100 Examples of sentences containing the verb "brat"


The verb brat refers to the act of behaving in a spoiled or childish manner, often displaying petulance or an unwillingness to accept authority or discipline. It can also imply acting in a way that is irritating or annoying to others.


  • Spoil
  • Pamper
  • Indulge
  • Mishandle
  • Coddle


  • Discipline
  • Restrain
  • Correct
  • Educate
  • Train


  1. He tends to brat whenever he doesn't get his way.
  2. Don't brat in front of your guests; it's embarrassing.
  3. She always tries to brat her way into getting more candy.
  4. If you continue to brat, you won't be invited next time.
  5. The child would often brat when his parents said no.
  6. It's not right to brat over trivial matters.
  7. I refuse to brat about my achievements; humility is key.
  8. He doesn't mean to brat, but he struggles with patience.
  9. When she brats, it’s hard to take her seriously.
  10. If you keep bratting, you'll miss out on the fun.
  11. The spoiled child would often brat until he got what he wanted.
  12. I won’t let you brat your way through this situation.
  13. Please don't brat in the grocery store.
  14. He tends to brat when faced with rejection.
  15. It’s important not to brat during a discussion.
  16. Whenever she brats, her friends roll their eyes.
  17. I saw him brat about the smallest inconveniences.
  18. The dog seemed to brat for attention instead of sitting quietly.
  19. If you brat, you'll only make things worse for yourself.
  20. It's hard not to brat when you're feeling neglected.
  21. She always finds a way to brat her way back into the spotlight.
  22. He doesn't realize how much he brats in public.
  23. You need to stop bratting and start listening.
  24. It's not cool to brat over your privilege.
  25. I wish you wouldn’t brat about your wealth.
  26. The toddler began to brat when he saw the toy.
  27. She tends to brat when her friends don't agree with her.
  28. Every time he brats, his parents give in.
  29. I don't want to brat, but I feel overlooked.
  30. If you continue to brat, you will find yourself alone.
  31. He can’t help but brat when he’s tired.
  32. The team's performance made him brat in frustration.
  33. She was told not to brat during the meeting.
  34. It’s annoying when he brats about his grades.
  35. I heard him brat when he didn’t get the promotion.
  36. They had to remind him not to brat at the dinner table.
  37. Whenever she brats, it ruins the mood.
  38. Stop bratting and start cooperating with the team.
  39. He often brats when he feels insecure.
  40. Don't brat in class; it distracts everyone.
  41. She felt the urge to brat when things went wrong.
  42. It’s unacceptable to brat in a professional setting.
  43. He was warned not to brat during the presentation.
  44. She couldn’t help but brat about her new shoes.
  45. The older sibling tried to teach the younger one not to brat.
  46. His constant bratting was starting to annoy everyone.
  47. You need to stop bratting and start being responsible.
  48. The teacher had to address the student’s tendency to brat.
  49. He always seems to brat when he’s tired or hungry.
  50. I noticed that whenever she brats, it draws attention.
  51. The parents were embarrassed by their child's bratting.
  52. If you brat, you’ll be sent to your room.
  53. He would often brat until he got the last slice of pizza.
  54. She felt the need to brat when her idea was dismissed.
  55. His bratting was a sign of deeper issues.
  56. The parent tried to correct the child’s bratting behavior.
  57. It's frustrating to see adults who still brat like children.
  58. She promised not to brat during the family outing.
  59. He often brats after a long day at work.
  60. The child learned that bratting only led to disappointment.
  61. You can't just brat and expect everyone to cater to you.
  62. The coach had a talk with him about his bratting during practice.
  63. Some people just don't know when to stop bratting.
  64. If you want friends, you can't keep bratting.
  65. She tried to brat her way into getting more dessert.
  66. His bratting was out of character for such a mature individual.
  67. It’s not wise to brat in front of authority figures.
  68. She had to learn that bratting wouldn’t solve her problems.
  69. Whenever he brats, I can’t help but laugh.
  70. The teacher had to address the issue of bratting in class.
  71. He often used bratting as a way to cope with stress.
  72. Stop bratting and start appreciating what you have.
  73. She felt embarrassed after bratting in front of her friends.
  74. His bratting made it hard for others to work with him.
  75. I wish he wouldn't brat so much during discussions.
  76. The little girl was told not to brat over her toys.
  77. Every time he didn’t get his way, he would brat.
  78. They had to teach the child that bratting is not acceptable.
  79. His constant bratting made him unpopular.
  80. She realized that bratting wouldn't change the outcome.
  81. The toddler would brat until he got the cookie.
  82. Every time she felt ignored, she would brat for attention.
  83. I couldn't believe how much he bratted during the movie.
  84. The teacher had a strict policy against bratting.
  85. He regretted his bratting when he saw the consequences.
  86. It’s hard to respect someone who constantly brats.
  87. If you keep bratting, no one will want to be around you.
  88. She decided to stop bratting and start being more mature.
  89. His bratting behavior was a call for help.
  90. The child learned that bratting wouldn't win him friends.
  91. I tried not to brat when I didn't get my way.
  92. She felt guilty after bratting in front of her parents.
  93. His friends told him to stop bratting and grow up.
  94. The manager addressed the issue of bratting in the workplace.
  95. The child was punished for his bratting at the party.
  96. She knew her bratting was unreasonable after thinking it over.
  97. Don't brat when things don't go your way; it won't help.
  98. His bratting was a sign that he needed more attention.
  99. The parent was tired of the endless bratting from their child.
  100. She promised herself she would never brat again after that incident.