100 Examples of sentences containing the verb "breastfeed"
Breastfeed (verb): To feed a baby or young child with milk directly from the breast. This practice provides essential nutrients and antibodies to the infant, fostering a strong bond between mother and child.
- Nurture
- Feed
- Lactate
- Suckle
- Nourish
- Wean
- Bottle-feed
- Supplement
- She decided to breastfeed her newborn for the first six months.
- Many mothers choose to breastfeed their babies for health benefits.
- It is important to breastfeed in a comfortable position.
- Some women find it difficult to breastfeed after returning to work.
- The hospital provided resources to help her breastfeed successfully.
- The nurse encouraged her to breastfeed on demand.
- She plans to breastfeed until her child is at least one year old.
- It’s important to learn how to breastfeed correctly to avoid discomfort.
- They attended a class to understand how to breastfeed effectively.
- She feels empowered to breastfeed in public.
- Many cultures support mothers who choose to breastfeed.
- The benefits of breastfeeding include improved immunity for the baby.
- He supports his partner's choice to breastfeed their child.
- She found it easier to breastfeed after consulting a lactation expert.
- They created a cozy space for her to breastfeed comfortably.
- She had to adjust her diet to maintain her ability to breastfeed.
- The baby instinctively knows how to breastfeed right after birth.
- Some mothers may need to breastfeed with the help of a pillow.
- She shared her experience of learning to breastfeed.
- It is essential for mothers to feel supported while they breastfeed.
- He often helped her by bringing the baby when she was ready to breastfeed.
- Many mothers experience challenges when they first try to breastfeed.
- The mother was proud to breastfeed her twins.
- She felt an immediate bond with her baby while she breastfed.
- Breastfeeding can help reduce the risk of certain diseases in the baby.
- The organization promotes the benefits of breastfeeding.
- She made the decision to breastfeed after reading numerous articles.
- It’s common for new mothers to seek advice on how to breastfeed.
- Some women may choose to breastfeed exclusively for several months.
- She learned various techniques to help her breastfeed with ease.
- The pediatrician recommended that she breastfeed for the first year.
- She often shared tips on how to successfully breastfeed.
- It’s important to create a calm environment to breastfeed.
- The support group helped her feel more confident to breastfeed.
- She discovered that she could breastfeed while traveling.
- The mother and baby quickly found a rhythm for breastfeeding.
- She was surprised by how much she enjoyed breastfeeding.
- Some mothers face societal pressure regarding their choice to breastfeed.
- She expressed her milk when she couldn't breastfeed directly.
- They decorated the nursery to make it a nice place to breastfeed.
- It was a learning experience to breastfeed in public.
- She often read while she breastfed to make the most of her time.
- The community center offered workshops on how to breastfeed.
- She used a shawl for privacy while she breastfed.
- The baby became more alert during the times she would breastfeed.
- She was grateful for the resources that helped her breastfeed.
- Some mothers prefer to breastfeed in a private room.
- She felt proud to breastfeed her baby until they were toddlers.
- The mother took breaks to hydrate while she breastfed.
- She connected with other mothers to discuss their breastfeeding journeys.
- It was important to her to breastfeed as long as possible.
- They introduced solid foods while continuing to breastfeed.
- The baby found comfort while she would breastfeed.
- She created a playlist to listen to while she breastfed.
- The lactation consultant helped her perfect her breastfeeding technique.
- The community celebrated breastfeeding awareness week.
- She made sure to breastfeed before going out for the day.
- It was a special moment when she first got to breastfeed.
- She learned the importance of relaxation while she breastfed.
- The mother felt empowered to breastfeed in any situation.
- She often posted about her breastfeeding experiences online.
- They discussed the pros and cons of breastfeeding vs. formula feeding.
- She received gifts that supported her ability to breastfeed.
- The organization advocated for the right to breastfeed anywhere.
- She joined an online forum for mothers who breastfeed.
- The baby seemed calm and content while she breastfed.
- She took a class specifically about how to breastfeed multiples.
- Many of her friends encouraged her to breastfeed.
- The hospital room was set up to support her desire to breastfeed.
- She enjoyed learning about the nutritional benefits of breastfeeding.
- She felt reassured by the support she received to breastfeed.
- They had a special routine for when she would breastfeed.
- The baby instinctively latched on when she began to breastfeed.
- She felt liberated to breastfeed wherever she was.
- The pediatrician praised her commitment to breastfeed.
- She used a breast pump to allow others to help with breastfeeding.
- The family celebrated their journey into breastfeeding.
- She documented her breastfeeding journey for future reference.
- She felt more relaxed after practicing mindfulness while she breastfed.
- They invested in a comfortable chair for her to breastfeed.
- She appreciated the flexibility that came with being able to breastfeed.
- The baby showed signs of hunger when it was time to breastfeed.
- They discussed the emotional aspects of breastfeeding.
- She was motivated to breastfeed by her own mother’s experience.
- The baby fell asleep peacefully after she finished breastfeeding.
- She felt a sense of accomplishment each time she was able to breastfeed.
- The support group taught her various ways to breastfeed comfortably.
- She shared her breastfeeding challenges with close friends.
- The mother had to adjust her schedule to accommodate breastfeeding.
- She felt inspired by stories of other mothers who breastfeed.
- The baby began to gain weight steadily as she continued to breastfeed.
- She found joy in the quiet moments spent breastfeeding.
- The community offered resources to help new moms breastfeed.
- She often researched tips to improve her breastfeeding experience.
- The baby eagerly looked for her when it was time to breastfeed.
- She felt confident enough to breastfeed in public settings.
- The family planned outings that accommodated her need to breastfeed.
- She found that breastfeeding helped with the baby’s sleep patterns.
- She was grateful for the positive feedback she received about breastfeeding.
- The journey of learning to breastfeed brought them closer together.