100 Examples of sentences containing the noun "coincidence"
Coincidence (noun): A remarkable concurrence of events or circumstances without apparent causal connection; an occurrence that seems to happen by chance.
- Chance
- Accident
- Concurrence
- Fluke
- Serendipity
- Happenstance
- Intentionality
- Purpose
- Design
- Premeditation
- Planning
- It was pure coincidence that we both arrived at the same restaurant at the same time.
- The coincidence of their birthdays being on the same day was surprising.
- I don't believe in coincidence; I think everything happens for a reason.
- What a strange coincidence that we ran into each other in Paris!
- The meeting was a coincidence, as neither of us knew the other would be there.
- Her name coming up in conversation was a funny coincidence.
- It’s just a coincidence that I wore the same outfit as her today.
- The coincidence of events led to a thrilling story.
- Finding that old photograph was an unexpected coincidence.
- Their paths crossed by coincidence during the conference.
- It was just a coincidence that the fire alarm went off at the same time as the meeting.
- That movie was a coincidence of my favorite actors coming together.
- The coincidence of discovering the same book in different locations was intriguing.
- Running into my childhood friend at the airport felt like a happy coincidence.
- The coincidence of the two events led to much speculation.
- It was a mere coincidence that we both chose the same vacation spot.
- The coincidence of both teams winning on the same day was thrilling for fans.
- Seeing her at the concert was a delightful coincidence.
- The coincidence of our phone calls happening at the same moment was uncanny.
- Their shared interests were more than just a coincidence; they were soulmates.
- It was a coincidence that I heard that song on the radio just after thinking of her.
- The coincidence of his arrival timed perfectly with the announcement was remarkable.
- I thought the coincidence was too good to be true.
- The coincidence of meeting him at the coffee shop was unexpected.
- Sharing the same hobby was a happy coincidence between us.
- The coincidence that our kids were born on the same day made us laugh.
- It’s just a coincidence that I found my lost wallet in the park.
- The coincidence of our interests brought us closer together.
- That day’s events were a series of fortunate coincidences.
- The coincidence of the weather matching our mood was perfect.
- The coincidence of our paths crossing again was a pleasant surprise.
- It was a humorous coincidence that we both wore blue that day.
- Their coincidence in taste made them the perfect partners.
- The coincidence of the two news stories was astonishing.
- It was an amusing coincidence that we both forgot our umbrellas.
- The coincidence of their findings sparked a new research project.
- That was more than a coincidence; it felt like fate.
- The coincidence of our favorite shows being on at the same time was frustrating.
- Finding the same book in different cities was a curious coincidence.
- The coincidence of our ages led to an instant connection.
- It was a strange coincidence that they both had the same dream.
- Their coincidence of opinions made for an engaging discussion.
- The coincidence of their meeting was the talk of the town.
- It was such a happy coincidence that we both ordered the same dish.
- The coincidence of running into an old friend was heartwarming.
- The coincidence of our flight schedules was a stroke of luck.
- It was a peculiar coincidence that we both liked the same obscure band.
- The coincidence of both winning the lottery was unbelievable.
- I couldn’t shake the feeling that it was more than just coincidence.
- The coincidence of our life paths intertwining felt surreal.
- Meeting her in that specific place was a delightful coincidence.
- The coincidence of their stories aligned perfectly.
- It seemed like coincidence when I found my favorite book at a garage sale.
- The coincidence of our anniversaries being on the same day was a fun fact.
- The coincidence of both elections occurring simultaneously was significant.
- I was shocked by the coincidence of us both being at the same event.
- The coincidence of their names being the same was a topic of laughter.
- It was merely a coincidence that she was wearing the same color.
- Their coincidence in opinions made for a strong friendship.
- The coincidence of discovering similar interests was noteworthy.
- The coincidence of their stories gave rise to a larger narrative.
- I found it hard to believe that such a coincidence could happen.
- The coincidence of seeing her at the grocery store was unexpected.
- It felt like a coincidence when I bumped into my professor.
- The coincidence of our conversations being so similar was eerie.
- I couldn't help but laugh at the coincidence of our outfits.
- The coincidence of both events happening at once was puzzling.
- That phone call was a mere coincidence in a busy day.
- The coincidence of our thoughts aligned perfectly during the discussion.
- It was a notable coincidence that we both chose the same movie.
- The coincidence of our flights being delayed was unfortunate.
- I brushed off the coincidence as just a random occurrence.
- The coincidence of our lives intersecting at that moment was magical.
- It was a delightful coincidence when I received her message.
- The coincidence of the two events sparked curiosity among friends.
- I didn’t think it was a mere coincidence when we met again.
- The coincidence of sharing the same hobby brought us closer.
- It was an amusing coincidence that we both forgot our keys.
- The coincidence of our favorite songs playing at the same time was fun.
- I was taken aback by the coincidence of our birthdays.
- The coincidence of the two stories made for a compelling read.
- Finding out we had traveled to the same places was a nice coincidence.
- It was a charming coincidence that we both said the same thing.
- The coincidence of our likes and dislikes surprised us both.
- Running into him at the bookstore was a delightful coincidence.
- The coincidence of our life events led to a deeper connection.
- I questioned whether it was just a coincidence or something more.
- The coincidence of sharing a mutual friend sparked conversation.
- It was a fascinating coincidence that we both read the same article.
- The coincidence of our paths crossing was serendipitous.
- I laughed at the coincidence when we both ordered the same drink.
- The coincidence of us both being late was amusing.
- I found it hard to ignore the coincidence that we both liked the same food.
- The coincidence of their meeting was the start of a beautiful friendship.
- I wondered how often such coincidence could happen in life.
- The coincidence of our schedules aligning was fortunate.
- It was just a coincidence that I had read the same book last week.
- The coincidence of being in the same place at the same time was remarkable.
- I couldn’t believe the coincidence of both of us having the same childhood memory.
- The coincidence of meeting her at the right time changed my life.