100 Examples of sentences containing the noun "cue"


The term "cue" as a common noun refers to a signal or prompt that serves as a guide for action or response. It can denote a physical signal, such as a gesture or action, or a verbal prompt used to indicate that it is time for someone to act, often used in performance contexts.


  • Signal
  • Prompt
  • Indicator
  • Reminder
  • Hint
  • Suggestion
  • Stimulation


  • Obscurity
  • Confusion
  • Ambiguity
  • Indecision
  • Silence


  1. The director gave a cue for the actors to start their scene.
  2. She took his nod as a cue to begin her presentation.
  3. The loud noise served as a cue for the students to evacuate the building.
  4. His smile was a subtle cue that he was pleased with the performance.
  5. The conductor raised his baton as a cue for the orchestra to begin playing.
  6. The teacher used a hand gesture as a cue for the class to quiet down.
  7. The dog responded to the cue from its owner to fetch the ball.
  8. In theater, an actor must remember their cues to maintain the flow of the performance.
  9. The blinking light acted as a cue that it was safe to cross the street.
  10. The coach gave a cue to the players to start the play.
  11. Her raised eyebrow was a clear cue that she disapproved.
  12. The sound of the bell was a cue for the students to line up.
  13. He took a deep breath, waiting for the cue to speak.
  14. The music provided a perfect cue for the dancers to begin their routine.
  15. The scripted lines included several cues for the actors to follow.
  16. She glanced at her watch, using it as a cue to wrap up the meeting.
  17. The change in lighting served as a cue for the scene transition.
  18. His laugh was a cue that the joke had landed well.
  19. The smell of fresh bread was a cue that dinner was being prepared.
  20. The coach’s whistle was the cue for the athletes to start running.
  21. An audience's applause can be a cue for the performers to take a bow.
  22. She needed a cue to remember her lines during the rehearsal.
  23. The flickering of the candle was a cue that the power was out.
  24. The teacher used a bell as a cue for the start of the class.
  25. The dog looked to its owner for a cue before jumping into the water.
  26. The director shouted the cue to signal the start of the scene.
  27. The teacher’s gesture was a gentle cue for the students to focus.
  28. The music's tempo change was a cue for the dancers to adjust their movements.
  29. The performer missed his cue and entered the stage too late.
  30. Her sigh served as a cue that she was frustrated with the situation.
  31. The motion of his hand was a silent cue for everyone to quiet down.
  32. The actor watched for his cue before stepping into the spotlight.
  33. The sound of the closing door acted as a cue for the conversation to end.
  34. The teacher's nod was a reassuring cue for the shy student to speak.
  35. The countdown timer was a cue for the team to finalize their strategy.
  36. The sudden change in tone was a cue that something was wrong.
  37. The director's call was the cue for the crew to start setting up the lights.
  38. She took the applause as a cue to continue her performance.
  39. The visual cue on the screen indicated where to focus attention.
  40. The sound of rain was a comforting cue for her to relax and read.
  41. His raised finger was a cue for the group to start brainstorming ideas.
  42. The sudden silence in the room was a cue for her to begin her speech.
  43. The lights dimming was a clear cue that the show was about to start.
  44. The dog's bark was a cue that someone was at the door.
  45. The ticking clock served as a cue for him to hurry up.
  46. The chef’s gesture was a cue for the waitstaff to serve the next course.
  47. The teacher's whistle was the cue for the kids to come inside.
  48. The visible countdown was a cue for the competitors to prepare for the race.
  49. The raised flag was a cue for the athletes to begin their event.
  50. The director waited for the right moment to give the cue for the special effects.
  51. She took his sigh as a cue to change the subject.
  52. The flick of the wrist served as a cue for the dance move.
  53. The final note of the song was a cue for the audience to clap.
  54. His wink was a playful cue that the surprise party was ready.
  55. The ringing phone was a cue that the meeting was about to start.
  56. The teacher’s glance towards the clock was a cue for students to wrap up their work.
  57. The sound of footsteps was a cue that someone was approaching.
  58. The change in her voice was a cue that she was about to share something important.
  59. The countdown clock was a cue for the team to finalize their plans.
  60. His laugh was a cue for her to continue with the joke.
  61. The rustle of leaves was a cue that the wind was picking up.
  62. The camera flash was a cue for the group photo to be taken.
  63. The sound of the gong was a cue for the start of the ceremony.
  64. The flickering lights were a cue for the technicians to check the equipment.
  65. He took her frown as a cue to change his approach.
  66. The changing colors of the traffic light were a cue for drivers to move.
  67. The teacher clapped her hands as a cue for the students to settle down.
  68. The sudden alert was a cue for everyone to pay attention.
  69. The final bell was a cue for students to rush out of class.
  70. The teacher pointed to the board as a cue for the students to start copying notes.
  71. The bell rang, acting as a cue for the students to line up for lunch.
  72. His nod was an encouraging cue for her to share her thoughts.
  73. The sound of laughter served as a cue that the atmosphere was lightening up.
  74. The change in his tone was a cue that he was about to get serious.
  75. The coach’s shout was a cue for the players to execute the play.
  76. The audience’s applause was a cue for the band to play an encore.
  77. The teacher’s smile was a cue that the students had done well.
  78. The loud clapping was a cue for everyone to join in the celebration.
  79. The conductor's hand raised was a cue for the musicians to prepare.
  80. The sound of the horn was a cue for the parade to start.
  81. The sudden silence was a cue that everyone was waiting for the announcement.
  82. The pointer was a visual cue for the students to focus on the specific area.
  83. The dog's bark was a cue that someone was at the door.
  84. The flickering candle was a cue that the power was about to go out.
  85. The teacher’s gesture was a cue for the students to open their books.
  86. The sound of the bell was a cue for the start of the game.
  87. The flick of her hair was a cue that she was ready to leave.
  88. The countdown timer served as a cue for everyone to be prepared.
  89. The sudden shift in music tempo was a cue for the dancers to change steps.
  90. The coach’s whistle blew as a cue for the players to take their positions.
  91. The light changes were a cue for pedestrians to cross safely.
  92. Her sigh was a cue that she needed a break.
  93. The ringing phone was a cue for him to answer it.
  94. The teacher’s look was a cue for the students to start writing.
  95. The sound of the gavel was a cue for the meeting to commence.
  96. The sudden breeze was a cue that a storm was approaching.
  97. The applause was a cue for the performers to take their final bow.
  98. The sound of laughter was a cue that the party was going well.
  99. The bell chimed, serving as a cue for the end of the workday.
  100. The twitch of her lips was a cue that she was about to smile.