100 Examples of sentences containing the verb "blight"


Blight (verb): To cause harm, destruction, or deterioration to something, often leading to decay or failure; to negatively affect the growth or health of plants, crops, or a community.


  • Spoil
  • Ruin
  • Destroy
  • Mar
  • Deteriorate
  • Harm
  • Afflict
  • Impair
  • Damage
  • Erode


  • Nourish
  • Enhance
  • Foster
  • Promote
  • Support
  • Improve
  • Cultivate
  • Enrich
  • Strengthen
  • Revitalize


  1. The sudden frost blighted the entire apple crop this year.
  2. Urban decay has blighted many once-thriving neighborhoods.
  3. The disease blighted the fields, leaving farmers in despair.
  4. Poor leadership can blight a community's spirit and progress.
  5. Neglect and lack of care blighted the once beautiful garden.
  6. The invasive species has blighted the local plants, threatening the ecosystem.
  7. His harsh criticism blighted her confidence in her abilities.
  8. The factory closure blighted the local economy significantly.
  9. Pests can blight crops if not managed properly.
  10. The war blighted the landscape, leaving destruction in its wake.
  11. Deforestation has begun to blight the region, affecting wildlife.
  12. Their toxic relationship blighted her happiness for years.
  13. Overpopulation can blight urban areas, leading to numerous social issues.
  14. The storm blighted many homes along the coast.
  15. Mismanagement can quickly blight a successful business.
  16. Pollution has blighted the river, harming aquatic life.
  17. The scandal blighted his reputation permanently.
  18. The lack of resources blighted their educational opportunities.
  19. Apathy can blight a team's chances of success.
  20. The drought blighted the agricultural sector, raising food prices.
  21. The toxic waste blighted the land for generations.
  22. Unchecked greed can blight even the most promising ventures.
  23. Her negative attitude blighted the team's morale.
  24. The wildfire blighted thousands of acres of forest.
  25. The economic crisis blighted many families' financial stability.
  26. A lack of vision can blight a community's future.
  27. The abandoned lot blighted the neighborhood's appeal.
  28. The poor infrastructure has blighted the city's growth.
  29. The accident blighted his chances for a promotion.
  30. The misuse of funds blighted the charitable organization.
  31. The council's failure to act has blighted community development.
  32. The severe weather conditions blighted the sporting event.
  33. The spread of misinformation can blight public trust.
  34. The artist felt her creativity was blighted by routine.
  35. The lack of investment has blighted the local economy.
  36. The economic downturn blighted many people's hopes for the future.
  37. The late frost blighted the tender blossoms in spring.
  38. His poor choices have blighted his once-promising career.
  39. The invasive weeds quickly blighted the garden's aesthetic.
  40. The chemicals used in farming blighted the soil's health.
  41. The broken promises blighted their relationship.
  42. The unethical practices blighted the company's image.
  43. The heavy rains blighted the outdoor festival.
  44. The lack of community support has blighted the initiative.
  45. The neglect blighted the once vibrant downtown area.
  46. The economic sanctions blighted the country's growth.
  47. The rumors blighted her reputation among peers.
  48. The severe heatwave blighted the summer crops.
  49. The faulty construction blighted the building's integrity.
  50. His pessimism seemed to blight every conversation.
  51. The pandemic has blighted the travel industry extensively.
  52. The oil spill blighted the coastal ecosystem.
  53. The poor living conditions have blighted many lives.
  54. The youth's potential can be blighted by a lack of opportunities.
  55. The harsh winter blighted the town's tourism season.
  56. The decay of infrastructure has blighted the city's reputation.
  57. The pressure from deadlines can blight creativity at times.
  58. The sudden changes in policy blighted the program’s effectiveness.
  59. The wildfire smoke blighted the air quality for miles around.
  60. A lack of empathy can blight interpersonal relationships.
  61. The strike blighted production for several weeks.
  62. The broken promises of the past have blighted their trust.
  63. The infestation of bugs blighted the vegetable patch.
  64. The scandal blighted the politician's career forever.
  65. The overpopulation of deer has blighted the forest habitat.
  66. The economic collapse blighted the hopes of many families.
  67. The poor management decisions blighted the company's future.
  68. The neglect of historical sites has blighted the town's heritage.
  69. The lack of funding has blighted the research project.
  70. The floodwaters blighted the homes near the river.
  71. The broken down vehicles blighted the landscape.
  72. The harsh criticism from peers can blight an artist's spirit.
  73. The lack of healthcare options has blighted the community.
  74. The environmental crisis has blighted future generations' prospects.
  75. The constant negativity can blight a positive work environment.
  76. The abandoned plans blighted the neighborhood's development.
  77. The corporate scandal blighted the company's reputation.
  78. The academic pressure blighted the students' mental health.
  79. The excessive logging blighted the rainforest.
  80. The political unrest has blighted the region's stability.
  81. The abandonment of the project has blighted the area's economy.
  82. The loss of funding has blighted the arts program.
  83. The incessant noise from construction has blighted the peace of the area.
  84. The misinformation campaign blighted public perception.
  85. The oppressive heat blighted the summer activity schedule.
  86. The broken infrastructure has blighted emergency response times.
  87. The lack of vision can blight an organization's growth.
  88. The broken windows blighted the once-proud building.
  89. The prolonged drought blighted their harvest.
  90. The corporate takeover blighted the employees' morale.
  91. The rising crime rates have blighted the community's safety.
  92. The harsh reality of the market can blight new entrepreneurs.
  93. The abandoned fields blighted the landscape of the countryside.
  94. The toxic atmosphere blighted the workplace culture.
  95. The loss of biodiversity has blighted the ecosystem.
  96. The ongoing conflict has blighted the region for decades.
  97. The lack of resources has blighted educational opportunities for many.
  98. The pollution from factories has blighted the air quality.
  99. The historic site was blighted by neglect and decay.
  100. The delay in construction has blighted the city's development plans.