100 Examples of sentences containing the noun "dead"


The term "dead" as a noun refers to individuals who have passed away or are no longer living. It can also denote a state of inactivity or lack of life in a broader context.


  • Deceased
  • Departed
  • Expired
  • Lifeless
  • Nonexistent
  • Defunct


  • Alive
  • Living
  • Animated
  • Active
  • Vibrant


  1. The dead lay peacefully in the cemetery.
  2. Many cultures honor their dead during special ceremonies.
  3. The dead can provide valuable lessons through history.
  4. He felt a connection to his dead ancestors.
  5. The dead trees in the forest were a sign of drought.
  6. She spoke softly to the dead in her family.
  7. The novel explores the lives of the dead as they reflect on their past.
  8. The dead fish floated to the surface of the pond.
  9. The story is about a town haunted by the dead.
  10. The dead end of the street was quiet and eerie.
  11. He often visits the dead at the memorial park.
  12. The artist depicted scenes of the dead in his paintings.
  13. The documentary featured interviews with the families of the dead.
  14. The dead of winter brought heavy snowfall.
  15. Their memories of the dead linger in the old house.
  16. The dead man’s will was finally read.
  17. The dead language is no longer spoken by anyone.
  18. The dead weight of the backpack burdened him.
  19. The dead silence in the room was unsettling.
  20. She felt the presence of the dead around her.
  21. The dead were honored with a moment of silence.
  22. The dead battery needed to be replaced.
  23. The dead leaves crunched underfoot in the autumn.
  24. The dead air made it hard to breathe.
  25. The dead of night brought a sense of calm.
  26. They celebrated the dead with a festival.
  27. The dead zone was devoid of any wildlife.
  28. The dead of summer was sweltering.
  29. The dead man's shoes were left at the scene.
  30. The dead tree became a habitat for birds.
  31. The dead weight of his guilt was hard to bear.
  32. The dead flowers needed to be replaced.
  33. The dead body was discovered in the abandoned house.
  34. The dead space in the room was filled with furniture.
  35. The dead calm before the storm was eerie.
  36. The dead airwaves transmitted nothing.
  37. The dead of winter often brings the coldest days.
  38. She felt like a dead weight on her friends.
  39. The dead end street was a perfect hiding spot.
  40. The dead man's belongings were auctioned off.
  41. The dead time between meetings felt endless.
  42. The dead grass was a sign of drought.
  43. The dead of night made it easy to sneak out.
  44. The dead end in the conversation left her frustrated.
  45. The dead water in the pond was stagnant.
  46. The dead radio crackled to life unexpectedly.
  47. The dead flower arrangement needed to be thrown away.
  48. The dead man's secrets were buried with him.
  49. The dead tree stood as a reminder of storms past.
  50. The dead zones in the game made it harder to win.
  51. The dead silence was finally broken by laughter.
  52. The dead of winter is often the coldest season.
  53. The dead leaves fell gently to the ground.
  54. The dead body was covered for respect.
  55. The dead end job left him feeling unfulfilled.
  56. The dead time at work was used for planning.
  57. The dead man's legacy lived on through his children.
  58. The dead fish were a result of pollution.
  59. The dead air made the conversation awkward.
  60. The dead weight of the past held her back.
  61. The dead phone needed to be charged.
  62. The dead end in the road led them to a beautiful view.
  63. The dead of summer brought unbearable heat.
  64. The dead flowers were a reminder of time gone by.
  65. The dead zone in the game was difficult to navigate.
  66. The dead man's words echoed in her mind.
  67. The dead winter landscape was hauntingly beautiful.
  68. The dead space in the yard was perfect for a garden.
  69. The dead air in the room made her uneasy.
  70. The dead leaves piled up in the corner.
  71. The dead end of the path was a perfect picnic spot.
  72. The dead of night felt like a dream.
  73. The dead man's story was finally told.
  74. The dead weight of the decision loomed over her.
  75. The dead calm was shattered by the explosion.
  76. The dead grass in the field was a concern for farmers.
  77. The dead fish had to be removed from the tank.
  78. The dead space in her heart yearned for love.
  79. The dead time at the airport was spent reading.
  80. The dead man's watch stopped at the time of his death.
  81. The dead end in the project caused delays.
  82. The dead air was filled with tension.
  83. The dead trees were cut down for safety.
  84. The dead silence in the library was comforting.
  85. The dead of winter was a time for reflection.
  86. The dead end of the street was a perfect spot for kids to play.
  87. The dead flowers in the vase needed to be replaced.
  88. The dead man's legacy was honored at the ceremony.
  89. The dead fish in the aquarium needed to be cleaned.
  90. The dead end of the path led them to a beautiful view.
  91. The dead weight of his past mistakes haunted him.
  92. The dead air in the room was palpable.
  93. The dead leaves crunched underfoot as they walked.
  94. The dead end road was a shortcut to the park.
  95. The dead silence was a stark contrast to the chaos outside.
  96. The dead man's family was grateful for the support.
  97. The dead end job was draining.
  98. The dead of winter brought a sense of stillness.
  99. The dead trees were a reminder of the storm's fury.
  100. The dead space in her heart was slowly filling with hope.