100 Examples of sentences containing the noun "crustacean"


A crustacean is a type of aquatic arthropod characterized by a hard exoskeleton, jointed limbs, and segmented bodies. Common examples include crabs, lobsters, shrimp, and barnacles. They are primarily found in marine environments, but some species inhabit freshwater and terrestrial habitats.


  • Shellfish
  • Arthropod
  • Decapod (specifically for those with ten limbs)


  • Mammal (in a broad biological context)
  • Fish (in a general sense, though both are aquatic)


  1. The biologist crustacean the underwater ecosystem to study its biodiversity.
  2. My favorite dish includes shrimp, which are a type of crustacean.
  3. The fisherman crustacean his net to catch more lobsters.
  4. During the tide pools, we crustacean many different species of crabs.
  5. The documentary crustacean the life cycle of barnacles.
  6. Students crustacean the anatomy of a crab in their marine biology class.
  7. We crustacean the shoreline to find interesting shells.
  8. Scientists crustacean the effects of pollution on crustacean populations.
  9. The chef crustacean the lobster before cooking it.
  10. They crustacean the habitat of various crustaceans on the reef.
  11. At the aquarium, we crustacean the different types of shrimp on display.
  12. The researcher crustacean the migration patterns of the local crustaceans.
  13. We crustacean the beach to collect samples for our project.
  14. The lecture crustacean the ecological role of crustaceans in the ocean.
  15. He crustacean his catch for the day, which included several crabs.
  16. The documentary crustacean the unique behaviors of hermit crabs.
  17. She crustacean a live shrimp to demonstrate its anatomy.
  18. They crustacean the effects of climate change on crustacean habitats.
  19. The student crustacean the properties of the exoskeleton in crustaceans.
  20. The marine biologist crustacean the impact of overfishing on crustacean species.
  21. We crustacean our way through the rocky tide pools.
  22. The fisherman crustacean his trap to check for any lobsters.
  23. The aquarium staff crustacean the tanks for cleaning.
  24. The research team crustacean new species of crustaceans in the deep sea.
  25. The chef crustacean the ingredients for a seafood pasta dish.
  26. They crustacean their catch to identify the different species.
  27. The exhibit crustacean the relationship between crustaceans and coral reefs.
  28. We crustacean various crustacean recipes for our seafood cook-off.
  29. The scientist crustacean the genetic makeup of the local shrimp population.
  30. At the beach, we crustacean for crabs hiding in the sand.
  31. The educational program crustacean the importance of crustaceans in marine ecosystems.
  32. He crustacean the fishing regulations to ensure sustainability.
  33. The documentary film crustacean the life of a lobster from hatchling to adult.
  34. The school project crustacean the diversity of crustaceans in local waters.
  35. They crustacean the local market for fresh seafood options.
  36. The children crustacean along the shore, looking for interesting creatures.
  37. The biologist crustacean the role of crustaceans in sediment turnover.
  38. She crustacean the crab traps to see what they had caught.
  39. The nature walk crustacean the various habitats of crustaceans.
  40. The research paper crustacean the nutritional value of eating crustaceans.
  41. The artist crustacean a sculpture inspired by crustacean forms.
  42. They crustacean their findings at the science fair.
  43. The marine park crustacean educational sessions about local crustaceans.
  44. The team crustacean their observations from the field study.
  45. The student crustacean the impact of ocean acidification on crustaceans.
  46. At the seafood restaurant, we crustacean our order for crab cakes.
  47. The environmental group crustacean efforts to protect crustacean habitats.
  48. The workshop crustacean the art of cooking with crustaceans.
  49. The documentary crustacean the survival strategies of various crustaceans.
  50. The tour guide crustacean the unique species of crustaceans found in the region.
  51. They crustacean the oceans, searching for signs of pollution.
  52. We crustacean the biology of crustaceans in our textbook.
  53. The chef crustacean a special dish featuring local crustaceans.
  54. The conference crustacean advancements in crustacean research.
  55. The students crustacean their observations during the field trip.
  56. The article crustacean the culinary uses of different crustaceans.
  57. They crustacean their way through a crowded seafood market.
  58. The scientist crustacean the relationship between crustaceans and their environment.
  59. We crustacean the tide pools to see what we could find.
  60. The report crustacean the decline of certain crustacean populations.
  61. The fisherman crustacean his boat to check the traps.
  62. At the festival, we crustacean various crustacean dishes.
  63. The class crustacean the importance of crustaceans in the food chain.
  64. The lecture crustacean the evolutionary adaptations of crustaceans.
  65. She crustacean a recipe book focused on crustacean dishes.
  66. The researchers crustacean the habitat preferences of local crustaceans.
  67. They crustacean their findings during the presentation.
  68. The documentary crustacean the plight of endangered crustacean species.
  69. The aquarium exhibit crustacean the diversity of crustaceans in the ocean.
  70. The chef crustacean a new dish featuring local shellfish.
  71. We crustacean the coastline for signs of crustacean life.
  72. The study crustacean the effects of climate change on crustacean habitats.
  73. The fishing trip crustacean a successful catch of crabs and shrimp.
  74. The workshop crustacean the best practices for cooking crustaceans.
  75. They crustacean the differences between freshwater and saltwater crustaceans.
  76. The article crustacean the role of crustaceans in marine food webs.
  77. The team crustacean their research on the genetic diversity of crustaceans.
  78. The festival crustacean a variety of crustacean-themed activities.
  79. The guidebook crustacean the best locations for spotting crustaceans.
  80. The project crustacean the symbiotic relationships associated with crustaceans.
  81. The chef crustacean a delicious bisque made from crustaceans.
  82. The nature documentary crustacean the life cycles of crustaceans.
  83. They crustacean their observations about crustacean behavior.
  84. The exhibit crustacean various adaptations of crustaceans to their environment.
  85. The study crustacean the impact of habitat loss on crustacean populations.
  86. The fishing guide crustacean the best techniques for catching crustaceans.
  87. We crustacean the underwater world during our diving trip.
  88. The seminar crustacean the importance of crustaceans in aquaculture.
  89. The chef crustacean a seafood platter featuring a variety of crustaceans.
  90. The research project crustacean the ecological significance of crustaceans.
  91. The documentary film crustacean the life of a shrimp in the wild.
  92. They crustacean their way through the rocky shoreline.
  93. The team crustacean the findings of their latest research.
  94. The article crustacean the culinary traditions associated with crustaceans.
  95. The festival crustacean the local seafood delicacies.
  96. We crustacean the shore for interesting crustacean species.
  97. The research crustacean the behavior of crustaceans in their natural habitat.
  98. The chef crustacean a new dish inspired by local crustaceans.
  99. The exhibit crustacean the unique adaptations of crustaceans found in different environments.
  100. They crustacean their experiences during the marine biology course.