100 Examples of sentences containing the noun "contingency"


"Contingency" refers to a future event or circumstance that is possible but cannot be predicted with certainty. It often implies a dependence on certain conditions or events that may or may not happen. In various contexts, it can refer to a backup plan in business, an unforeseen event in risk management, or a clause in contracts that address potential future scenarios.


  • Uncertainty
  • Possibility
  • Eventuality
  • Chance
  • Condition
  • Dependence
  • Likelihood


  • Certainty
  • Surety
  • Guarantee
  • Assurance


  1. We must prepare for any contingency that may arise during the project.
  2. The team created a contingency plan in case of unexpected delays.
  3. His job is to analyze the contingency of various market conditions.
  4. The contingency fund was established to address emergencies.
  5. A contingency clause in the contract allows for changes in pricing.
  6. It's wise to have a contingency ready if the weather turns bad.
  7. We discussed the contingency of needing additional resources.
  8. The contingency of a power outage was considered in the planning.
  9. There is always a contingency that something might go wrong.
  10. They held a meeting to discuss the contingency of employee layoffs.
  11. In case of a contingency, we will notify all stakeholders immediately.
  12. The contingency for travel expenses needs to be clarified.
  13. This insurance policy covers several contingencies.
  14. We set aside funds for any contingency that could occur.
  15. The contingency plan ensures safety during emergencies.
  16. A contingency was included in the budget for unexpected costs.
  17. The project manager prepared for every possible contingency.
  18. During the meeting, we addressed the contingency of market fluctuations.
  19. They outlined a contingency strategy in case the merger fell through.
  20. The contingency of failing to meet the deadline is concerning.
  21. We need to consider a contingency for severe weather conditions.
  22. The contingency plans proved beneficial during the crisis.
  23. He mentioned the contingency of needing extra help for the event.
  24. The company has a contingency for potential legal issues.
  25. There is a contingency in the proposal for additional funding.
  26. The contingency of natural disasters is part of our risk assessment.
  27. As a precaution, they prepared a contingency for technical failures.
  28. The contingency of a last-minute cancellation was anticipated.
  29. Having a contingency plan is essential for successful event management.
  30. The contingency of a product recall requires immediate action.
  31. In the face of a contingency, we must remain flexible and adaptive.
  32. The contingency of low sales was discussed in the quarterly review.
  33. We have a contingency for every possible outcome.
  34. The contingency of additional funding was a pleasant surprise.
  35. A clear contingency strategy can mitigate risks effectively.
  36. They prepared for every contingency to ensure a smooth transition.
  37. The contingency of losing key personnel was taken into account.
  38. In case of a contingency, we will contact the emergency services.
  39. The company is ready to face any contingency that arises.
  40. The contingency of needing to relocate was discussed in depth.
  41. We analyzed the contingency of supply chain disruptions.
  42. A contingency plan was essential for the project's success.
  43. The contingency of sudden regulatory changes was addressed.
  44. They prepared for the contingency of a cybersecurity breach.
  45. The contingency of budget cuts could impact operations.
  46. A contingency exists for unexpected market shifts.
  47. The contingency of equipment failure necessitated a backup.
  48. The contingency of a global pandemic was unforeseen.
  49. A contingency for additional training was included in the proposal.
  50. The contingency of an employee strike was considered.
  51. The contingency of bad weather affected the outdoor event.
  52. We outlined a contingency for possible delays in shipping.
  53. The contingency of needing to adjust our strategy was clear.
  54. A contingency was outlined for potential legal challenges.
  55. The contingency of having to cancel the trip was unfortunate.
  56. They prepared a contingency for any technological failures.
  57. The contingency of high demand was anticipated by the team.
  58. We have a contingency for unexpected costs in the budget.
  59. The contingency of losing a key supplier was alarming.
  60. The contingency of needing a third-party mediator was discussed.
  61. A contingency plan for potential layoffs was created.
  62. The contingency of changes in leadership was outlined.
  63. We need to prepare for the contingency of economic downturns.
  64. The contingency of an urgent recall was unsettling.
  65. A contingency for additional resources was established.
  66. The contingency of an accident was considered in the safety plan.
  67. They discussed the contingency of needing to pivot the strategy.
  68. The contingency of various scenarios was mapped out.
  69. A contingency for rising costs was built into the budget.
  70. The contingency of needing to extend deadlines was noted.
  71. We addressed the contingency of potential conflicts.
  72. A contingency was planned for possible equipment upgrades.
  73. The contingency of needing an alternative supplier was prepared for.
  74. There was a contingency to handle unexpected inquiries.
  75. The contingency of further negotiations was implied.
  76. A contingency for additional marketing efforts was incorporated.
  77. The contingency of a legal dispute was accounted for.
  78. They established a contingency for potential project overruns.
  79. The contingency of needing to reassess timelines was necessary.
  80. A contingency exists for changes in client requirements.
  81. The contingency of a merger falling through was discussed.
  82. Preparing for every contingency is crucial in project management.
  83. The contingency of budget constraints was acknowledged.
  84. We need to have a contingency in case of staff shortages.
  85. The contingency of needing to pivot our approach was clear.
  86. There was a contingency for addressing stakeholder concerns.
  87. The contingency of bad press was a concern for the PR team.
  88. A contingency for unforeseen circumstances was vital.
  89. The contingency of needing to adjust our goals was expected.
  90. The contingency of economic changes was on everyone’s mind.
  91. They created a contingency for delays in production.
  92. The contingency of needing to hire temporary staff was considered.
  93. We prepared for the contingency of additional regulations.
  94. The contingency of changes in consumer behavior was analyzed.
  95. There was a contingency for needing to change suppliers.
  96. The contingency of a key employee leaving was discussed.
  97. A contingency for potential failures in communication was established.
  98. The contingency of needing backup plans was emphasized.
  99. They prepared for the contingency of a sudden market shift.
  100. The contingency of external threats was taken seriously.