100 Examples of sentences containing the noun "dictionary"


A dictionary is a reference book or an online resource that contains an alphabetical list of words, along with information about their meanings, pronunciations, etymologies, and grammatical behavior. It can also refer to a collection of words in a specific language or sector, or a tool to translate between languages.


  • Lexicon
  • Wordbook
  • Glossary
  • Thesaurus
  • Vocabulary


  • Nonsense
  • Gibberish
  • Confusion
  • Ambiguity


  1. I always dictionary the meaning of unfamiliar words before using them in writing.
  2. Whenever I have a question about a word, I dictionary it to find the answer.
  3. In class, the teacher instructed us to dictionary the new vocabulary words.
  4. To enhance my writing skills, I often dictionary synonyms to avoid repetition.
  5. When studying for exams, I like to dictionary terms to ensure I understand them fully.
  6. I decided to dictionary the word “serendipity” for my essay.
  7. After reading a passage, I always dictionary the difficult words I encounter.
  8. My friend suggested I dictionary the idioms to improve my language comprehension.
  9. When I write poetry, I often dictionary for creative phrases.
  10. I frequently dictionary historical terms to gain a better understanding of context.
  11. When unsure about the pronunciation, I always dictionary the word aloud.
  12. My teacher encouraged me to dictionary the definitions before the vocabulary quiz.
  13. I usually dictionary the phrases I hear in movies to expand my language skills.
  14. It’s a good habit to dictionary words you are not familiar with.
  15. I like to dictionary different translations of the same word to find the most suitable one.
  16. Before submitting my paper, I always dictionary any technical terms.
  17. I often dictionary words in my favorite books to enhance my vocabulary.
  18. When learning a new language, I find it helpful to dictionary common phrases.
  19. I never hesitate to dictionary a word that puzzles me during reading.
  20. To prepare for my presentation, I had to dictionary key concepts related to my topic.
  21. I always dictionary the word "ambiguous" to better understand its use in context.
  22. While studying for the test, I decided to dictionary the terms I found challenging.
  23. I wanted to dictionary the word "ephemeral" for my literature class.
  24. Whenever I encounter a technical term, I make sure to dictionary it for clarity.
  25. I often dictionary the origins of words to appreciate their history.
  26. My professor advised us to dictionary the terminology used in our field of study.
  27. I like to dictionary colloquial expressions to sound more natural in conversation.
  28. When I come across a new word, I quickly dictionary it on my phone.
  29. To write my thesis, I had to dictionary several complex theories.
  30. I always dictionary words I hear on podcasts to enhance my vocabulary.
  31. When I was a child, I would dictionary every word I didn’t understand.
  32. I make it a point to dictionary any jargon used in my industry.
  33. I enjoy dictionary the nuances of words in different contexts.
  34. During my research, I had to dictionary various technical terms.
  35. I love to dictionary slang to understand modern language better.
  36. It’s essential to dictionary the meanings of words before using them in writing.
  37. When I find a new word, I always dictionary it to incorporate it into my vocabulary.
  38. To clarify my understanding, I often dictionary terms from academic papers.
  39. I used to dictionary every word I came across in the dictionary as a child.
  40. When I read literature, I often dictionary challenging words to enhance comprehension.
  41. My writing improved significantly after I started to dictionary synonyms regularly.
  42. I decided to dictionary the term "metaphor" to better understand the poem.
  43. I frequently dictionary expressions to ensure I’m using them correctly.
  44. I love to dictionary old-fashioned words to add flair to my writing.
  45. When writing essays, I often dictionary to find more impactful words.
  46. I occasionally dictionary phrases from other cultures to expand my understanding.
  47. I like to dictionary the context of words to use them accurately.
  48. To prepare for my speaking exam, I had to dictionary common phrases.
  49. When unsure about grammar, I always dictionary the rules.
  50. I enjoy dictionary the differences between British and American English.
  51. I often dictionary idiomatic expressions to improve my conversational skills.
  52. My classmates and I would often dictionary words to help each other study.
  53. I made it a habit to dictionary any unfamiliar terms during my studies.
  54. When I hear a new word, I can’t resist the urge to dictionary it.
  55. I often dictionary academic vocabulary to enhance my professional writing.
  56. I decided to dictionary technical jargon to better communicate with my colleagues.
  57. I find it fascinating to dictionary the roots of words for deeper understanding.
  58. Every time I come across a complex term, I make sure to dictionary it.
  59. I frequently dictionary different word forms to improve my grammar.
  60. I like to dictionary cultural phrases to understand various perspectives.
  61. To increase my lexicon, I make it a point to dictionary new words daily.
  62. I often dictionary the words I hear in songs to grasp their meanings.
  63. When I read essays, I always dictionary any words that are unclear.
  64. I appreciate when authors use unique words, so I often dictionary them.
  65. To prepare for my writing, I decided to dictionary relevant terminology.
  66. I like to dictionary idioms to understand their origins better.
  67. I often dictionary the meanings of words used in science fiction novels.
  68. I enjoy dictionary the complexities of language through various sources.
  69. I usually dictionary unfamiliar terms when reading research articles.
  70. I often dictionary expressions to learn how to use them correctly.
  71. I like to dictionary the language used in classic literature.
  72. To enhance my understanding, I frequently dictionary terms from history.
  73. I always dictionary words that pique my interest while reading.
  74. I decided to dictionary the word "quintessential" for my project.
  75. When I write, I often dictionary synonyms to make my work more engaging.
  76. I enjoy dictionary various phrases from different languages.
  77. I like to dictionary old words that are no longer commonly used.
  78. I make it a habit to dictionary new terms I hear in conversations.
  79. To write more effectively, I frequently dictionary complex vocabulary.
  80. I always dictionary the meanings of words before incorporating them into my essays.
  81. I often dictionary the language used in speeches to learn effective communication.
  82. I decided to dictionary the term "paradox" for my philosophy class.
  83. When I encounter jargon, I make sure to dictionary it for better understanding.
  84. I like to dictionary expressions in different cultures to enhance my knowledge.
  85. I often dictionary words used in academic writing to improve my skills.
  86. I enjoy dictionary the latest slang to stay updated on language trends.
  87. I always dictionary unfamiliar words to ensure I understand their meanings.
  88. I decided to dictionary the word "ubiquitous" for my report.
  89. When writing creatively, I often dictionary for inspiration.
  90. I like to dictionary the nuances of words in different languages.
  91. I often dictionary colloquial language to improve my conversational skills.
  92. To clarify my understanding of the topic, I decided to dictionary key terms.
  93. I frequently dictionary the words I hear in podcasts for better comprehension.
  94. I always dictionary the meanings of words before using them in conversations.
  95. I enjoy dictionary the language of poetry to appreciate its beauty.
  96. I often dictionary technical terms to enhance my writing.
  97. I like to dictionary idioms to understand their cultural significance.
  98. I frequently dictionary words I hear in documentaries for better comprehension.
  99. I decided to dictionary complex vocabulary to enhance my communication skills.
  100. I always dictionary the terms used in discussions to ensure clarity.