100 Examples of sentences containing the verb "blaze"


The verb blaze means to burn brightly and fiercely, to shine with a strong light, or to display a vivid color. It can also refer to the act of moving swiftly and with intensity, or to make a strong impression.


  • Burn
  • Flame
  • Glow
  • Shine
  • Radiate
  • Flash
  • Illuminate
  • Gleam
  • Erupt
  • Burst


  • Extinguish
  • Dull
  • Fade
  • Dim
  • Quench
  • Subdue
  • Smother


  1. The campfire began to blaze as we added more wood.
  2. Her eyes seemed to blaze with excitement when she heard the news.
  3. The sun will blaze overhead during the summer months.
  4. They watched the fireworks blaze in the night sky.
  5. The athlete's performance blazed a trail for future generations.
  6. The forest fire blazed out of control due to the dry conditions.
  7. The neon sign began to blaze as night fell.
  8. His anger blazed like a wildfire.
  9. The colors of the sunset blazed across the horizon.
  10. The torches blazed brightly, guiding the way through the dark.
  11. She felt her cheeks blaze with embarrassment.
  12. The car’s headlights blazed through the fog.
  13. The actor’s talent blazed on the big screen.
  14. The autumn leaves blaze with vibrant colors.
  15. The Olympic torch is meant to blaze for all to see.
  16. The fireworks blazed above the crowd in a spectacular display.
  17. The stars blazed in the clear night sky.
  18. His passion for music blazed during the concert.
  19. The wildfire blazed through the dry brush, leaving destruction in its wake.
  20. Her smile seemed to blaze with warmth and kindness.
  21. The sun will blaze down on the beach this weekend.
  22. The city lights blazed as we looked out from the rooftop.
  23. The artist used bold colors that blazed on the canvas.
  24. The signal fire began to blaze, calling for help.
  25. The champion's spirit blazed brightly during the competition.
  26. The comet blazed across the sky, mesmerizing everyone.
  27. His determination to succeed blazed a path through challenges.
  28. The lanterns blazed on the porch, welcoming guests.
  29. The heat from the fire blazed against our faces.
  30. The athlete's speed blazed past his competitors.
  31. The bonfire blazed high into the night.
  32. Her eyes blazed with determination as she faced her fears.
  33. The colors of the garden blazed in the sunlight.
  34. The revolutionaries’ ideals blazed through the oppressive regime.
  35. The sky blazed with light as the sun set.
  36. The debate blazed with intensity as both sides presented their arguments.
  37. The team’s victory blazed a trail for future successes.
  38. The artist's new exhibit blazed with creativity and innovation.
  39. The fireflies blazed like tiny stars in the summer night.
  40. His reputation blazed a trail in the industry.
  41. The candle blazed brightly in the dark room.
  42. The flames blazed higher as the wind picked up.
  43. Her anger blazed in her eyes when she heard the news.
  44. The path was marked by blazing signs to guide travelers.
  45. The fireworks display blazed for a full twenty minutes.
  46. The team blazed through the playoffs to reach the finals.
  47. The colors of the festival blazed in the streets.
  48. The sun will blaze at noon, so we should find some shade.
  49. His passion for the project blazed through the final presentation.
  50. The trail was blazed by previous explorers.
  51. The lights blazed on the stage, illuminating the performance.
  52. The volcano blazed with molten lava.
  53. The movie’s impact blazed across the film industry.
  54. The candles on the birthday cake blazed brightly.
  55. The passion in her voice blazed through the crowd.
  56. The sky blazed with colors during the sunset.
  57. The flames blazed fiercely, consuming everything in their path.
  58. The athlete's talent blazed through the competition.
  59. The campfire blazed as stories were shared.
  60. His spirit blazed with enthusiasm for the project.
  61. The explosion blazed across the landscape.
  62. The artist's work blazed with originality.
  63. The fireworks blazed and crackled in the night air.
  64. Her laughter blazed through the quiet room.
  65. The sun blazed down on the desert landscape.
  66. The colors of the rainbow blazed after the rain.
  67. The signal blazed brightly, catching their attention.
  68. The speaker's words blazed with passion and conviction.
  69. The campfire blazed as the night grew colder.
  70. The athlete blazed a new record in the race.
  71. The lights blazed in the theater, signaling the start of the show.
  72. His eyes blazed with determination and focus.
  73. The flames blazed up as the fire spread.
  74. The mountain blazed with autumn colors.
  75. She wore a dress that blazed with bright patterns.
  76. The stars blazed in the clear sky above.
  77. The performance blazed with energy and excitement.
  78. The campfire blazed as we roasted marshmallows.
  79. The artist's talent blazed through in every brushstroke.
  80. The fire blazed and crackled in the hearth.
  81. The signal fires blazed across the hills.
  82. His enthusiasm for the project blazed through his presentation.
  83. The sun blazed down on the festival, creating a lively atmosphere.
  84. The colors of the fireworks blazed in the night sky.
  85. The athlete's record blazed a trail for future competitors.
  86. The sunset blazed with hues of orange and pink.
  87. The bonfire blazed on the beach, drawing everyone near.
  88. The path was blazed clearly for newcomers.
  89. The wildfire blazed through the forest, prompting evacuations.
  90. The neon lights blazed as we walked through the city.
  91. The colors of the trees blazed in the autumn sun.
  92. The flame blazed brightly, lighting up the entire room.
  93. His pride blazed as he accepted the award.
  94. The fireworks blazed brilliantly, filling the sky with light.
  95. The athlete's spirit blazed as he crossed the finish line.
  96. The colors of her dress blazed against the backdrop.
  97. The torch blazed in the dark, lighting the way.
  98. The festival blazed with joy and celebration.
  99. The sun blazed in the sky, making it a perfect beach day.
  100. The campfire blazed brightly, illuminating our faces as we shared stories.