100 Examples of sentences containing the noun "defragmentation"


Defragmentation is the process of reorganizing fragmented data on a storage device, such as a hard drive, to improve efficiency and access speed. This typically involves rearranging the data so that related pieces are stored closer together, reducing the time it takes to read or write files.


  • Defragging
  • Fragmentation
  • Disk optimization
  • Data consolidation
  • File organization


  • Fragmentation
  • Disorganization
  • Disorder
  • Scatter


  1. To improve my computer's performance, I need to defragmentation my hard drive.
  2. Regular defragmentation helps maintain the speed of your system.
  3. After the last update, I noticed I should defragmentation my laptop.
  4. The software automatically defragmentation the files every week.
  5. I scheduled a defragmentation session overnight to optimize my PC.
  6. The technician advised me to defragmentation the disk regularly.
  7. Defragmentation can significantly reduce load times for applications.
  8. It's essential to defragmentation your external drive after heavy use.
  9. The defragmentation process took several hours to complete.
  10. I forgot to defragmentation my computer before the big presentation.
  11. Running a defragmentation tool can help recover lost speed.
  12. After performing the defragmentation, my files were more organized.
  13. To ensure optimal performance, you should frequently defragmentation your drive.
  14. Defragmentation of large files can sometimes lead to better accessibility.
  15. I noticed a significant speed increase after I defragmentation my SSD.
  16. The old operating system required manual defragmentation to function properly.
  17. He recommended I defragmentation the hard drive before installing new software.
  18. A scheduled defragmentation can help prevent slowdowns.
  19. The system automatically defragmentation during idle hours.
  20. I have to remember to defragmentation my system at least once a month.
  21. Defragmentation tools often come built into modern operating systems.
  22. The technician performed a defragmentation to enhance performance.
  23. Before selling my computer, I should defragmentation the hard drive.
  24. The defragmentation utility showed me the status of my files.
  25. I realized I should defragmentation my gaming console’s hard drive.
  26. For better performance, it is advisable to defragmentation often.
  27. The defragmentation process can improve file retrieval times.
  28. My friend taught me how to defragmentation my computer effectively.
  29. Defragmentation can help in freeing up disk space.
  30. I forgot to set my computer to defragmentation last weekend.
  31. Defragmentation is less necessary on solid-state drives compared to mechanical drives.
  32. I noticed that after defragmentation, my PC booted faster.
  33. The defragmentation process can be initiated manually or automatically.
  34. I always defragmentation my system before major updates.
  35. The software provides options to schedule defragmentation tasks.
  36. A quick defragmentation can fix sluggish performance.
  37. Defragmentation is sometimes confused with disk cleanup.
  38. The tutorial explained how to defragmentation a drive effectively.
  39. I was surprised after I defragmentation my computer to find it so responsive.
  40. Defragmentation can be crucial for older machines.
  41. The defragmentation tool is user-friendly and easy to navigate.
  42. It took a while to defragmentation all the files on my external hard drive.
  43. Defragmentation is an important maintenance task for computers.
  44. I decided to defragmentation my laptop before a big project.
  45. The process of defragmentation can take several hours depending on the size of the drive.
  46. After defragmentation, I could access my files much quicker.
  47. I set my computer to defragmentation while I was on vacation.
  48. The defragmentation tool found several fragmented files.
  49. I realized that my computer was slower because I hadn't defragmentation in a while.
  50. Defragmentation is not needed for cloud storage.
  51. The system prompted me to defragmentation due to low performance.
  52. I prefer to defragmentation my drives regularly to avoid issues.
  53. The defragmentation process cleared up space on my hard drive.
  54. He suggested I use a third-party software for better defragmentation.
  55. The advanced defragmentation options allowed for more customization.
  56. I always notice improvements after I defragmentation my system.
  57. The guide recommended that I defragmentation before backing up my files.
  58. I had to defragmentation after installing new applications.
  59. Defragmentation can enhance the overall user experience.
  60. The technician completed the defragmentation in less than an hour.
  61. My computer prompted me to start defragmentation after the last update.
  62. Defragmentation helps in maintaining system health.
  63. I didn’t realize how much faster my computer could be until I defragmentation.
  64. The defragmentation utility provided statistics on disk usage.
  65. I needed to defragmentation my files to improve load times.
  66. The last time I defragmentation, I saw a noticeable difference in performance.
  67. I should have scheduled defragmentation during off-hours.
  68. Defragmentation is often overlooked by most users.
  69. I prefer to defragmentation my computer after major downloads.
  70. Defragmentation can help prevent system crashes.
  71. I found a great tool to help with defragmentation on my PC.
  72. After a long session of gaming, I needed to defragmentation my drive.
  73. The defragmentation process can be set to run automatically.
  74. I was advised to defragmentation my computer every few months.
  75. The defragmentation feature helped me optimize my storage.
  76. I didn’t expect such a quick improvement after defragmentation.
  77. Defragmentation routines can be beneficial for performance.
  78. I often forget to defragmentation my files after updates.
  79. The computer suggested I defragmentation due to decreased speed.
  80. Defragmentation can be part of a regular maintenance routine.
  81. I scheduled a defragmentation to happen during my lunch break.
  82. The defragmentation was successful, and my system felt fresh.
  83. I learned that defragmentation helps with file management.
  84. The tutorial on how to defragmentation was very helpful.
  85. I noticed my system lagged until I performed a defragmentation.
  86. The defragmentation process is sometimes automatic in newer systems.
  87. If you want to speed up your computer, consider defragmentation.
  88. I decided to defragmentation my system after the latest update.
  89. After defragmentation, my files were much easier to access.
  90. Defragmentation can be crucial for older hardware.
  91. The defragmentation tool is essential for maintaining hard drives.
  92. I always run a defragmentation before major projects.
  93. It’s important to defragmentation to keep your computer running smoothly.
  94. I forgot to set my computer to defragmentation last month.
  95. Defragmentation can greatly enhance performance in older machines.
  96. The app provides a reminder to defragmentation regularly.
  97. I noticed a difference in speed after the last defragmentation.
  98. A fast defragmentation tool can save valuable time.
  99. I prefer to defragmentation my drive before backing up important files.
  100. The defragmentation process is essential in avoiding data loss.