100 Examples of sentences containing the verb "blink"


Blink (verb): To close and open the eyes quickly, often involuntarily, as a reflex to protect the eyes or to moisten them; can also refer to the act of pausing or hesitating briefly.


  • Wink
  • Flash
  • Flicker
  • Glimpse
  • Squint


  • Stare
  • Gaze
  • Focus
  • Look


  1. She couldn't help but blink when the bright light flashed.
  2. I had to blink several times to adjust to the dim room.
  3. He tried to keep his eyes open, but he couldn't stop himself from blinking.
  4. The sudden noise made me blink in surprise.
  5. She gave him a quick blink to signal that it was time to leave.
  6. The dog seemed to blink at the strange sound outside.
  7. As the camera clicked, he remembered to blink naturally.
  8. You might want to blink if you're feeling sleepy.
  9. The bright sun made me blink repeatedly.
  10. I had to blink away my tears before speaking.
  11. He tried not to blink during the intense staring contest.
  12. The child would blink rapidly when excited.
  13. Sometimes, all you need is a moment to blink and regain your focus.
  14. She caught herself blinking in disbelief at the news.
  15. Just a blink of an eye can change everything.
  16. I noticed him blink at the unexpected compliment.
  17. The blinking lights on the dashboard worried me.
  18. It was hard not to blink when the wind blew dust into my eyes.
  19. He felt his eyes blink involuntarily after staring at the screen for too long.
  20. As the question was posed, she took a moment to blink before answering.
  21. The rabbit would blink cautiously as it listened for danger.
  22. After the long meeting, I couldn't help but blink in relief when it ended.
  23. He gave a slow blink, unsure of how to respond.
  24. The magician's trick was so incredible that I could only blink in astonishment.
  25. I often blink when I see something unexpected.
  26. She managed to blink back her tears during the sad movie.
  27. The bright flash made everyone blink in unison.
  28. It took a second for him to blink and realize what had happened.
  29. The sudden movement made her blink in surprise.
  30. I had to blink rapidly to clear my vision.
  31. He would blink slowly as he drifted off to sleep.
  32. The blinking cursor on the screen made it hard to focus.
  33. She tried to maintain eye contact without blinking.
  34. A single blink can sometimes convey more than words.
  35. The cat watched the bird intently, barely daring to blink.
  36. After a long day, all I could do was blink at my pillow.
  37. It’s important to blink often while working on a computer.
  38. He felt the urge to blink as the smoke filled the room.
  39. She gave a quick blink of her eyelashes before smiling.
  40. The headlights made me blink as they approached.
  41. I had to blink a few times to clear my vision in the bright light.
  42. The blink of an eye can change the course of a moment.
  43. He watched the clock, willing it to blink to the end of the workday.
  44. The blinking neon sign caught my attention.
  45. They exchanged a blink of understanding without saying a word.
  46. I tried not to blink when he revealed his secret.
  47. The child loved to blink at the colorful fireworks.
  48. I could feel my eyes start to blink as fatigue set in.
  49. The sudden change in brightness made me blink hard.
  50. I had to blink to keep the sand out of my eyes at the beach.
  51. He gave a slow blink as he processed the information.
  52. The blinking lights were mesmerizing to the children.
  53. She felt the need to blink as she gazed into the sun.
  54. A blink is all it takes for a moment to pass.
  55. The puppy would often blink at his new surroundings.
  56. I couldn’t help but blink when I saw the stunning view.
  57. The blinking message on the screen indicated an error.
  58. She had to blink away the sleepiness before her presentation.
  59. He tried to hold his gaze steady, but he couldn't help but blink.
  60. The sudden movement made me instinctively blink.
  61. She gave a playful blink in response to his joke.
  62. I felt my eyelids blink as the fatigue kicked in.
  63. The blinking red light meant it was time to stop.
  64. He managed to blink through the tears of joy.
  65. The blink of the traffic light signaled it was time to cross.
  66. She felt a sudden urge to blink when the cold wind hit her face.
  67. The baby would blink at her mother in curiosity.
  68. After a long stare, I had to blink to regain my focus.
  69. The performer made sure to blink at the audience.
  70. The bright flash made everyone instinctively blink.
  71. With a gentle blink, she acknowledged his presence.
  72. I tried to keep my eyes open, but they began to blink.
  73. The blinking cursor taunted me as I struggled to write.
  74. They exchanged a quick blink of sympathy during the sad moment.
  75. I had to blink twice before believing my eyes.
  76. The blinking light on the phone signaled an incoming message.
  77. She would often blink slowly when she was tired.
  78. I felt my eyes blink as the sun set.
  79. He couldn't help but blink when he heard the shocking news.
  80. The cat watched intently, barely daring to blink.
  81. I took a moment to blink and take it all in.
  82. The rapid blinking of the lights created a festive atmosphere.
  83. She tried to blink back the frustration she felt.
  84. A quick blink of the eye can often say more than words.
  85. He managed to blink through the pain and keep going.
  86. The sudden brightness made me blink repeatedly.
  87. I tried to keep a straight face but couldn't help but blink.
  88. The child would often blink in excitement at the new toys.
  89. I had to blink quickly to clear my eyes from the tears.
  90. The blinking icon on the computer screen was distracting.
  91. She felt the need to blink when the sun shone directly in her eyes.
  92. It was hard not to blink when confronted with such beauty.
  93. The blinking light indicated a low battery.
  94. He gave a subtle blink of acknowledgment.
  95. The blink of an eye could change everything for her.
  96. She watched the sunset and allowed herself to blink in peace.
  97. The blinking traffic signal guided the cars safely.
  98. I had to blink rapidly as the wind picked up.
  99. The magician’s performance made me blink in awe.
  100. With a final blink, she closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep.