100 Examples of sentences containing the verb "awake"


The verb Awake means to stop sleeping or to emerge from a state of sleep; to become conscious or alert.


  • Arise
  • Wake
  • Rouse
  • Stir
  • Regain consciousness
  • Get up
  • Come to


  • Sleep
  • Slumber
  • Doze
  • Rest
  • Snooze


  1. I usually awake at dawn to enjoy the sunrise.
  2. She was awake all night, worrying about the exam.
  3. The loud noise from the street made me awake suddenly.
  4. He tried to awake her from her deep sleep.
  5. The alarm clock failed to awake him on time.
  6. I always feel refreshed when I awake early.
  7. As the sun rose, the forest began to awake with sounds.
  8. The baby started to awake when I entered the room.
  9. It took him a moment to fully awake after the nap.
  10. She felt groggy when she first awoke but soon felt better.
  11. The smell of coffee helped to awake his senses.
  12. I couldn't help but smile when I awoke to the sound of birds.
  13. He has a routine that helps him awake energized.
  14. She tried to awaken her creativity after a long break.
  15. The gentle breeze made him feel more awake.
  16. I wish I could awake without an alarm clock.
  17. It’s hard to awake from a dream that feels so real.
  18. I always feel more awake after a cold shower.
  19. The bright sunlight through the window caused me to awake.
  20. I set my alarm to awake me every morning at 6 AM.
  21. The doctor’s voice helped him awake from sedation.
  22. The coffee shop was the perfect place to awake my senses.
  23. She felt her energy awake as she exercised.
  24. The thrilling story kept my mind awake late into the night.
  25. He managed to awake just in time for the meeting.
  26. The excitement of the trip made her awake with anticipation.
  27. He always feels awake after a good night’s sleep.
  28. The sudden noise made her awake with a start.
  29. It took a while for her to fully awake from the anesthesia.
  30. Seeing the beautiful landscape made him awake to the moment.
  31. I like to awake to the sound of gentle music.
  32. She couldn’t believe she was finally awake for the sunrise.
  33. The unexpected news caused her to awake with shock.
  34. He tried to awake his memories from childhood.
  35. The smell of breakfast was enough to awake anyone.
  36. I prefer to awake naturally rather than with an alarm.
  37. The cold wind outside helped him to feel more awake.
  38. As soon as the sun rises, the city begins to awake.
  39. The smell of fresh flowers made her feel awake and alive.
  40. The thrill of adventure kept him awake all night.
  41. He felt his mind awake as he read the exciting book.
  42. The rhythmic sound of the waves made her awake slowly.
  43. She had to awake her sleeping friend for the surprise.
  44. He set a goal to awake early every day this month.
  45. The motivational speech helped him awake to new possibilities.
  46. I feel more awake and alert after a brisk walk.
  47. The movie was so engaging, I didn’t want to awake from it.
  48. The bright lights made everyone awake during the concert.
  49. She finally felt awake after her third cup of coffee.
  50. It’s amazing how a good night’s sleep can make you feel awake.
  51. The lively music made the party come alive and everyone awake.
  52. The sound of laughter made her awake to the joy around her.
  53. Even after a long day, I still manage to awake for my hobbies.
  54. The stunning view from the mountain made him feel awake.
  55. She couldn’t help but awake with a smile on her face.
  56. A good book can keep me awake for hours.
  57. He tried to awake his passion for painting after years.
  58. The bright classroom lights helped the students awake.
  59. She felt a sense of purpose awake within her after the retreat.
  60. The ringing phone helped him to awake from his daydream.
  61. I find it hard to awake early during winter months.
  62. The anticipation of the holiday made everyone awake with excitement.
  63. She felt her spirit awake when she traveled.
  64. The delicious aroma of dinner made everyone awake from their slumber.
  65. I like to awake with a cup of tea in hand.
  66. The surprise party helped to awake his joy for celebrations.
  67. The bright moonlight shining through the window made her awake.
  68. His dedication to fitness helped him to feel awake and strong.
  69. She could hardly awake from the dream that felt so real.
  70. The first sip of coffee made him feel instantly awake.
  71. The joy of reunion made her heart awake with happiness.
  72. I set a goal to awake with gratitude every morning.
  73. The sound of children playing made the park awake with laughter.
  74. She felt more awake after sharing her thoughts with a friend.
  75. The warmth of the sun on her face helped her awake gradually.
  76. His enthusiasm was contagious and made everyone feel awake.
  77. I wish I could awake each morning feeling refreshed.
  78. The beauty of nature can help anyone awake to their surroundings.
  79. The sound of rain helped me to awake gently.
  80. She always feels awake when she practices yoga.
  81. The passion in her voice made his interest awake.
  82. A cool breeze can help you feel more awake during hot days.
  83. The sound of the waves crashing made her feel awake and alive.
  84. He loved to awake early to watch the world come to life.
  85. The excitement of the game kept him awake until the end.
  86. She felt a sense of clarity awake within her after meditation.
  87. The gentle light of dawn made her feel awake to the possibilities of the day.
  88. A compelling story can keep me awake and engaged.
  89. The energy of the crowd made the concert feel awake and electric.
  90. The scent of fresh bread can make anyone awake and hungry.
  91. He loved to awake with the sun rising over the horizon.
  92. The thrill of the unknown made his heart awake with adventure.
  93. The laughter of friends helped everyone feel awake and connected.
  94. She felt her dreams awake as she pursued her passions.
  95. The call of the wild made him awake to his adventurous spirit.
  96. I like to awake with a sense of gratitude for another day.
  97. The bright colors of the sunrise made the world feel awake.
  98. The energy in the room made everyone feel awake and alive.
  99. The joy of learning helped her awake to new ideas.
  100. He felt a spark of inspiration awake as he listened to music.