100 Examples of sentences containing the noun "dinning"


"Dinning" refers to the act of eating a meal, particularly dinner, which is often the main meal of the day. It can also imply the social aspect of sharing a meal with others. In a broader sense, "dinning" can mean producing a loud, continuous noise, often associated with clattering dishes or chatter during a meal.


  • Dining
  • Eating
  • Supping
  • Feasting
  • Banqueting


  • Fasting
  • Starving
  • Abstaining
  • Skipping (a meal)


  1. The family gathered around the table, dinning in joyful conversation.
  2. Every Sunday, we have a tradition of dinning together as a family.
  3. The restaurant was bustling with customers dinning late into the night.
  4. She enjoys dinning at new places to experience different cuisines.
  5. During the holidays, the house is filled with laughter and dinning.
  6. He can hear the sound of people dinning from the kitchen.
  7. We spent the evening dinning and reminiscing about old times.
  8. The couple was dinning by candlelight, creating a romantic atmosphere.
  9. After a long day, dinning with friends was exactly what he needed.
  10. The children were dinning loudly, making it hard to concentrate.
  11. Dinning out is a great way to explore local flavors.
  12. They were dinning in silence, lost in their thoughts.
  13. The clatter of dishes was a reminder of everyone dinning together.
  14. She loves dinning at the beach with the sunset in the background.
  15. We could hear the sound of dinning from the house next door.
  16. The festival featured a large tent for dinning and entertainment.
  17. While dinning, they discussed their plans for the future.
  18. The chef prepared a special menu for those dinning at the event.
  19. Dinning at a fine restaurant can be quite an experience.
  20. The community event brought everyone together for a night of dinning.
  21. He was pleasantly surprised by the quality of food while dinning there.
  22. They spent the afternoon dinning under the stars.
  23. The sounds of dinning filled the air as guests arrived.
  24. After dinning, they moved to the living room for dessert.
  25. Dinning with strangers can lead to new friendships.
  26. She took pleasure in dinning at her favorite Italian restaurant.
  27. The kids were dinning joyfully at the birthday party.
  28. We will be dinning in the garden if the weather permits.
  29. The noise of people dinning was overwhelming at times.
  30. After dinning, they played games and shared stories.
  31. Dinning at a buffet allows you to try a little bit of everything.
  32. The aroma of food made the idea of dinning irresistible.
  33. They were dinning while watching the game on television.
  34. She loved dinning with her book club every month.
  35. The experience of dinning in a new city is always exciting.
  36. Everyone was dinning happily, with plates piled high.
  37. He found it hard to enjoy dinning when the music was too loud.
  38. The art of dinning is as much about the food as it is about the company.
  39. They were dinning, sharing stories from their travels.
  40. The restaurant specializes in dinning experiences that are unforgettable.
  41. A long table was set for dinning and celebrating.
  42. While dinning, the group discussed their favorite books.
  43. Dinning outdoors can be a refreshing change.
  44. They made a reservation for dinning at the new place in town.
  45. The sounds of forks and knives clinking were part of the dinning experience.
  46. He couldn't remember the last time he enjoyed dinning with family.
  47. The children were dinning happily, oblivious to the adults' conversation.
  48. She was dinning alone, enjoying her own company.
  49. The festival was a celebration of food and dinning.
  50. They were dinning on the rooftop, enjoying the view of the city.
  51. After dinning, they took a stroll through the nearby park.
  52. The friends were dinning and laughing until late at night.
  53. The event featured a cooking demonstration followed by dinning.
  54. Dinning can be a communal experience that brings people together.
  55. The couple enjoyed a quiet evening dinning at home.
  56. The table was set beautifully for a dinning experience.
  57. They were dinning as the sun set behind the mountains.
  58. He prefers dinning at places with a cozy atmosphere.
  59. The sounds of dinning created a sense of community in the hall.
  60. They were dinning at the local diner, reminiscing about old times.
  61. She loves the idea of dinning al fresco during summer.
  62. The clinking of glasses was part of the joyful dinning atmosphere.
  63. After dinning, the group moved on to the dessert bar.
  64. The kids enjoyed dinning on pizza while watching a movie.
  65. They had a great time dinning and sharing life updates.
  66. The restaurant was known for its unique dinning experiences.
  67. We were dinning late into the night, sharing laughter and stories.
  68. She had been looking forward to dinning with her friends all week.
  69. The ambiance was perfect for a romantic dinning experience.
  70. They enjoyed dinning at the new fusion restaurant in town.
  71. The adults were dinning while the kids played nearby.
  72. Dinning together is a cherished tradition in many cultures.
  73. After a long day, dinning out felt like a treat.
  74. The chef's special was a highlight of their dinning experience.
  75. They were dinning in the garden, surrounded by flowers.
  76. The laughter during dinning echoed throughout the hall.
  77. Dinning at that restaurant is always a memorable experience.
  78. She enjoyed the process of dinning and trying new dishes.
  79. The clamor of dinning filled the air, creating a lively environment.
  80. They were dinning together for the first time in months.
  81. After dinning, they enjoyed a nightcap at the bar.
  82. The event was designed to encourage people to enjoy dinning together.
  83. He missed dinning with his family during the holidays.
  84. They were dinning outside, enjoying the warm summer evening.
  85. The sounds of dinning created a festive atmosphere.
  86. He found joy in dinning at home with his loved ones.
  87. The community gathered for a night of dinning and dancing.
  88. They were dinning while discussing their next adventure.
  89. The restaurant offered a unique dinning experience with live music.
  90. She was excited about dinning at the new sushi place.
  91. The tradition of dinning together strengthened their bond.
  92. They were dinning at a bustling café, enjoying the ambiance.
  93. The luxury of dinning at a five-star restaurant is unmatched.
  94. The joy of dinning with friends made the evening special.
  95. They planned a surprise for her while dinning together.
  96. The sounds of dinning echoed in the large banquet hall.
  97. The couple enjoyed a quiet evening dinning with candlelight.
  98. She found comfort in dinning at her favorite local eatery.
  99. After a long week, dinning out was a welcome relief.
  100. They were dinning together, sharing laughter and good food.