100 Examples of sentences containing the noun "cseppentő"


Cseppentő refers to a dropper, a device used to release small amounts of liquid in controlled drops. It is often utilized in laboratories, medicine, and cooking to dispense liquids accurately.


  • Cseppentő eszköz
  • Cseppentő pipetta
  • Cseppentő üveg


  • Kifolyó (pouring device)
  • Öntő (pourer)


  1. Please cseppentő the solution into the test tube carefully.
  2. The doctor will cseppentő the medication directly into your eye.
  3. For the recipe, you need to cseppentő the vanilla extract.
  4. She used a cseppentő to add precise amounts of dye.
  5. The scientist cseppentő the reagent into the mixture slowly.
  6. Make sure to cseppentő the essential oil into the diffuser.
  7. He decided to cseppentő a few drops of lemon into his tea.
  8. The chemist will cseppentő the acid into the base.
  9. You should cseppentő the medicine into the child's mouth.
  10. I will cseppentő some water on the plant to help it grow.
  11. The technician will cseppentő the liquid into the machine.
  12. She learned to cseppentő the dye for the best results.
  13. The recipe calls for you to cseppentő the food coloring.
  14. He had to cseppentő the solution drop by drop.
  15. Can you cseppentő the oil into the frying pan?
  16. They need to cseppentő the serum into the petri dish.
  17. Please cseppentő the ink onto the paper carefully.
  18. The pharmacist will cseppentő the liquid into a small bottle.
  19. I usually cseppentő some vinegar on my salad.
  20. You can cseppentő the glue for more precision.
  21. The lab assistant was asked to cseppentő the sample.
  22. It’s important to cseppentő the reactants in the correct order.
  23. She needed to cseppentő the oil into the mixture gradually.
  24. Please cseppentő some lemon juice onto the fish.
  25. The artist would cseppentő paint onto the canvas.
  26. I will cseppentő a few drops of water to activate the powder.
  27. Can you help me cseppentő this medicine?
  28. He used a cseppentő to apply the adhesive.
  29. The chef will cseppentő the sauce on the plate.
  30. I always cseppentő my perfume before leaving the house.
  31. She carefully cseppentő the dye into the fabric.
  32. The experiment requires us to cseppentő the liquid carefully.
  33. He wanted to cseppentő the serum onto the skin.
  34. You should cseppentő the liquid slowly to avoid splashing.
  35. The teacher demonstrated how to cseppentő the solution.
  36. I will cseppentő some drops into the mixture.
  37. The laboratory technician cseppentő the chemical into the beaker.
  38. Please cseppentő the ink onto the fabric for the design.
  39. He was taught to cseppentő the reagent drop by drop.
  40. The child was instructed to cseppentő the medicine into his spoon.
  41. I prefer to cseppentő the honey into my tea.
  42. The doctor will cseppentő the drops in the patient's eyes.
  43. She used a cseppentő to add precision to her artwork.
  44. The scientist needs to cseppentő the liquid accurately.
  45. They will cseppentő the vaccine into the syringe.
  46. Can you cseppentő some more vinegar into the sauce?
  47. The recipe suggests to cseppentő the broth into the pot.
  48. He forgot to cseppentő the lemon juice into the cake mix.
  49. I watched her cseppentő the color into the water.
  50. The technician will cseppentő the oil into the engine.
  51. She needs to cseppentő some drops of glue to hold it together.
  52. To achieve the right flavor, you should cseppentő the spice.
  53. The nurse will cseppentő the drops into the patient's ear.
  54. We need to cseppentő the solvent into the solution.
  55. He managed to cseppentő just the right amount of paint.
  56. The artist prefers to cseppentő the color directly onto the canvas.
  57. You must cseppentő the liquid slowly to avoid bubbles.
  58. She learned to cseppentő the ingredients with care.
  59. The technician will cseppentő the coolant into the system.
  60. Please cseppentő a few drops of food coloring into the batter.
  61. I used a cseppentő to apply the stain on the wood.
  62. He will cseppentő the drops on the skin for the test.
  63. You should cseppentő the medicine in the correct dosage.
  64. The chemist was careful to cseppentő the acid drop by drop.
  65. She needs to cseppentő the mixture for the experiment.
  66. I will cseppentő the syrup into the drink.
  67. The artist would cseppentő the ink for a unique effect.
  68. The laboratory requires you to cseppentő with precision.
  69. Please cseppentő the cleaning solution onto the surface.
  70. He decided to cseppentő some orange juice into the cocktail.
  71. The pharmacist will cseppentő the medication into a vial.
  72. She had to cseppentő the liquid for the best result.
  73. The chef will cseppentő the sauce over the dish.
  74. I usually cseppentő the sauce onto the pasta.
  75. You can cseppentő some drops of oil for flavor.
  76. The technician had to cseppentő the coolant into the system.
  77. He needed to cseppentő the drops accurately for the test.
  78. She likes to cseppentő lemon juice on her vegetables.
  79. The laboratory assistant will cseppentő the solution into the tube.
  80. Please cseppentő the drops into the larger container.
  81. He will cseppentő the drops for maximum effect.
  82. I want to cseppentő some ink onto the paper.
  83. The nurse will cseppentő the medicine as prescribed.
  84. She can cseppentő the drops without spilling.
  85. The experiment requires us to cseppentő the chemicals precisely.
  86. He decided to cseppentő some water into the pot.
  87. You need to cseppentő the drops evenly across the surface.
  88. The scientist will cseppentő the liquid into the flask.
  89. She used a cseppentő to add flavor to her dish.
  90. The child learned to cseppentő the drops carefully.
  91. The chef likes to cseppentő sauces creatively.
  92. Can you cseppentő the ink onto the canvas?
  93. He wanted to cseppentő some drops of essence into the mixture.
  94. The laboratory technician will cseppentő the sample for analysis.
  95. She will cseppentő a few drops of oil for the recipe.
  96. I plan to cseppentő some drops of glue for the project.
  97. The artist decided to cseppentő colors onto the canvas.
  98. Please cseppentő the solution slowly to avoid a reaction.
  99. The doctor instructed him to cseppentő the medication twice a day.
  100. He managed to cseppentő the liquid without making a mess.