir practiced daily to perfect their chorus.
  51. During the ceremony, the guests began to chorus the occasion.
  52. The team would often chorus their motivational chants.
  53. The crowd began to chorus in a call-and-response style.
  54. The library was filled with children who would chorus their favorite stories.
  55. The festival concluded with everyone chorusing a final song.
  56. The students were eager to chorus their new songs at the talent show.
  57. The family gathered to chorus their favorite holiday carols.
  58. The audience was asked to chorus the lines they remembered.
  59. The community center hosted an event where everyone could chorus.
  60. The teachers encouraged the students to chorus the lesson’s key points.
  61. At the concert, fans began to chorus their love for the band.
  62. The choir will chorus the beautiful piece at the gala.
  63. The children loved to chorus the songs from their favorite movies.
  64. The athletes would chorus their cheers to boost morale.
  65. The crowd started to chorus the popular refrain together.
  66. The cast will chorus their lines at the end of the play.
  67. The group decided to chorus their thoughts on the topic during the meeting.
  68. The performers asked the audience to chorus for added effect.
  69. The children would chorus their rhymes during the performance.
  70. At the end of the event, everyone began to chorus their appreciation.
  71. The group of friends would often chorus their favorite songs.
  72. The animals in the forest began to chorus as night fell.
  73. The choir will chorus the traditional hymns during the service.
  74. The students were excited to chorus their new knowledge at the showcase.
  75. The fans eagerly chorused their support for their team.
  76. The choir practiced hard to chorus the challenging piece.
  77. The children loved to chorus their favorite lines from the show.
  78. The audience was thrilled to chorus the lyrics back to the singer.
  79. The friends decided to chorus their favorite jingle at the party.
  80. The group of singers will chorus in perfect harmony.
  81. The children were told to chorus along with the music.
  82. The crowd began to chorus loudly in support of the cause.
  83. The choir will chorus the anthem at the event.
  84. The team would gather to chorus their cheers before the game.
  85. The children would chorus during the puppet show.
  86. The audience could not resist chorusing the catchy refrain.
  87. The performers will chorus their final remarks at the end.
  88. The students practiced to chorus the main themes of their presentation.
  89. The crowd started to chorus their approval after the speech.
  90. The family would chorus their favorite holiday songs together.
  91. The school choir will chorus at the festival next month.
  92. The dogs began to chorus their barks in excitement.
  93. The audience was invited to chorus the popular songs during the concert.
  94. The children would chorus their favorite stories during reading time.
  95. The team was motivated to chorus their cheers for the player.
  96. The festival concluded with everyone chorusing a joyful song.
  97. The choir will chorus beautifully at the wedding.
  98. The children were excited to chorus their favorite lines during the play.
  99. The audience was thrilled to chorus the lyrics back to the performers.
  100. The friends decided to chorus their favorite tunes during the road trip.