100 Examples of sentences containing the verb "calumniate"


Calumniate (verb): To make false and defamatory statements about someone; to slander or libel.


  • Slander
  • Defame
  • Malign
  • Denigrate
  • Accuse
  • Vilify
  • Disparage
  • Revile
  • Traduc


  • Praise
  • Exonerate
  • Honor
  • Laud
  • Commend
  • Uphold
  • Support
  • Defend
  • Validate


  1. She was quick to calumniate her rival during the heated debate.
  2. The politician faced backlash after his opponents attempted to calumniate his character.
  3. It's unjust to calumniate someone without evidence.
  4. The article was written to calumniate the company's reputation.
  5. His intention was not to calumniate but to seek the truth.
  6. They tried to calumniate her achievements out of jealousy.
  7. It is harmful to calumniate others for personal gain.
  8. Some people will calumniate you if they feel threatened by your success.
  9. The witness chose to calumniate the defendant rather than tell the truth.
  10. It was disheartening to see friends calumniate each other over trivial issues.
  11. She refused to calumniate her colleagues, believing in teamwork over rivalry.
  12. The rumors were designed to calumniate his longstanding reputation.
  13. If you calumniate your competitors, you may face legal consequences.
  14. To calumniate someone without proof is a serious offense.
  15. The goal was to calumniate the organization to weaken its influence.
  16. He will always regret the times he chose to calumniate others.
  17. They sought to calumniate the scientist's findings to protect their interests.
  18. It's better to confront someone than to calumniate them behind their back.
  19. His accusations were proven false, and he was forced to retract his calumniate claims.
  20. The media was accused of trying to calumniate the celebrity's image.
  21. It’s unethical to calumniate anyone based on hearsay.
  22. Some individuals feel empowered to calumniate others when anonymity is involved.
  23. They attempted to calumniate her by spreading lies about her past.
  24. Rather than calumniate, he chose to focus on the positive contributions.
  25. The documentary aimed to calumniate the controversial figure.
  26. She refused to let anyone calumniate her name without repercussions.
  27. Those who calumniate often do so to divert attention from their own flaws.
  28. There are laws against calumniate behavior in many jurisdictions.
  29. To calumniate someone can lead to a lawsuit for defamation.
  30. The rumor mill began to calumniate her when she became successful.
  31. He always tried to calumniate his opponents in order to win elections.
  32. The community was divided over how to handle those who calumniate others.
  33. He felt compelled to calumniate her after being slighted.
  34. The strategy was to calumniate the whistleblower to silence them.
  35. You can’t blame others for trying to calumniate a person they envy.
  36. It’s a shame how easily some people can calumniate without remorse.
  37. The decision to calumniate her was a desperate move by the failing team.
  38. Those who calumniate often reveal their own insecurities.
  39. To calumniate someone online can have serious consequences.
  40. The court case was centered around whether he had calumniate his neighbor.
  41. She was determined to fight back against anyone who would calumniate her.
  42. The intent to calumniate became clear when the evidence was reviewed.
  43. He would not stoop to calumniate his fellow competitors.
  44. The public outcry was due to the media's decision to calumniate the athlete.
  45. You should never calumniate others to elevate yourself.
  46. The backlash was swift against those who attempted to calumniate her.
  47. It's common for jealous individuals to calumniate the successful.
  48. Instead of supporting their friend, they chose to calumniate her.
  49. The need to calumniate often stems from deep-rooted issues.
  50. He lost friends when he decided to calumniate instead of communicate.
  51. The consequences of calumniate actions can last a lifetime.
  52. They wanted to calumniate the charity to undermine its efforts.
  53. To calumniate someone is to play a dangerous game with reputations.
  54. When faced with criticism, some resort to calumniate others.
  55. She was devastated to learn people would calumniate her for no reason.
  56. He had to defend himself against attempts to calumniate his credentials.
  57. The decision to calumniate was met with widespread disapproval.
  58. It is shameful to calumniate those who are already vulnerable.
  59. The group was disbanded after members began to calumniate each other.
  60. The desire to calumniate often reflects personal inadequacies.
  61. To calumniate is to risk losing one’s integrity.
  62. He found it easier to calumniate than to confront his fears.
  63. The documentary aimed to calumniate the prominent figure.
  64. The urge to calumniate can often be suppressed by ethical values.
  65. She vowed never to calumniate anyone after witnessing the damage it causes.
  66. They sought to calumniate him to distract from their own failures.
  67. No one should have to endure being calumniate in public.
  68. The team was accused of trying to calumniate their strongest player.
  69. It’s disheartening when people calumniate without knowing the facts.
  70. He was caught trying to calumniate his business partner.
  71. The rise of social media has made it easier to calumniate others anonymously.
  72. It’s important to speak out against those who calumniate.
  73. The act of trying to calumniate was seen as cowardly.
  74. She had to clear her name after being calumniate online.
  75. To calumniate someone is to undermine the very fabric of society.
  76. There was no basis to calumniate the innocent man.
  77. He felt compelled to calumniate her to make himself look better.
  78. The organization faced severe backlash for attempting to calumniate a rival.
  79. The judge ruled against those who sought to calumniate without proof.
  80. It’s easier to calumniate than to build someone up.
  81. She found it appalling that anyone would calumniate such a good person.
  82. The decision to calumniate was a reflection of their own insecurities.
  83. It’s vital to challenge those who calumniate others.
  84. The fallout from his calumniate comments was immediate and severe.
  85. To calumniate is to betray the trust of those around you.
  86. He realized too late that to calumniate would only harm himself.
  87. The company took legal action against those who attempted to calumniate its image.
  88. They tried to calumniate her in an effort to reclaim their status.
  89. The culture of calumniate can be toxic in any organization.
  90. She fought back against attempts to calumniate her work.
  91. To calumniate is to engage in an act of moral cowardice.
  92. The community rallied to support her against those who would calumniate.
  93. He learned that it’s far better to uplift than to calumniate.
  94. The fallout from his calumniate remarks was felt for years.
  95. She was shocked to discover her friends would calumniate her.
  96. The desire to calumniate often masks deeper issues.
  97. The backlash from the calumniate campaign was swift and unforgiving.
  98. It’s unacceptable to calumniate anyone without substantial proof.
  99. He had to navigate the consequences of trying to calumniate a coworker.
  100. The truth has a way of surfacing, even when people try to calumniate.