100 Examples of sentences containing the verb "bereave"


The verb bereave means to deprive someone of a loved one through death, often resulting in profound grief and mourning. It can also refer to the act of taking away or depriving someone of something significant.


  • Deprive
  • Rob
  • Strip
  • Take away
  • Dispossess
  • Divest
  • Remove


  • Provide
  • Enrich
  • Give
  • Restore
  • Return
  • Supply


  1. The sudden loss of her father bereaved her of the guidance she needed.
  2. The war bereaved many families of their loved ones.
  3. The illness bereaved him of his hope for a normal life.
  4. When she was bereaved, her friends rallied around her for support.
  5. The earthquake bereaved the city of its vibrant community.
  6. The tragic accident bereaved the children of their mother.
  7. They felt bereaved when their beloved pet passed away.
  8. Losing a spouse can be incredibly bereaving for many.
  9. The pandemic has bereaved families across the globe.
  10. He was bereaved of his childhood when his family moved away.
  11. The charity aims to support those who have been bereaved recently.
  12. She felt bereaved of her dreams after the sudden job loss.
  13. His passing bereaved the entire neighborhood of its joy.
  14. The community was left bereaved after the tragic fire.
  15. She was bereaved of her innocence after the harsh realities of life set in.
  16. The bereaving process can take years to heal.
  17. The sudden departure of her mentor bereaved her of guidance.
  18. The loss of his best friend bereaved him deeply.
  19. They felt bereaved in the silence that followed the funeral.
  20. The news bereaved the students of their beloved teacher.
  21. The family was bereaved over the weekend by the tragic news.
  22. Her heart felt bereaved after the breakup.
  23. The organization helps those who have been bereaved recover from their loss.
  24. His battle with cancer bereaved him of his strength.
  25. She felt bereaved when her childhood home was sold.
  26. The artist's untimely death bereaved the world of great talent.
  27. The bereaving families found solace in each other.
  28. She was bereaved by the passing of her grandmother.
  29. The documentary highlighted how war bereaves countless people.
  30. Many feel bereaved after losing a long-term pet.
  31. The bereaving process is often filled with stages of grief.
  32. They were bereaved of their traditions as the culture shifted.
  33. The loss of a child can leave parents feeling bereaved for life.
  34. He felt bereaved as he packed away her belongings.
  35. The town felt bereaved after the mayor's unexpected death.
  36. Her heart felt bereaved for years after his departure.
  37. The tragedy bereaved the survivors of their former lives.
  38. It is difficult to articulate the pain of being bereaved.
  39. The school community was bereaved after the loss of a student.
  40. The illness bereaved him of his ability to work.
  41. She bereaved herself of joy after the separation.
  42. The support group helps those who feel bereaved to heal together.
  43. After the accident, she was left feeling bereaved and alone.
  44. The memorial service was a way for the bereaved to come together.
  45. He realized he was bereaved of his childhood memories.
  46. The documentary shed light on how communities are bereaved by violence.
  47. She became bereaved after her brother's tragic death.
  48. The church offered solace to the bereaved families.
  49. They were bereaved of their peace after the conflict began.
  50. The sudden loss bereaved her of her purpose.
  51. The bereaving journey can often feel isolating.
  52. Having bereaved so many, he dedicated his life to helping others.
  53. The bereaved often struggle with feelings of emptiness.
  54. The family felt bereaved, surrounded by memories of the past.
  55. The mentor's passing bereaved her of valuable advice.
  56. He was left bereaved after losing his life partner.
  57. The community came together to support the bereaved.
  58. The funeral left many feeling bereaved and reflective.
  59. His words helped ease the pain of being bereaved.
  60. The lingering sadness of being bereaved never fully fades.
  61. She felt bereaved when she lost her favorite book.
  62. The bereaving of her dreams was the hardest part of the transition.
  63. Many people feel bereaved after a long illness takes a loved one.
  64. The charity’s mission is to aid the bereaved in their recovery.
  65. He was bereaved by the loss of his closest friend.
  66. The bereaving process can be a long and complicated journey.
  67. The sudden storm bereaved the town of its power supply.
  68. She felt bereaved of her time in college after graduation.
  69. They were bereaved of their shared experiences when he moved away.
  70. The unexpected news left everyone feeling bereaved.
  71. The historian studied how wars bereave societies of their youth.
  72. The play depicted a family bereaved by tragedy.
  73. He was bereaved of any semblance of normalcy after the crisis.
  74. The bereaved individuals often share their stories of loss.
  75. The loss bereaved her of any remaining joy in life.
  76. They felt bereaved in the wake of the natural disaster.
  77. The article focused on how to support those who are bereaved.
  78. The bereaving family struggled to cope with their loss.
  79. Her heart felt bereaved as she read the final letter.
  80. The community was bereaved of hope after the tragedy.
  81. The sudden news bereaved the employees of their leader.
  82. The bereaving experience can vary greatly from person to person.
  83. The book chronicles the lives of those who were bereaved.
  84. She felt bereaved when her closest friend moved away.
  85. His illness bereaved him of his vitality.
  86. The memorial for the bereaved was a touching tribute.
  87. Many bereaved individuals find comfort in sharing their experiences.
  88. The documentary highlighted families who were bereaved by violence.
  89. She was bereaved of her peace of mind after the incident.
  90. The town was left bereaved after the devastating floods.
  91. The loss of his job left him feeling bereaved of security.
  92. They were bereaved of their traditions during the cultural shift.
  93. The sudden changes bereaved her of her sense of stability.
  94. The bereaving process can sometimes lead to unexpected connections.
  95. Many find solace in understanding that others are also bereaved.
  96. The film showcased the journey of a bereaved family.
  97. The bereaved individuals often seek therapy to cope with their grief.
  98. The tragedy bereaved the community of its sense of safety.
  99. He felt bereaved of his dreams after the accident.
  100. The support group provides a haven for the bereaved to heal.