100 Examples of sentences containing the verb "capsize"
Capsize (verb): To overturn or tip over a boat or vessel in water, causing it to turn upside down.
- Overturn
- Tip over
- Upset
- Invert
- Roll over
- Right
- Stabilize
- Balance
- Steady
- Secure
- The storm was so fierce that it caused the small boat to capsize.
- Everyone was safe after the canoe began to capsize in the rough waters.
- It’s important to know how to react if your kayak should capsize.
- The weight distribution was off, leading the sailboat to capsize.
- He managed to swim to shore after his fishing boat capsized.
- The sudden wave caused the yacht to capsize unexpectedly.
- We learned in class how to prevent a vessel from capsizing.
- The children were excited to see what happens when a boat capsizes.
- Her quick thinking prevented the jet ski from capsizing.
- The instructor demonstrated how to recover from a capsized kayak.
- After the boat capsized, they clung to it until help arrived.
- Strong winds can quickly capsize an unsteady vessel.
- The lifeguards were trained to assist anyone who had capsized.
- He was terrified when the raft began to capsize.
- The team worked together to avoid a capsizing incident during the race.
- The boat's design was flawed, which made it prone to capsizing.
- To capsize a boat intentionally can be a part of certain training exercises.
- She watched in horror as the sailboat capsized during the regatta.
- The instructions warned that the canoe could easily capsize if not handled properly.
- They used ballast to ensure the ship wouldn’t capsize.
- The rough seas caused many boats to capsize that day.
- After the accident, the crew learned valuable lessons about preventing capsizing.
- He felt a sense of relief once he realized they had not capsized.
- The thrill of the waves almost made them forget the risk of capsizing.
- A sudden shift in weight can lead to a boat capsizing.
- The documentary showed how to rescue people from a capsized boat.
- They practiced righting a capsized vessel as part of their training.
- The capsizing of the ferry made headlines around the world.
- The boat's hull was not designed to withstand a capsize.
- During the storm, we watched boats capsize in the distance.
- He feared that the small kayak would capsize if they paddled too hard.
- The thrill-seekers attempted to capsize their raft for fun.
- She fell overboard when the boat began to capsize.
- Their quick response helped prevent the capsizing of their boat.
- The capsized vessel was a reminder of the dangers of the sea.
- After the rain, the river swelled and caused many boats to capsize.
- They learned how to right a capsized canoe in a few easy steps.
- The coast guard responded quickly to reports of a capsized ship.
- The capsizing incident could have been avoided with better safety measures.
- It took several hours to locate the capsized boat in the fog.
- He showed his friends how to avoid capsizing when paddling.
- The crew was trained to deal with emergencies like a capsized vessel.
- The kids laughed when their inflatable boat began to capsize.
- He was nervous about the possibility of the kayak capsizing.
- The capsized boat floated away from the shore.
- They practiced emergency drills in case their ship should capsize.
- The guide warned the tourists that the river could easily cause them to capsize.
- After the capsizing, they regrouped and assessed the situation.
- The research showed that most capsizing incidents occur in bad weather.
- The boat was designed to be unsinkable, but it still capsized.
- The sudden gust of wind made the sailboat capsize.
- They learned how to use a life jacket effectively to avoid drowning after a capsize.
- The capsizing of the boat was a terrifying experience for everyone on board.
- The team was determined to keep their boat from capsizing during the competition.
- During the training, they simulated a capsize to test their skills.
- The buoyancy aids helped keep the crew safe after the boat capsized.
- They quickly swam back to the capsized vessel to retrieve their gear.
- Understanding the mechanics of balance is crucial to prevent capsizing.
- He felt helpless as he watched the boat capsize.
- The capsized kayak was eventually recovered by the rescue team.
- She learned to stay calm when faced with a capsizing situation.
- Their lack of experience led to the capsizing of the dinghy.
- He recounted the story of how they narrowly avoided a capsizing.
- The safety briefing included how to respond to a capsized boat.
- The river currents were strong enough to capsize an unprepared canoe.
- After their boat capsized, they used their paddles to stay afloat.
- The capsizing incident highlighted the need for better safety regulations.
- They had to abandon ship when the vessel began to capsize.
- The excitement of the ride turned into fear when the boat threatened to capsize.
- She remembered the day their raft capsized in the rapids.
- The capsizing of the yacht was a shocking event for the sailors.
- They discussed strategies to prevent their boat from capsizing.
- The capsized vessel became a hazard for other boats in the area.
- He had training in how to deal with a capsized boat.
- The crew worked tirelessly to salvage the cargo after the capsizing.
- The stormy weather was a significant factor in the boat's capsizing.
- He was relieved to find that no one was injured in the capsizing.
- Her heart raced when the jet ski began to capsize.
- The safety equipment was designed to assist in the event of a capsize.
- They quickly regrouped after their raft capsized.
- The capsizing of the boat was a lesson learned for everyone involved.
- The thrill of the ride turned to panic when the wave caused them to capsize.
- He had heard stories of boats capsizing but had never experienced it himself.
- After the capsizing, they were grateful for their life vests.
- The boat's ballast system failed, leading to a capsize.
- They practiced how to right a capsized sailboat in their lessons.
- The capsizing occurred in a matter of seconds, catching everyone off guard.
- They managed to swim to safety after their boat capsized.
- The capsized vessel was marked for recovery the next day.
- They were able to prevent the capsizing by shifting their weight.
- The thrill-seeking group attempted to capsize their inflatable raft on purpose.
- The capsizing of the small boat was a reminder of the sea's unpredictability.
- The guide emphasized the importance of balance to avoid capsizing.
- The incident report detailed the events leading to the capsizing.
- They took turns practicing righting a capsized kayak.
- The capsized boat became a focal point for the rescue teams.
- They were prepared for any emergency, including a potential capsize.
- The waves were too strong, and they knew their canoe was at risk of capsizing.
- The capsizing incident prompted a review of safety procedures.
- They were grateful for their training after experiencing a capsize firsthand.