100 Examples of sentences containing the noun "constitution"


The term "Constitution" refers to a fundamental set of principles or established precedents that govern a state, organization, or entity. It can also denote the physical makeup or structure of something, as in the constitution of a person's body, or the condition of something, such as its health or physical state.


  • Charter
  • Framework
  • Articles
  • By-laws
  • Establishment
  • Formation
  • Composition
  • Arrangement
  • Structure


  • Anarchy
  • Disorder
  • Chaos
  • Lawlessness
  • Disorganization


  1. The Constitution of the United States was ratified in 1788.
  2. Many countries have revised their Constitution over the years.
  3. The Constitution guarantees certain rights to all citizens.
  4. A strong Constitution is important for maintaining public health.
  5. The Constitution should reflect the values of the society it governs.
  6. The Constitution of that organization is very detailed.
  7. Her physical Constitution allows her to excel in sports.
  8. He argued that the Constitution should be amended to include more protections.
  9. The Constitution outlines the separation of powers among branches of government.
  10. The doctor said her Constitution is quite resilient.
  11. A well-drafted Constitution can help prevent conflicts.
  12. The Constitution was a significant milestone in the nation’s history.
  13. Changes to the Constitution must be made with careful consideration.
  14. His Constitution is affected by his unhealthy lifestyle.
  15. The Constitution serves as a guide for legal decisions.
  16. A person’s physical Constitution can influence their athletic abilities.
  17. The Constitution is a living document that evolves over time.
  18. They debated the Constitution in the town hall meeting.
  19. The Constitution provides a framework for governance.
  20. The team had to consider the Constitution of their club in their discussions.
  21. The Constitution has been challenged in court many times.
  22. Her Constitution made her more susceptible to illness.
  23. The Constitution requires a two-thirds majority for amendments.
  24. We studied the Constitution in our civics class.
  25. The Constitution sets forth the rights of citizens.
  26. His strong Constitution helped him recover quickly from surgery.
  27. The Constitution is often cited in legal arguments.
  28. A weak Constitution can lead to various health issues.
  29. The Constitution must be upheld by all government officials.
  30. They formed a new Constitution for the club to include more members.
  31. The Constitution is usually written, but some are based on conventions.
  32. Her family history suggests a robust Constitution.
  33. The Constitution was a product of compromise among the founding fathers.
  34. The Constitution protects freedom of speech.
  35. His Constitution allowed him to work long hours without fatigue.
  36. The Constitution should be accessible to all citizens.
  37. The Constitution includes provisions for civil rights.
  38. A balanced diet contributes to a healthy Constitution.
  39. They need to review the Constitution before making any changes.
  40. The Constitution is often interpreted by the Supreme Court.
  41. A person's Constitution can vary with age and lifestyle.
  42. The Constitution lays the groundwork for a democratic society.
  43. His athletic Constitution amazed the coaches.
  44. The Constitution limits the power of government.
  45. The Constitution was written during a time of great turmoil.
  46. She has a strong Constitution that withstands stress.
  47. The Constitution is an important subject in law schools.
  48. They need to amend the Constitution for better representation.
  49. His mental Constitution is as important as his physical health.
  50. The Constitution guarantees the right to a fair trial.
  51. A sound Constitution is essential for overall well-being.
  52. The Constitution is celebrated on its anniversary each year.
  53. His Constitution was tested during the marathon.
  54. The Constitution guides the behavior of lawmakers.
  55. A person's Constitution can affect their susceptibility to diseases.
  56. The Constitution must adapt to changing societal norms.
  57. They drafted a new Constitution for the non-profit organization.
  58. The Constitution ensures checks and balances within the government.
  59. Her robust Constitution contributed to her longevity.
  60. The Constitution has been a topic of debate for centuries.
  61. His Constitution was not suited for extreme climates.
  62. The Constitution protects minorities from the majority's whims.
  63. Her Constitution allowed her to recover quickly from the flu.
  64. The Constitution is often amended to reflect new realities.
  65. He has a strong Constitution, making him an excellent athlete.
  66. The Constitution is a crucial aspect of political science.
  67. The Constitution outlines the process for electing officials.
  68. His Constitution has always been robust and healthy.
  69. The Constitution must be taught in schools for civic understanding.
  70. The Constitution was a compromise between different factions.
  71. A good Constitution helps in maintaining homeostasis.
  72. The Constitution was designed to prevent tyranny.
  73. She has a delicate Constitution and needs to take care of her health.
  74. The Constitution includes checks on the executive branch.
  75. A person’s Constitution can be influenced by genetics.
  76. The Constitution serves as a reference in legal disputes.
  77. They wrote a new Constitution to address modern issues.
  78. The Constitution fosters a spirit of democracy and freedom.
  79. His physical Constitution made him a natural leader in sports.
  80. The Constitution plays a vital role in civil liberties.
  81. The Constitution is regularly reviewed for relevance.
  82. A balanced lifestyle contributes to a healthy Constitution.
  83. The Constitution was signed by delegates from 13 states.
  84. Her Constitution was strong enough to withstand the harsh winter.
  85. The Constitution is fundamental for maintaining order in society.
  86. The Constitution was the result of years of debate and discussion.
  87. His mental Constitution is just as important as his physical health.
  88. The Constitution outlines the amendment process.
  89. A strong Constitution can lead to a longer life.
  90. The Constitution was a landmark achievement for democracy.
  91. The Constitution is a subject of ongoing scholarly research.
  92. They conducted a study on the health Constitution of the population.
  93. The Constitution serves as a foundation for human rights.
  94. A person with a weak Constitution may struggle with illness.
  95. The Constitution is often referenced in political speeches.
  96. She has a robust Constitution that allows her to travel extensively.
  97. The Constitution is a reflection of the society's values.
  98. They amended the Constitution to include new rights.
  99. His Constitution has always been a topic of interest among doctors.
  100. The Constitution is essential for the functioning of a democracy.