100 Examples of sentences containing the noun "destroyer"
The term "destroyer" refers to a person, thing, or force that causes destruction or ruin. In a military context, it often denotes a type of warship designed for the protection of larger vessels, while in a general sense, it can refer to anything that annihilates or significantly diminishes something.
- Annihilator
- Demolisher
- Ruiner
- Wrecker
- Devastator
- Obliterator
- Eradicator
- Terminator
- Slayer
- Vanquisher
- Creator
- Builder
- Constructor
- Preserver
- Protector
- Savior
- Restorer
- Enhancer
- Nurturer
- Benefactor
- The hurricane was a destroyer of homes and livelihoods.
- He felt like a destroyer after the argument ended so badly.
- The old factory was a destroyer of the local environment.
- In mythology, the dragon was often seen as a destroyer of villages.
- The warship was named the USS Destroyer for its formidable capabilities.
- The fire acted as a destroyer of the ancient forest.
- Negativity can be a destroyer of relationships.
- The team was seen as a destroyer of their opponents' hopes.
- The destroyer of his dreams was an unexpected job loss.
- The legislation was viewed as a destroyer of workers' rights.
- The destroyer ship patrolled the coastline.
- She became the destroyer of his confidence with her harsh words.
- Climate change is a destroyer of ecosystems.
- The destroyer of their plans was the sudden rainstorm.
- He was labeled a destroyer after his reckless behavior.
- The tornado was a destroyer that left nothing but debris.
- The destroyer of the ancient ruins was a lack of preservation efforts.
- A destroyer like that could change the course of the battle.
- The villain in the story was a destroyer of worlds.
- The destroyer of the competition was their innovative product.
- In the end, jealousy became the destroyer of their friendship.
- The destroyer of the peaceful village was a brutal invasion.
- The construction crew acted as a destroyer of the old building.
- The destroyer of his happiness was the constant stress.
- Pollution is a destroyer of marine life.
- The destroyer aircraft was equipped with advanced weaponry.
- The destroyer of his credibility was the scandal.
- That storm was a destroyer of crops in the region.
- The destroyer ship was crucial in naval warfare.
- A destroyer of traditions is often met with resistance.
- The reckless driver was a destroyer of peace on the road.
- The destroyer of their dreams was the reality of the economy.
- The destroyer of the ancient city was an earthquake.
- His attitude became a destroyer of team morale.
- The destroyer was praised for its swift actions during the battle.
- The destroyer of the beautiful landscape was urban development.
- They called him a destroyer after the incident at the party.
- The destroyer ship was deployed for search and rescue operations.
- The destroyer of his confidence was a series of failures.
- The earthquake was a destroyer that changed the landscape forever.
- The destroyer of their reputation was the false rumor.
- The destroyer ship's mission was top secret.
- His reckless spending was a destroyer of their savings.
- The destroyer of the peaceful era was the war that broke out.
- She became a destroyer of bad habits with her new lifestyle.
- The destroyer of his ambitions was a lack of support.
- The destroyer of their plans was an unforeseen event.
- The destroyer of the rainforests is illegal logging.
- The destroyer was hailed as a hero after the battle.
- The destroyer of his dreams was the harsh reality of life.
- The destroyer ship led the fleet into battle.
- Her sarcasm was often the destroyer of lighthearted moments.
- The destroyer of the fragile ecosystem was pollution.
- He was labeled a destroyer for his aggressive tactics.
- The destroyer of ancient civilizations often goes unreported.
- The destroyer ship played a key role in the naval victory.
- The destroyer of their marriage was infidelity.
- The wildfire was a destroyer of wildlife habitats.
- The destroyer of their hopes was the rejection letter.
- The destroyer was a pivotal figure in the conflict.
- The destroyer of the fragile peace agreement was a misunderstanding.
- In the movie, the hero fights against a powerful destroyer.
- His negativity became a destroyer of the group's spirit.
- The destroyer ship was equipped with state-of-the-art technology.
- The destroyer of their friendship was a lack of communication.
- The destroyer of beautiful landscapes is often development.
- The destroyer ship was essential for naval defense.
- The destroyer of their dreams was the economic downturn.
- Greed can be a destroyer of even the best relationships.
- The destroyer was praised for its bravery in battle.
- The destroyer of their plans was unexpected weather.
- The destroyer ship was on a mission to protect the coast.
- The destroyer of his self-esteem was constant criticism.
- The destroyer of the ancient artifacts was time and neglect.
- Their ambition was a destroyer of work-life balance.
- The destroyer ship was feared by the enemy forces.
- The destroyer of the peaceful community was the violent protest.
- She became a destroyer of unhealthy habits after her resolution.
- The destroyer of their chances was the lack of preparation.
- The destroyer was known for its speed and agility.
- Poverty can be a destroyer of dreams and aspirations.
- The destroyer of the fragile treaty was a single miscommunication.
- His pessimism became a destroyer of optimism in the team.
- The destroyer ship was involved in a critical mission.
- The destroyer of his spirit was a series of setbacks.
- The destroyer of their plans was unforeseen circumstances.
- A destroyer like that could change the tide of battle.
- The destroyer of the peaceful protest was police intervention.
- The destroyer ship was a key asset in the navy.
- The destroyer of their happiness was the constant fighting.
- The destroyer of the biodiversity was human encroachment.
- The destroyer ship was renowned for its defensive capabilities.
- The destroyer of their relationship was a lack of trust.
- The destroyer of the ancient temple was a devastating storm.
- He was considered a destroyer after his actions at the event.
- The destroyer of their dreams was a lack of opportunity.
- The destroyer ship was instrumental in protecting the fleet.
- The destroyer of their joy was the news of the tragedy.
- The destroyer of the peaceful village was a marauding band.
- The destroyer ship returned victorious from its mission.