100 Examples of sentences containing the verb "bemuse"


To bemuse means to confuse or bewilder someone, often leaving them in a state of puzzlement or distraction.


  • Bewilder
  • Confound
  • Perplex
  • Baffle
  • Puzzle
  • Distract


  • Clarify
  • Enlighten
  • Inform
  • Simplify
  • Explain


  1. The magician's tricks always bemuse the audience.
  2. Her complex explanation seemed to bemuse rather than enlighten him.
  3. The unexpected turn of events bemused the entire team.
  4. I was bemused by the contradictory statements made during the meeting.
  5. The intricate plot of the novel bemused many readers.
  6. His vague responses only served to bemuse her further.
  7. The children were bemused by the strange noises coming from the attic.
  8. The comedian's surreal humor often bemuses his fans.
  9. The sudden change in plans bemused everyone involved.
  10. She found the foreign customs to be bemusing at first.
  11. His attempt to explain the science behind it only bemused the layperson.
  12. The artist’s abstract painting seemed to bemuse critics.
  13. I was bemused by the array of choices on the menu.
  14. The professor's lecture was so convoluted it bemused the students.
  15. The bizarre plot twist bemused all the viewers.
  16. Her expression was one of bemusement as she tried to understand the joke.
  17. They seemed bemused by the sudden popularity of the trend.
  18. The complex rules of the game bemused the new players.
  19. His quirky sense of humor often bemuses his friends.
  20. The unexpected answer bemused the entire class.
  21. The situation was so absurd that it only served to bemuse the onlookers.
  22. I was left in a state of bemusement after hearing the news.
  23. His lack of knowledge about the subject only bemused his colleagues.
  24. The film’s ending was deliberately designed to bemuse its audience.
  25. The strange instructions on the package bemused her.
  26. The intricate dance moves completely bemused the spectators.
  27. His nonchalant attitude in a crisis only bemused his friends.
  28. The cultural differences often bemused the tourists.
  29. The riddle was meant to bemuse those who attempted to solve it.
  30. Her reaction to the surprise party was one of utter bemusement.
  31. The professor's theories often bemuse his peers.
  32. The unexpected quiz bemused the students who were unprepared.
  33. The whimsical design of the building bemused the visitors.
  34. The article’s convoluted language bemused many readers.
  35. The difficult math problem continued to bemuse him.
  36. His odd behavior at the party seemed to bemuse everyone.
  37. The contradictory reviews of the movie only served to bemuse potential viewers.
  38. Watching the cat chase its tail was both amusing and bemusing.
  39. The complexity of her emotions bemused him.
  40. The way he explained the project only bemused his new team members.
  41. The mysterious message left him in a state of bemusement.
  42. The elaborate prank bemused everyone who was involved.
  43. The sudden change in her attitude bemused her friends.
  44. The abstract performance art piece left the audience bemused.
  45. His response to the question was so unexpected that it bemused her.
  46. The convoluted plot of the series continued to bemuse its followers.
  47. The peculiar behavior of the dog bemused the onlookers.
  48. The sudden announcement bemused the entire crowd.
  49. The unfamiliar dialect bemused the tourists.
  50. The intricate puzzle was designed to bemuse even the sharpest minds.
  51. The constant changes in plans bemused everyone involved.
  52. The comedian's offbeat style often bemuses his audience.
  53. The odd collection of items in the shop bemused the shoppers.
  54. The unexpected twist in the story bemused the readers.
  55. His lack of awareness about the situation only served to bemuse those around him.
  56. The absurdity of the situation left her feeling bemused.
  57. The unclear directions bemused the delivery driver.
  58. The strange behavior of the characters bemused the audience.
  59. The book's confusing narrative structure bemused many critics.
  60. The elaborate setup of the prank bemused the unsuspecting victim.
  61. The unexpected turn of events left her feeling bemused and uncertain.
  62. The philosophical debate seemed to bemuse the participants.
  63. The unusual artwork in the gallery bemused many of the visitors.
  64. His cryptic message only served to bemuse his friends.
  65. The sudden influx of information bemused the new employee.
  66. The eccentric plot of the film bemused many viewers.
  67. The unexpected response from the audience left the speaker feeling bemused.
  68. The unfamiliar terminology in the report bemused the stakeholders.
  69. The complexity of the legal language bemused the average citizen.
  70. The strange customs of the local people bemused the travelers.
  71. The unexpected result of the experiment bemused the scientists.
  72. The peculiar choices made by the character in the film bemused the audience.
  73. The whimsical nature of the festival bemused the participants.
  74. The elaborate scheme was designed to bemuse the unsuspecting targets.
  75. The unexpected question from the interviewer bemused him.
  76. The intricate details of the painting bemused the art critics.
  77. The strange assortment of food at the buffet bemused the guests.
  78. The unexpected guest at the party bemused the host.
  79. The bizarre dream left her feeling bemused the next morning.
  80. The convoluted instructions for the game bemused the new players.
  81. The complexity of the situation bemused even the experts.
  82. The unusual combination of flavors in the dish bemused the diners.
  83. The peculiar behavior of the cat bemused the children.
  84. The unexpected turn of events bemused the entire cast of characters.
  85. The strange customs practiced by the locals bemused the tourists.
  86. The convoluted plot of the movie continued to bemuse audiences.
  87. The confusing layout of the website bemused the users.
  88. The oddities of the festival bemused the newcomers.
  89. The cryptic message left everyone feeling bemused.
  90. The unexpected twist in the story left her bemused.
  91. The elaborate setup for the surprise party bemused the guests.
  92. The unusual presentation style of the speaker bemused the audience.
  93. The complex relationship dynamics in the novel bemused many readers.
  94. The sudden change in the weather bemused the hikers.
  95. The strange traditions of the community bemused the outsiders.
  96. The artist's bizarre style often bemuses critics and fans alike.
  97. The intricate details of the plan bemused everyone involved.
  98. The unexpected results of the survey bemused the researchers.
  99. The peculiar choice of words in the poem bemused its readers.
  100. The strange behavior of the character in the story bemused the audience.