100 Examples of sentences containing the verb "boss"


The verb boss means to give orders to someone in a domineering manner, often implying a position of authority or control over others.


  • Command
  • Direct
  • Manage
  • Supervise
  • Oversee
  • Control
  • Govern
  • Lead
  • Rule
  • Dictate


  • Follow
  • Submit
  • Obey
  • Yield
  • Comply
  • Serve
  • Acquiesce
  • Recede
  • Surrender
  • Submit


  1. She tends to boss her younger siblings around.
  2. It's not polite to boss your colleagues in a meeting.
  3. He was known to boss everyone at the office without a second thought.
  4. The manager decided to boss the project from start to finish.
  5. Don't try to boss me; I can make my own decisions.
  6. They often boss their friends into doing what they want.
  7. It's hard to work with someone who likes to boss others around.
  8. She doesn't like to be bossed by anyone.
  9. I don’t appreciate being bossed by someone who isn’t my superior.
  10. He tends to boss people around even when he’s not in charge.
  11. You shouldn’t boss your teammates; collaboration is key.
  12. She has a way of bossing people without them realizing it.
  13. Don’t boss me; I know how to handle this situation.
  14. He always tries to boss the conversation.
  15. It’s frustrating when someone tries to boss you without authority.
  16. She likes to boss her dog around during training.
  17. He tends to boss his friends when they play games.
  18. You can’t just boss everyone; it creates tension.
  19. I refuse to let anyone boss me in my own home.
  20. She often bosses her coworkers to meet deadlines.
  21. He was bossing around the interns all day.
  22. It’s not fair to boss your peers when you’re on the same level.
  23. She hates it when people try to boss her at work.
  24. He doesn't like to be bossed by anyone at the gym.
  25. The project lead began to boss the team on the new initiative.
  26. Don't boss your friends; they'll appreciate your support more.
  27. He was known to boss the volunteers during the event.
  28. She feels empowered when she gets to boss her team.
  29. You shouldn’t have to boss people; they should follow your lead naturally.
  30. He likes to boss others during their weekend trips.
  31. It’s exhausting to be around someone who constantly bosses others.
  32. She had to boss her kids to finish their homework.
  33. He was trying to boss the discussion, but everyone had their say.
  34. Don’t let anyone boss you; stand your ground.
  35. The director likes to boss everyone on set.
  36. She tried to boss him into making a decision quickly.
  37. He doesn't appreciate being bossed by someone younger.
  38. They often boss each other during group projects.
  39. It’s important not to boss your clients; instead, guide them.
  40. She felt confident enough to boss the team during the presentation.
  41. He tried to boss the situation but ended up causing more confusion.
  42. I don’t want to boss anyone; I prefer a collaborative approach.
  43. She doesn’t like it when her parents try to boss her around.
  44. He realized he shouldn’t boss his friends like he did before.
  45. During the game, he likes to boss the strategy.
  46. She was always bossing the kids at the daycare.
  47. They need someone to boss the operations effectively.
  48. It’s frustrating when someone tries to boss you without knowing the details.
  49. He felt the need to boss the project even though he was not the manager.
  50. Don’t boss me around; I’m capable of making my own choices.
  51. She had to boss her team to stay on track with deadlines.
  52. It’s not right to boss people who are more experienced than you.
  53. He was bossing around the new recruits during training.
  54. I’d rather lead than boss people around.
  55. She enjoys being able to boss her dog during agility training.
  56. It’s important to be assertive without bossing others.
  57. He doesn’t want to boss his employees but guide them instead.
  58. She feels empowered when she can boss the project management.
  59. He was bossed around by his older siblings as a child.
  60. It’s not a good idea to boss your friends into doing things.
  61. She always tries to boss her friends into making plans.
  62. He felt the need to boss the situation during the crisis.
  63. She doesn’t tolerate being bossed by anyone.
  64. It’s exhausting to be around someone who constantly wants to boss others.
  65. He likes to boss his friends during their gaming sessions.
  66. She was bossing the volunteers around to get things done.
  67. It’s better to inspire than to boss people around.
  68. He felt compelled to boss the group project.
  69. She doesn’t like it when people try to boss her at work.
  70. Don’t let anyone boss you; you know your worth.
  71. He tends to boss others when he feels insecure.
  72. She felt proud when she could boss the team effectively.
  73. It’s important not to boss your subordinates without reason.
  74. He always finds a way to boss the group during outings.
  75. She often bosses her brother into helping her.
  76. He was bossing the meeting, which annoyed some attendees.
  77. Don’t boss your way through life; find balance instead.
  78. She enjoys being able to boss her kids to do chores.
  79. He was bossed around by his teacher when he was young.
  80. It’s easy to boss people when you’re in a position of power.
  81. She was tired of being bossed by her friends.
  82. He doesn’t want to seem like he’s trying to boss the team.
  83. Sometimes he needs to boss himself before he can lead others.
  84. She doesn’t appreciate being bossed around at work.
  85. He feels the need to boss everyone when he’s stressed.
  86. She had to boss her group to get things done on time.
  87. It’s not wise to boss people without their respect.
  88. He was bossed by his supervisor during the project.
  89. Don’t boss people around if you want to maintain good relationships.
  90. She tried to boss the conversation but ended up alienating everyone.
  91. He always tried to boss his friends during their outings.
  92. She hates it when people try to boss her in social situations.
  93. He was bossed into doing extra work by his manager.
  94. It’s frustrating to be bossed around when you know better.
  95. She tried to boss the discussion but was met with resistance.
  96. He felt the need to boss everyone during the event planning.
  97. Don’t boss your way through negotiations; be respectful.
  98. She often found herself bossing her peers when necessary.
  99. He was known to boss everyone during team events.
  100. It’s better to lead with kindness than to boss people around.