100 Examples of sentences containing the verb "bias"
The verb bias means to influence someone’s judgment or perspective in a particular direction, often leading to a distortion of fairness or objectivity. It can also refer to the act of causing a preference or inclination for or against something.
- Influence
- Sway
- Prejudice
- Tilt
- Favor
- Distort
- Cloud
- Slant
- Color
- Neutralize
- Objectivity
- Impartiality
- Fairness
- Equanimity
- Disinterestedness
- The article's tone seemed to bias the reader against the new policy.
- It's important not to bias your research with personal opinions.
- The teacher was careful not to bias her students during the debate.
- Media coverage can often bias public perception of events.
- His experience in the field may bias his judgment on the matter.
- They tried to bias the results by excluding certain data points.
- We need to avoid any actions that could bias the outcome of the experiment.
- The survey was designed to bias respondents towards a specific answer.
- She felt that her upbringing would bias her views on the subject.
- It’s crucial to bias your decisions based on facts rather than emotions.
- Don’t let personal experiences bias your analysis of the situation.
- The coach's favoritism seemed to bias the selection of players for the team.
- The findings may be biased due to the sample size used in the study.
- We should strive to bias our discussions towards constructive criticism.
- His comments were intended to bias the jury before the trial began.
- The company aims to bias its marketing strategy towards younger consumers.
- It’s unethical to bias the process in favor of one candidate over another.
- She tried hard not to bias her opinions when discussing the sensitive topic.
- The documentary aims to bias viewers towards understanding the issue.
- An effective leader should bias their team towards collaboration and support.
- The research was called into question because it appeared to bias the findings.
- They used statistics to bias the results in their favor.
- You should avoid letting personal feelings bias your professional relationships.
- The committee needed to be aware of potential factors that could bias their decisions.
- The artist’s style can bias the viewer’s interpretation of the work.
- To ensure fairness, they must not bias the selection process.
- It’s essential to recognize how our backgrounds can bias our perspectives.
- The news outlet tends to bias its coverage based on political affiliations.
- The study's methodology could potentially bias the results if not carefully controlled.
- They aimed to bias the audience's reaction through emotional storytelling.
- An unbiased approach will help us avoid the pitfalls of bias.
- The research team was cautioned not to bias their conclusions prematurely.
- He was accused of trying to bias the negotiations in his favor.
- Personal beliefs can inadvertently bias professional advice.
- The goal is to bias the project towards sustainability and eco-friendliness.
- It's crucial to examine how social media can bias public opinion.
- The panel discussion was criticized for being biased towards one viewpoint.
- Efforts were made to bias the curriculum to include diverse perspectives.
- The consultant warned against allowing personal experiences to bias the assessment.
- The findings could be seen as biased due to the funding source.
- They worked hard to bias the event towards inclusivity and diversity.
- A good leader should not bias their team based on personal preferences.
- The criticism was aimed at those who bias their writing with opinion rather than fact.
- We must strive to bias our policies towards equity and justice.
- He was careful not to bias the audience with his own beliefs during the presentation.
- An attempt to bias the election results was reported in several media outlets.
- The study failed to account for variables that could bias the results.
- She was accused of trying to bias the hiring process in favor of her friends.
- It is important to bias our approach towards evidence-based practices.
- The documentary seemed to bias its narrative to evoke sympathy for the subject.
- To maintain integrity, we should not bias our evaluations based on assumptions.
- The team's findings were criticized as being biased by their previous experiences.
- They were determined to bias their marketing campaign towards ethical consumers.
- A good analysis should not bias itself towards sensationalism.
- The intent was to bias the discussion towards constructive feedback.
- Journalists are often challenged to avoid bias in their reporting.
- The results of the survey may bias public opinion if misinterpreted.
- The organization aimed to bias its initiatives towards community engagement.
- Academic integrity requires that we do not bias our research with personal views.
- His comments unintentionally bias the perspective of those listening.
- The findings should not be biased by external pressures or influences.
- We should be cautious not to bias our interpretations based on emotions.
- The study could potentially bias future research in the field.
- She tried to bias the conversation towards positive outcomes.
- The film was criticized for its biased portrayal of historical events.
- It's important to bias our conclusions on empirical evidence rather than conjecture.
- The debate was marred by attempts to bias the audience's reactions.
- They sought to bias the policy towards inclusivity and representation.
- The analysis should strive to be as unbiased as possible to maintain credibility.
- He was careful not to bias his students with personal opinions during class.
- The results of the poll might bias the decision-making process.
- The organization must work to bias its programs towards underrepresented communities.
- Avoiding bias is essential in conducting ethical research.
- The article was accused of trying to bias its audience with sensational headlines.
- Their findings could be seen as biased due to the lack of diverse perspectives.
- We must bias our plans towards sustainability for future generations.
- The committee should aim to bias their recommendations based on fairness and equity.
- Her upbringing may bias her views on social issues.
- The marketing team tried to bias the campaign towards younger demographics.
- He made an effort not to bias his review with personal preferences.
- The research design was criticized for potentially biasing the results.
- The organization’s mission is to bias its efforts towards social justice.
- We should bias our training towards practical skills relevant to the job.
- The aim is to bias the dialogue towards mutual understanding and respect.
- The documentary filmmakers tried not to bias the narrative with personal views.
- Their attempts to bias the outcome were met with resistance.
- The findings could be biased if not replicated in other studies.
- It’s essential to bias our approaches based on the needs of the community.
- The review process was designed to bias against favoritism and bias.
- We should strive to bias our discussions towards constructive solutions.
- The teacher made sure not to bias her grading based on personal relationships.
- The board aimed to bias its policies towards transparency and accountability.
- The comments made during the meeting seemed to bias the decision-making process.
- They were careful to bias their conclusions based on solid evidence.
- The article was found to be biased in favor of one political party.
- We must find ways to bias our strategies towards greater inclusivity.
- It's important not to bias your views based on anecdotal evidence.
- The organization works to bias its initiatives towards environmental sustainability.
- The data may bias the interpretation if not analyzed properly.
- To maintain fairness, they must not bias the evaluations based on personal opinions.