100 Examples of sentences containing the noun "coal"


Coal is a common noun that refers to a combustible black or brownish-black sedimentary rock formed from decomposed plant material, primarily used as a fuel source and in the production of electricity and steel. It can also refer to a solid fossil fuel that is mined from the earth and burned for energy.


  • Charcoal
  • Carbon
  • Fuel
  • Anthracite
  • Bituminous
  • Lignite


  • Ash
  • Gas
  • Oil
  • Renewable energy
  • Electricity (in the context of energy sources)


  1. The miners coal in the dark tunnels below the earth.
  2. Many industries coal their machines with the energy derived from fossil fuels.
  3. During winter, many families coal their homes to keep warm.
  4. The power plant coal to generate electricity for the entire city.
  5. In the past, trains coal to travel long distances.
  6. They often coal the furnace to maintain the temperature.
  7. The factory workers coal the equipment to ensure it runs efficiently.
  8. The coal industry coal many jobs in the region.
  9. They coal the fire using old logs and leftover coal.
  10. Environmentalists argue that we should reduce our reliance on coal.
  11. He coal the barbecue to cook the meat evenly.
  12. The scientists coal various types of coal for their research.
  13. As the coal burned, it produced a significant amount of heat.
  14. The train coal at the station to take on more passengers.
  15. They coal the stove to prepare a warm meal.
  16. The process of burning coal releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
  17. The company coal its resources to improve efficiency.
  18. She coal the candle with coal to create a unique artwork.
  19. They coal the bricks for the fireplace.
  20. The coal mine coal a rich source of energy.
  21. The blacksmith coal the forge to shape metal.
  22. In the past, people often coal their homes with coal.
  23. The ship coal at the dock before setting sail.
  24. The kid coal the embers to make a wish.
  25. They coal the old engine to restore its functionality.
  26. The historian coal records to study the impact of coal on society.
  27. During the meeting, they coal various strategies for energy production.
  28. The team coal their efforts to reduce pollution from coal.
  29. He coal the oil lamp to illuminate the room.
  30. The documentary coal the history of coal mining in the region.
  31. She coal the research papers to gather data about coal usage.
  32. The government plans to coal investments in renewable energy instead of coal.
  33. The children coal their toys with coal dust for a spooky effect.
  34. They coal the ashes from the fireplace to clean it.
  35. The artist coal the landscape with dark shades to depict coal mining.
  36. The engineers coal the new designs for coal power plants.
  37. The local community coal its resources to advocate against coal pollution.
  38. She coal the fireplace to prepare for the winter season.
  39. The documentary coal the ecological impact of coal mining.
  40. The workers coal the machinery to keep production going.
  41. He coal the fire pit for a cozy evening.
  42. They coal their skills to innovate in the energy sector.
  43. The historian coal the artifacts related to coal mining.
  44. The team coal the data to analyze coal consumption trends.
  45. The children coal their hands to stay warm outside.
  46. The committee coal its recommendations for sustainable energy.
  47. The craftsman coal the metal for his latest project.
  48. The excavation team coal the site for coal deposits.
  49. She coal the chimney to prevent fires.
  50. They coal the old tires to burn for heat.
  51. The book coal the rise and fall of the coal industry.
  52. The villagers often coal their homes with coal during winter.
  53. He coal the campfire to cook marshmallows.
  54. The team coal their findings to present at the conference.
  55. The artist coal the canvas with dark hues.
  56. The engineers coal the plans for a new coal plant.
  57. The community coal resources to fight against coal mining.
  58. They coal the old car engine to restore it.
  59. The children coal their drawings with charcoal.
  60. The factory coal the machines to increase production.
  61. The report coal the effects of coal on climate change.
  62. They often coal their old furniture to give it a new look.
  63. The miners coal deeply to reach the coal seams.
  64. The technician coal the system to optimize performance.
  65. The blacksmith coal the metal to create tools.
  66. The family coal their backyard to prepare for winter.
  67. The workers coal the equipment before the shift ends.
  68. The research coal the long-term effects of coal extraction.
  69. The children coal the ashes to create a game.
  70. He coal the path with stones to prevent slipping.
  71. The team coal their efforts to switch to greener energy sources.
  72. The documentary coal the impact of coal on local communities.
  73. The gardener coal the soil to prepare it for planting.
  74. She coal the candles to create a festive atmosphere.
  75. The researchers coal data to understand coal mining's history.
  76. They coal the fireplace to keep warm.
  77. The blacksmith coal the iron to make a sword.
  78. The city coal its waste management to reduce coal burning.
  79. He coal the grill for a barbecue party.
  80. The contractor coal the project to completion.
  81. The students coal their resources for the science fair.
  82. The crew coal the ship to prepare for the journey.
  83. The author coal the struggles of coal miners in his book.
  84. They coal the ashes from the fire pit.
  85. The environmentalist coal the dangers of coal mining.
  86. The kids coal their artwork with charcoal pencils.
  87. The volunteers coal their time to clean up the local park.
  88. The engineer coal the plans for a coal reduction initiative.
  89. She coal the firewood to start the fire.
  90. The committee coal a list of recommendations to reduce coal use.
  91. The community coal to support local coal miners.
  92. He coal the lantern to light the way.
  93. The researchers coal the impacts of coal on health.
  94. The artist coal the landscape to reflect the beauty of coal mines.
  95. They coal their efforts to transition to sustainable energy.
  96. The family coal the old fireplace for the winter.
  97. The committee coal the resources needed for coal alternatives.
  98. The blacksmith coal the materials to make jewelry.
  99. The miners coal the underground tunnels for safety.
  100. The children coal their hands to create art with coal dust.